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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

2929. U. S. Coast Guard Standard [Flag]. c.1950

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2929. U. S. Coast Guard Standard [Flag]. c.1950

2929. [flag] U. S. Coast Guard Standard [Flag]. c.1950-. Official U. S. Coast Guard Standard from Coast Guard Station Centre Moriches, Long Island, New York. Large Coast Guard Standard measures 50” x 66”. This flag is from the estate of a retired Coast Guardsman from Long Island, having served at the Center and East Moriches stations and was given to him on his retirement in the 1950’s. Flag was manufactured for Coast Guard use and is completely intact, made of nylon bunting. An illustration in 1917 shows the Coast Guard standard as a white flag with a blue eagle with and 13 stars in a semi-circle surrounding it. At a later date, the words, “United States Coast Guard– Semper Paratus” were added. After 1950, the semi-circle of stars was changed to the circle containing 13 stars. The Coast Guard standard is used during parades and ceremonies and is sometimes adorned by battle streamers. The Coast Guard is unique to the other services for they have two official flags, the Coast Guard standard and the Coast Guard ensign. Flag consists of blue eagle holding a red-white stripped shield, with bunched stars, “United States Coast Guard– Semper Paratus” in blue surrounding on white field. Flag is complete with sewn in leather attachments in hem. Manufacturer not noted. Rare find, wonderful for your display. Very nice condition, only light soiling. (VG+). $74 net. (similar shown in b/w)