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33154. Palmer, Rob. A Fireman in the Making: Manhattan 1904. Dorrance Pub. 2024.
33141. Ripa, Kelly. Live Wire – Long-Winded Short Stories. Deyst. Harper Collins. 2022.
13408. Henry, Ellen J. The Lighthouse Service and the Great War. Ponce Inlet. 2013.
33114. Panayotoff, Theodore and Linda Miller. Up Here: The Hunting Island Lighthouse and its Lightkeepers. Lydia Inglett. 2024.
33092. Larzelera, Alex R. The Coast Guard in World War I – An Untold Story. 2003 Naval Institute Press.
33089. Eldridge, Dana. Cape Cod Lucky In Another Time. Stony Brook Group. 2000.
33086. Brokaw, Tom. The Greatest Generation. Dell Publishing. 2001
33076. Lawless, Debra. Chatham From the Second World War to the Age of Aquarius. History Press. 2010
33068. Chatham Historical Society. Three Centuries in a Cape Cod Village: The Story of Chatham. Schiffer. 2012
33062. Hubka, Thomas C. Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn – The Connected Farm Buildings of New England. University Press of New England. 1984.
33063. Finch, Robert. A Place Apart – A Cape Cod Reader. Countryman Press. 2009.
33064. Macy, Obed. The History of Nantucket – Being a Compendious Account of the First Settlement of the Island by the English Together With the Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery. 1885. 2nd
21253. Kittredge, Henry C. Cape Cod – Its People And Their History. Parnassus. 1968. 2nd
33059. Whalen, Richard F. Truro – The Story of a Cape Cod Town. Whalen. 2002.
33050. Simons, Ben (Ed) et al. Sconset: A History. Nantucket Historical Association. 2008
33049. Crafts, Frederic A. Jr., Remembering Monomoy. Crafts. 2015
33047. Sparrow, Donald B. A Cape Cod Native Returns – You Can Go Home Again. Great Oaks. 2002
33046. Mooney, Robert F. Nantucket Only Yesterday – An Island View of the Twentieth Century. Wesco. 2000
33015. Moore, Carlton. The Coast Guard Rescue of the Seabreeze Off the Outer Banks: On the Wings of Angels. History Press. 2021.
2117. Carbone, Elisa. STORM WARRIORS. New York. 2001
2392. Noble, Dennis. THE RESCUE OF THE GALE RUNNER – Death, Heroism, and the U. S. Coast Guard. Gainesville. 2002
33011. Greene, Jerome A., Historic Structure Report – Historical Data Component. Little Kinnakeet Life-Saving Station (1874-1915)/Coast Guard Station (1915-1954), Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina. National Park Service. Harpers Ferry. 1987. (Reprint 2005)
33010. Field, Ron. BLUEJACKETS: Uniforms of the United States Navy in the Civil War Period 1852 – 1885. Schiffer. 2010.
14130. Conway, J. North and Jesse Dubuc. Attack of the HMS Nimrod – Wareham and the War of 1812. Charleston. 2014.
21433. Sapulski, Wayne. LIGHTHOUSES OF LAKE MICHIGAN – Past and Present. Manchester. 2001.
Weintraub, Aileen. Great Lighthouses of North America Series. New York. 2003
31059. Novello, Joe. Master Chief Thomas McAdams: The Stories That Made the Legend Triumphs and Tragedies at Sea. 2021. Independently published
21199. na. HATTERAS KEEPERS ORAL AND FAMILY HISTORIES, edited by Cheryl Shelton-Roberts with Family History Research by Sandra MacLean Clunies. 2001.
13399. O’Neil, Wayne R. Man & The Sea – Shipwrecks of Southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon 1792-1949. 2013. Long Beach.
33001. na. 500 Years of the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond 1514 – 2014. Text by Neil Jones. 2014. Corporation of Trinity House.
32183. Beyer, Rick and Elizabeth Sayles. The Ghost Army of World War II : How One Top-Secret Unit Deceived the Enemy with Inflatable Tanks, Sound Effects, and Other Audacious Fakery (Updated Edition). 2023. PA Press, New York.
13177. de Quesada, Alejandro. The U.S. Home Front 1941-45. Osprey. 2008.
2314. Cassells, Ian. NO MORE PARAFFIN-OILERS. Scotland. 2000.
2313. Krauskopf, Sharma. A YEAR AT THE LIGHTHOUSE. Scotland. 2002.
23208. Haraden, Christopher J., STORM OF THE CENTURY. Hanover. 2003.
13457. Duffus, Kevin. War Zone: World War II Off the North Carolina Coast. Looking Glass Productions. 2012
8244. Roberts, Bruce and Ray Jones. AMERICAN LIGHTHOUSES – A Definitive Guide. Globe Pequot.
23568. Duncan, Dayton and Ken Burns. HORATIO’S DRIVE – America’s First Road Trip. New York. 2003
L-116. Hyland, James Ward III. LIGHTHOUSES. New York. 2000
1807. Boylan, James and Betsy Wade. Stonington’s Old Lighthouse and It’s Keepers 1840-2013. Stonington Historical Society, 2013.
32167. McDowell, Stuart. The Last Lighthouse Keeper. McDowell. 2023
22280. Graumont, Raoul and Hohn Hensel. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOTS AND FANCY ROPE WORK. Centreville. 1952
32162. Quinn, William P., ORLEANS – A SMALL CAPE COD TOWN with an EATRAORDINARY HISTORY. Orleans. 2012.
32161. na. Cape Elizabeth – Past to Present. Town of Cape Elizabeth. 1991.
32163. Offerman, Nick. Good Clean Fun – Misadventures in Sawdust at Offerman Woodshop. Dutton. 2016
9264. Bathurst, Bella. THE LIGHTHOUSE STEVENSONS. New York. 1999.
1739. (novel) Schroeder, David M. The Surfman. 2013.
3030. Clifford, Mary L. and J. Candace Clifford. When the Southern Lights Went Dark – The Lighthouse Establishment During the Civil War. Globe Pequot. 2020.
32142. Goudie, Doug ‘VB’. ACK in Ashes Nantucket s Great Fire of 1846. 2016. 310p. Soft Wraps.
32144. Parsons, Richard. Wood Island Lighthouse – Stories From the Edge of the Sea. 2022. History Press. 224p.
32145. Wilding, Don. Cape Cod and the Portland Gale of 1898. History Press. 2023.
All of our Arcadia Publishing Company Lighthouse, Life-Saving Service and Coast Guard titles in stock, dated 2015 or earlier are 50% off suggested retail price. No other discounts may apply.
31086. Tucker, Michael F. United States Army Cap Insignia 1902-1975. Dorrance. 2021.
31062. Sharkey, Alan J. Collectors Guide The Royal Life Saving Society Bronze Medallion 1891-1991. 2020.
31065. Griffin, Matthew. Tales of Old Harbor. 2021.
15218. Richmond, Arthur P. Massachusetts Lighthouses and Lightships. Schiffer. 2013
15228. Richmond, Arthur P. Lighthouses and Lightships of Rhode Island. Schiffer. 2015
28348. Wilkinson, William D. and CDR Timothy R. Dring, USNR (Retired). American Coastal Rescue Craft – A Design History Of Coastal Rescue Craft Used By The United States Life-Saving Service And The United States Coast Guard. 2009
1876. Oleszewski, Wes. World War II & the Great Lakes – Submarines, Bombers and Ore Boats. Avery. 2018.
1601. Dolin, Eric Jay. Brilliant Beacons – A History of the American Lighthouse. 2016. 1st. 448p. Stiff wraps. DJ.
6697. Thompson, Frederic L., THE LIGHTSHIPS OF CAPE COD. 1996.
6721. Jennings, Harold B. A LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY. Orleans. 1989.
26249. Clark, Admont. LIGHTHOUSES OF CAPE COD, MARTHA’S VINEYARD, NANTUCKET – Their History and Lore. Beverly. 2006.
7209. Shelton-Roberts, Cheryl. LIGHTHOUSE FAMILIES. 1997 / 2006. Hard & Soft cover.
22510. Marcus, John. LIGHTHOUSES OF NEW ENGLAND – Your Guide to Lighthouses of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Long Island. Stillwater. 2001.
20207. Quinn, William P., SHIPWRECKS AROUND NEW ENGLAND. Orleans. 1979
20335. Stonehouse, Frederick. LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS & COAST GUARD CUTTERS – Heroic Lighthouse Keepers and the Coast Guard Cutters Named After Them. Gwinn. 2000.
20362. Scituate Historical Society, SCITUATE . Arcadia. 2000.
BR-101. Stonehouse, Frederick. GREAT LAKES LIGHTHOUSE TALES. Gwinn , Michigan . 1998.
21457. Stonehouse, Frederick. WOMEN AND THE LAKES. Gwinn. 2001.
2122. Peterson, William D., UNITED STATES LIFE-SAVING SERVICE IN MICHIGAN. Arcadia. 2001.
27296. Kirklin, Wayne. LIGHTSHIPS: Floating Lighthouses Of The Mid-Atlantic. History Press. 2007
2398. Larzelere, Alex R., THE COAST GUARD IN WORLD WAR I – An Untold Story. Annapolis. 2003. 240 p.
22512. DeWire, Elinore. LIGHTHOUSES OF THE MID-ATLANTIC COAST – Your Guide to Lighthouses of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. Stillwater. 2002.
1506. na. Cape Lookout National Seashore. Cape Lookout Lighthouse Keeper’s Dwelling ( 1907) Historic Structure Report. NPS. 2004.
12206. Gaskill, John. JOHN GASKILL REMEMBERS – An Autobiography. La Porte City Printing & Design, La Porte City, Iowa, 2007.
21508. Krauskopf, Sharma. SCOTTISH LIGHTHOUSES. Guilford. 2001.
10453. Schoenewolff, Thomas. Lightships of the United States of America, 2010. Volume I, II, III
9241. Roberts, Bruce and Cheryl Shelton, and Thomas Yocum. CAPE HATTERAS: AMERICA’S LIGHTHOUSE – Guardian of the Graveyard of the Atlantic. 1999. 144p.
22513. Leffingwell, Randy and Pamela Welty. LIGHTHOUSES OF THE PACIFIC COAST – Your Guide to Lighthouses of California, Oregon and Washington. Stillwater. 2002.
20355. Oleszewski, Wes. GREAT LAKES LIGHTHOUSES – AMERICAN & CANADIAN. 1998. Gwinn, MI.
20172. Oleszewski, Wes. KEEPERS OF VALOR – Lakeboats, Lifesavers & Lighthouses. 2000. Gwinn, MI
23317. Oleszewski, Wes. TRUE TALES OF GHOSTS & GALES. 2003. Gwinn, MI.
23375. Cahill, Robert E. HAUNTED SHIPS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC. Salem. 1997.
23374. Cahill, Robert E. NEW ENGLAND’S CHRISTMAS MEMORIES. Salem. 1993
28340. Meehan, James D. When Life Was a Day at the Beach – An Oral History of the Delaware Coast 1907-1952. Bethany Beach. 2007
10426. Richmond, Arthur P. Cape Cod Lighthouses and Lightships. Schiffer 2010
3192. Hairr, John. SOUTH CAROLINA LIGHTHOUSES – Past and Present. 2002.
L-49. Treasury Dept. , U.S. Coast Guard. LIST OF LIGHTS GREAT LAKES AND CANADA
THE LIFEBOAT AND OTHER POEMS, With a Record of Eighteen Years Service
21104. Finnerty, Cheryl Anne. LIGHTHOUSES OF BOSTON HARBOR – Past & Present. Seminole. 2001
2588. Karch, Mary. UNDER THE LIGHTHOUSE – Memories of Barnegat City. Harvey Cedars. 2004.
25137. Batchelor, John. NORTH AMERICAN LIGHTHOUSES COLORING BOOK. New York. 1995
26133. Fischer, Katrina Sigsbee and Alex A. Hurst. ANTON OTTO FISCHER: Marine Artist. Nantucket
26164. Kellogg, James [ed]. Burke, Harry Rosencrans. FROM THE DAY’S JOURNEY
2743. Fredrickson, Arthur C. and Lucy F. FREDRICKSON’S HISTORY OF THE ANN ARBOR AUTO AND TRAIN FERRIES – Complete With Pictures.
27199. Ewing, Wallace K and David H. Seibold. MARITIME GRAND HAVEN: COAST GUARD CITY USA. 2006
27155. Waugh, Chris. MISTY MEMORIES OF GUARD ISLAND, ALASKA – Ketchikan’s Legacy of a Lighthouse Family. Newport. 2006
28218. Author(s): The Air Station Elizabeth City Wardroom. Coast Guard Base Elizabeth City. 2008
28216. Clary, Margie Willis and Kim McDermott. South Carolina Lighthouses. 2008
28212. Fahlen, Kim and Karen Scanlon. Lighthouses of San Diego.
28202. Raffield, John C. BIRTH PLACES OF U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTERS, SMALL BOATS, AND STATIONS – PANAMA CITY, FL. – A Seventy Four Year History 1933-2007.Jacksonville. 2007
2908. Hanable, William S. Lighthouses and Lifesaving on Washington’s Outer Coast. Arcadia. 2008.
9191. Eldridge, Dana. Cape Cod Lucky – In Another Time. Brewster. 2000.
12149. Wright, John Hardy. Provincetown Volume II
1292. Stonehouse, Frederick. Wood On The Bottom- Great Lakes Shipwrecks. Avery. 2012
1468. Grohman, Adam M. Sentinels and Saviors of the Sea – A Collection of United States Coast Guard History. Volume 2. Grohman. 2014.
1777. (reprint) [Excerpts – Services of Crews] Annual Reports of the Operations of the Life-Saving Service
1775. (reprint) U.S. Life-Saving Service. Instructions to Mariners in Case of Shipwreck With Information Concerning the Life-Saving Stations Upon the Coasts of the United States
1774. (reprint) U.S. Light-House Establishment. Specifications for a First-Order Light House (Brick Tower). October 1861
1773. (reprint) U.S. Light-House Establishment. Specifications for A Light-Keeper’s Dwelling. (Frame) June 1877
1772. (reprint) U.S. Light-House Establishment. Specifications for a Double Dwelling for the Keepers of First Order Lights.
1855. D’Entremont, Jeremy. Wave-Swept Lighthouses of New England.
1859. Ketenheim, Bob. Coast Guard Cutter Taney. 2018
1978. Hartman, Capt. Jeffrey D. USCG (Retired). Icebreaking Alaska. 2014
20518. Krietemeyer, Capt. George E., THE COAST GUARDSMAN’S MANUAL. Annapolis. 2000. 9th ed.
22179s. Glidden, Helene. THE LIGHT ON THE ISLAND – Tales of a Lighthouse Keeper’s Family in the San Juan Islands. Woodinville. 2001.
9421. Gowdy, Jim & Kim Ruth. GUIDING LIGHTS OF THE DELAWARE RIVER AND BAY. Sweetwater, NJ., 1999
20230. Farson, Robert H., TWELVE MEN DOWN – Massachusetts Sea Rescues. Yarmouth Port. 2000.
27179b. Kroll, C. Douglas. COMMODORE ELLSWORTH P. BERTHOLF – First Commandant of the Coast Guard. Annapolis. 2002
12480. Salvadore, Joseph E. and Joan Berkey. U.S. Coast Guard Training Center at Cape May. Arcadia. 2012
1343. Workman, Capt. Robert B. Jr. USCG (Ret.), Float Planes And Flying Boats – The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation. Naval Institute Press. 2012
13174. Galecki, Bryan. Rum Runners, U-boats, & Hurricanes: The Complete History of the Coast Guard Cutters Bedloe and Jackson. Pine Belt. 2005
12134. Dresser, Thomas. Disaster off Martha’s Vineyard. Charleston. 2012.
12180. Grieder, James Everett and Georgen Charnes. Nantucket. Arcadia. 2012
14120. Dresser, Thomas, Herb Foster & Jay Schofield. Martha’s Vineyard in World War II. Charleston. 2014.
1613. Webber, Bernie. Lightships, Lighthouses, and Lifeboat Stations: A Memoir and History. 2015
1602. Webber, Bernie. Into a Raging Sea : My Life and the Pendleton Rescue. On Cape. 2016
11337. Cann, Donald J., John J. Galluzzo, Capt. W. Russell Webster, USCG (Ret.). The Coast Guard in Massachusetts. 2011
2074. Clifford, J. Candace and Mary Louise Clifford. NINETEENTH-CENTURY LIGHTS – Historic Images of American Lighthouses. Alexandria. 2000
2789. THEY HAD TO GO OUT – True Stories of America’s Coastal Life Savers From The Pages of “Wreck & Rescue Journal”. Gwinn. 2007
1701. Grayson, Matthew S. Lighthouses, Cutters and Lifeboat Stations: Life and Times of Rodger D. Dewey, BMCM 28 years in the United States Coast Guard. 2016
2806. Cavallaro, Lenny and Lou Cook, Bob Jannoni. SOLVED: The Mystery of the General Arnold. Carver. 2007.
23370. Witzell, Susan Fletcher, Jane A. McLaughlin and Mary Lou Smith. NEW ENGLAND VIEWS – THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF BALDWIN COOLIDGE (1845-1928).
28261. Harrison, Timothy. Lighthouses of the Sunrise County. Foghorn Publishing. 2008
2998. Harrison, Timothy E. Lighthouses of Bar Harbor and the Acadia Region. Arcadia. 2009.
1002. Crowell, Marnie Reed. Mark Island Light. Sunset, Maine. 2009.
24389. Clifford, J. Candace and Mary Louise Clifford. MAINE LIGHTHOUSES: DOCUMENTATION OF THEIR PAST. Alexandria 2004
2217. Department of Commerce. Lighthouse Service. INSTRUCTIONS TO LIGHT KEEPERS. Wash. GPO. 1911.
12484. Corbett, Gordon. Keeper of the Light. FogHorn. 2012
2312. MacAlindin, Bob. NO PORT IN A STORM. Scotland . 2000
27301. Rongner, George E. LIFE ABOARD A COAST GUARD LIGHTSHIP. Infinity Publishing. 2007
11341. Sherrard, Raymond H. (Special Agent, Ret., U.S. Treasury Department). The Encyclopedia of Federal Law Enforcement Patches. Garden Grove. 2000
1383. Field, Ron. Blue Jackets: Uniforms of the United States Navy in the Civil War Period 1852-1865.
1382. Volume 6: Weapons, Equipment, Insignia: Submarine Service, PT Boats, Coast Guard, other Sea Services. Schiffer 2008
1019. Foster, Colonel Frank C. and Lawrence H. Borts. Military Medals of the United States. Fountain Inn. 2010
29261. Borch, Fred L. and Charles P. McDowell. Sea Service Medals – Military Awards and Decorations of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Annapolis. 2009
28209. Morris, Patricia. Georgia’s Lighthouses. Arcadia Publishing. 2008.
2057. Hairr, John. FLORIDA LIGHTHOUSES. Arcadia Publishing. 1999.
Roberts, Bruce and Ray Jones Lighthouse books CLEARANCE PRICED at Only $7.95 each:
11350. Daly, Janet M. Chatham. Arcadia. 2002.
12261. Morris, Paul C. A Captain from Cape Cod – The Merchant Fleets of Crowell & Thurlow. Orleans. 2002
1605. Williams, Joseph A. Seventeen Fathoms Deep – The Saga of the Submarine S-4 Disaster. 2015. Chicago Review Press
24353. Planisek, Sandy. RELIVING LIGHTHOUSE MEMORIES 1930’S – 1970’S. GLLKA. 2004.
2512. Noble, Dennis. RESCUED BY THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD – Great Acts of Heroism since 1878. Annapolis. 2005
2589. Buchholz, Margaret Thomas. NEW JERSEY SHIPWRECKS – 350 Years in the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Harvey Cedars. 2004
2541. Tongue, Stephen D. LANTERNS & LIFEBOATS – A History of Thunder Bay Island. Alpena. 2004.
13424. Barbo, Theresa Mitchell, Captain W. Russell Webster (ret) and Julia Marshall. The Daring Coast Guard Rescue of the Pendleton Crew. Charleston. 2013.
25158. Evans-Hylton, Patrick. LIGHTHOUSES AND LIFESAVING STATIONS OF VIRGINIA. Arcadia. 2005.
2338b. Grant, John. STAYING AT A LIGHTHOUSE – America’s Most Romantic Lighthouse Inns. Guilford. 2005.
27259. Barbo, Theresa M., John J. Galluzo and W. Russell Webster.THE PENDLETON DISASTER OFF CAPE COD: THE GREATEST SMALL BOAT RESCUE IN COAST GUARD HISTORY. History Press. 2007.
25238. D’Entremont, Jeremy. THE LIGHTHOUSES OF CONNECTICUT. Beverly. 2005.
2232. Trapani, Robert Jr., INDIAN RIVER LIFE-SAVING STATION… JOURNEY ALONG THE SANDS… THE U.S. LIFE-SAVING YEARS, 1876-1915. Virginia Beach. 2002.
25230. MacAlindin, Bob. PRISONERS OF THE SEA. Milford Haven. Milford Haven. 1999
23379. Hahn-Pedersen, Morten. DANISH NORTH SEA LIGHTSHIPS. Esbjerg . Denmark 1991
2629. Clifford, J. Candace and Mary Louise. MIND THE LIGHT KATIE: THE HISTORY OF THIRTY-THREE FEMALE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS. Alexandria. 2006.
2699. D’Entremont, Jeremy. THE LIGHTHOUSES OF RHODE ISLAND. Beverly. 2006
1259. na. Lighthouses of the World. Globe Pequot. 1998.
26135. Harrison, Timothy E. PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT – A Pictorial Journey Through Time. Wells. 2006.
26193. DeRaps, Ernest G. (US Coast Guard, Retired) and Pauline E Fitzgerald DeRaps. LIGHTHOUSE KEEPING / LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. Wells. 2006.
26211. LaGuardia-Kotite, Martha J. So Others May Live – Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers: Saving Lives, Defying Death. Guilford. 2006.
26239. Butts, Ed. GUIDING LIGHTS TRAGIC SHADOWS. Toronto. 2006.
26264. Snyder, James D. A LIGHT IN THE WILDERNESS The Story of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & the Southeast Florida Frontier. North Palm Beach. 2006
26349. Boyer, Marie-France. SPIRIT OF THE SEA. New York. 2003.
26348. Duncan, Robert C., Roger S. Duncan, W. Wallace Fenn, and Paul W. Fenn THE CRUISING GUIDE TO THE NEW ENGLAND COAST- Including the Hudson River, Long Island Sound, and the Coast of New Brunswick. New York. 2002.
26315. Wermiel, Sara E. LIGHTHOUSES: Norton/Library of Congress Visual Sourcebooks in Architecture, Design & Engineering. New York. 2006.
2790. Dalton , J. W., THE LIFE SAVERS OF CAPE COD . 1902. Reprint 1991 Parnassus.
27108. Roberts, William. LIGHTHOUSES AND LIVING ALONG THE FLORIDA GULF COAST. Bloomington. 2005.
27101. Szelog, Thomas and Lee Ann Szelog. OUR POINT OF VIEW – Fourteen Years at a Maine Lighthouse. 2007
27200. Roales, Judith. DELAWARE LIGHTHOUSES AND RANGE LIGHTS. Arcadia. 2007.
27223. Sutherland, Kenneth G. UNITED STATES COAST GUARD HARBOR PATROL FLEET 1924-1980. Bloomington. 2007.
27330. D’Entremont, Jeremy. THE LIGHTHOUSES OF MASSACHUSETTS. Beverly. 2007.
2890. Coston, Martha J., SIGNAL SUCCESS. The Work and Travels of Mrs. Martha J. Coston. An Autobiography. Kessinger. 2007.
28162. Floca, Brian. LIGHTSHIP. New York. 2007.
28155. Campbell, Lyall. Sable Island Shipwrecks – Disaster and Survival at the North Atlantic Graveyard. Nimbus. 1994.
28215. Taylor, Cathy. Maryland’s Lighthouses. Arcadia. 2008.
28213. Veronico, Betty S. Lighthouses of the Bay Area. Arcadia. 2008.
28196. Hill, Peter. Stargazing – Memoirs of a Young Lighthouse Keeper. Knopf. 2004.
28192. Raffield, John C. UNITED STATES COAST GUARD STATION ~ PANAMA CITY – A Seventy Two Year History 1933-2005. Jacksonville. 2005.
28169. Thurlow, Sandra Henderson and Deanna Wintercorn. GILBERT’S BAR HOUSE OF REFUGE – Home of History. Stuart. 2008
28129. Galluzzo, John. Lifesavers of the South Shore – A History of Rescue and Loss. History Press. 2008.
28308. Ellsberg, Commander Edward. On the Bottom. Flat Hammock Press. 2004.
28240. Buker, Commander George E., THE METAL LIFE CAR- The Inventor, the Impostor, and the Business of Lifesaving. Univ. Alabama Press. 2008.
8298. Bachelder, Peter Dow and Mason Philip Smith. FOUR SHORT BLASTS – The Gale of 1898 and the Loss of the Steamer Portland . 1998.
28365. Shaw, David W. The Sea Shall Embrace Them – The Tragic Story of the Steamship Arctic. Free Press. 2002.
28319. Peterson, Harold L., THE AMERICAN SWORD 1775 – 1945 – A survey of the Swords Worn by the Uniformed Forces of the United States from the Revolution to the close of World War II. Dover. 2003.
28418. Patten, Juliana Fern. Another Side of World War II: A Coast Guard Lieutenant in the South Pacific. Shippensburg. 2006.
28426. Steinberg, Maurice “Moe” RM 3/c. A Sailor at War: On the Greenland Patrol – WWII. Xlibris. 2002
2907. Barnette, Michael. Florida’s Shipwrecks. Arcadia. 2008
15208. Lawrence, Matthew, John Galluzzo and Deborah Marx. Shipwrecks of Stellwagen Bank: Disaster in New England’s National Marine Sanctuary. History Press. 2015.
1728. Milmore, Art. And The Sea Shall Have Them All. Self. 2016
3024. Conway, J. North. Wreck of the Portland: A Doomed Ship, A Violent Storm, and New England’s Worst Maritime Disaster. Rowman & Littlefield. 2019.
2097. Egan, Leona Rust. PROVINCETOWN AS A STAGE. Parnassus, Orleans. 1994.
2984. Metzer, Patty. Keeper of the Light. Focus. 1997
2998. Harrison, Timothy E. Lighthouses of Bar Harbor and the Acadia Region. Arcadia. 2009.
29163. James, Barry C. Lighting the Way – A History of the Copper Harbor Lighthouse. Copper Harbor. 2000
29190. Eldridge, Dana. Once Upon Cape Cod; From Cockle Cove to the Powder Hole. Brewster. 1997
29203. Philbrick, Nathaniel. Away Off Shore: Nantucket Island and Its People, 1602-1890. Nantucket. 1993
29173. Chance, Toby and Peter Williams. Lighthouses – The Race to Illuminate the World. London. 2008
29303. Meininger, William F. Recollections of Thirty-Two Years in the U.S. Coast Guard, and Other Ramblings. Authorhouse. 2008.
29310. Helvarg, David. Rescue Warriors: The U.S. Coast Guard, America’s Forgotten Heroes. Thomas Dunne Books. 2009
29325. Karentz, Varoujan. Beavertail Light Station on Conanicut Island. Booksurge. 2008.
10122. Coast Guard Sector San Diego. The Coast Guard in San Diego. Arcadia. 2010.
10121. St. Germain, Paul. Twin Lights of Thacher Island, Cape Ann. Arcadia. 2010.
10180. Thompson, Kalee. Deadliest Sea: The Untold Story Behind the Greatest Rescue in Coast Guard History. New York. 2010
10115. Benchley, Rob and Robert D. Felch. Keeping the Light – The Epic Move and Preservation of Nantucket’s Sankaty Head Lighthouse. Sconset Trust. 2009.
10395. Lee, Ila G., Children of the Lighthouse. Bloomington. 2003
10397. Collins, George M. To Guide, Guard, and Rescue: Building the Yaquina Lighthouses, Jetties, and Life-Saving Station. Newport. 2010.
10490. Costello, Linda, and Bruce Foster, Wendy Edelson, Al Mitchell. Lighthouses – A Pop-Up Gallery of America’s Most Beloved Beacons. Thunder Bay Press. 2007
10509. Medlicott, Gordon. An Illuminating Experience. Whittles. 2009.
10507. Morrison-Low, A. D. Northern Lights: The Age of Scottish Lighthouses. National Museum of Scotland. 2010
10508. Owens, James E. U. S. Life Saving Coloring Book. Schiffer. 2010
1133. Costopoulos, Nina. Lighthouse Ghosts and Legends. Crane Hill. 2003
7452. Noble, Dennis L., LIGHTHOUSES & KEEPERS – The U. S. Lighthouse Service and Its Legacy. Annapolis. 1997.
1165. Castro-Bran, Rose. Lighthouses of the Ventura Coast. Arcadia. 2011.
23254s. Jones, Ray. THE LIGHTHOUSE ENCYCLOPEDIA – A Definitive Reference. Guilford. 2004
1171. na. RESCUE – True Stories of the U.S. Life Saving Service. Avery. 2011.
11162. Contino, H.S. Shipwrecks of Coos County. Arcadia. 2011.
11340. Sherrard, Raymond H. (Special Agent, Ret., U.S. Treasury Department), Keith D. Bushey and Jacob A. Bushey. The Centurions’ Shield. Garden Grove. 1996.
11337. Cann, Donald J., John J. Galluzzo, Capt. W. Russell Webster, USCG (Ret.). The Coast Guard in Massachusetts. Arcadia. 2011
11411. Lee, James J. III. Spermaceti Cove Life-Saving Station – Historic Structure Report. Harpers Ferry. 2008
11431. Whalen, Richard F., Everyday Life in Truro – From the Indians to the Victorians. Charleston. 2008.
11478. Arrigo, Joseph A. Historic Northern Lighthouses Coloring Book. Apple-Wood. 2002
21430. Wright, David & David Zoby. FIRE ON THE BEACH – Recovering the Lost Story of Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island Lifesavers. New York. 2000.
1215. Sicchio, Mary. The Forgotten Cape: 1940-1960. Arcadia. 2007
12148. Wright, John Hardy. Provincetown Volume I. Arcadia. 1997.
12112. Dresser, Thomas. The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha’s Vineyard – COLONIZATION TO RECOGNITION. History Press. 2011.
12113. The Fyddeye Guide to America’s Lighthouses: 750+ Lighthouses, Lightships, and Life-Saving Stations You Can Visit Today! Seattle. 2012
2739, 8446. Smith, Robert H. SMITH’S GUIDE TO MARITIME MUSEUMS OF NORTH AMERICA Including CANADA. (various editions)
12193. Shaw, Allison. To The Harbor Light – Lighthouses of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket & Cape Cod. Vineyard Stories. 2012
12197. Dunlop, Tom. The Chappy Ferry Book. Back and Forth Between Two Worlds ~ 527 Feet Apart. Vineyard Stories. 2012.
1278. Cheek, Richard, John Updike and Robert E Cook. Land of the Commonwealth: A Portrait of the Conserved Landscapes of Massachusetts. Trustees of Reservations. 2000.
12297. Cuzzart, Melissa Leigh. From Surfman to Petty Officer: The History and Legacy of the U.S. Life-Saving Service and the U.S. Coast Guard at Cape Lookout, North Carolina. Proquest. 2009.
12211. Wood, Allan. New England Lighthouses: Famous Shipwrecks, Rescues, & Other Tales. Schiffer. 2012
12492. Epstein, Becky Sue and Ed Jackson. American Lighthouse Cookbook. Sourcebooks. 2012
12289. Murray, Steve. Guardians of the Hereford Inlet. Rio Grande. 2010.
12419. Buzzeo, Toni. Lighthouse Christmas. Penguin. 2011.
11501. Stover, Douglas. Pea Island Life-Saving Station, Rodanthe, North Carolina, Coast Guard Station #177 : Historic Resource Study. NPS 2008
1369. Kroll, C. Douglas. A Coast Guardsman’s History of the U.S. Coast Guard. Naval Institute Press. 2010.
13101. Smith, Ken. Coast Guard Follies – My Humor in Uniform. Yeoman House. 2007
13162. de Quesada, Alejandro. U.S. Coast Guard in World War II. Osprey. 2010
13183. D’Entremont, Jeremy. Everyday Heroes: The True Story of a Lighthouse Family. Coastlore Media. 2013
1445. Cape Lookout National Seashore, Cape Lookout Coast Guard Station Boat House: Historic Structure Report. NPS. 2004.
1483. Grohman, Adam M. Sentinels and Saviors of the Sea – A Collection of United States Coast Guard History. Volume 1. Adam Grohman. 2011.
14149. Smithweck, David. Mobile Point Lighthouse, Fort Morgan, Alabama. Mobile. 2014.
13453. Hall, Wesley. The Hooligan Navy: A True Story About the Old Coast Guard. iUniverse. 2001
13438. Simpson, Bland. Ghost Ship of Diamond Shoals: The Mystery of the Carroll A. Deering. Univ. North Carolina Press. 2005
Cape Cod Towns – Images of America Series.
14119. Klim, Jake. Attack on Orleans: The World War I Submarine Raid on Cape Cod. History Press. 2014.
14121. Ives, John G. The Keeper. Bohme Publishing. 2013.
14230. Williams, Gary. Guardian of Guadalcanal: The World War II Story of Douglas A. Munro, United States Coast Guard. Lakota Press. 2014
1486. Lonergan, Tom. Martha Coston and The Box of Light. iUniverse. 2013
15223. Barbo, Theresa Mitchell. Hidden History of Cape Cod. History Press. 2015
1589. Jesson, Jim. Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman. 2013
15269. Smith, Bonnie Hurd and Nelson Dionne. U. S. Coast Guard Air Station Salem, Massachusetts: 1935-1970: A Pictorial and Chronological History. Createspace. 2015
13189. Richmond, Arthur P. Massachusetts Lighthouses: Past & Present. Schiffer. 2013
16115. Zoss, Neel R., Whalebacks – Wrecked, Scrapped, Lost & Forgotten. Avery. 2016
16111. Quidley, Dallas Edward. The Lighthouse Keeper’s Son. LifeRich. 2013
21412. Rourke, Juanita. UP THE SHORE: THE LIGHTHOUSE YEARS. Toronto. 2000
29332. Terras, Donald J. Grosse Point Lighthouse: Landmark to Maritime History and Culture. Evanston. 1995
1198. Penrose, Laurie. A Traveler’s Guide to 116 Western Great Lakes Lighthouses. Friede. 1995
28375. Hodgkins, John. Hodgkins, John. A Soldier’s Son: An American Boyhood during World War II. Down East Books. 2006
11339. Fowler, Chuck, Dan Withers, Combatant Craft of America. Patrol and Rescue Boats on Puget Sound. Arcadia. 2011
1383. Field, Ron. Blue Jackets: Uniforms of the United States Navy in the Civil War Period 1852-1865. Schiffer. 2010
29313. Ryder, Richard G. Seashore Sentinel: The Old Harbor Lifesaving Station on Cape Cod. West Barnstable. 2009. 2nd.
22347. Hart-Davis, Adam and Emily Troscianko. HENRY WINSTANLEY AND THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. Sutton. 2002
13213. Potts, Annie. Last Lights – The Hand-Wound Lighthouses of the Bahama Islands. Fish House Press. 2011.
13200. Wake-Walker, Edward. Lost Photographs of the RNLI. Sutton. 2004.
28238. Bathurst, Bella. The Wreckers – A Story of Killing Seas and Plundered Shipwreck, from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day. Boston. 2005.
14222. Woodman, Richard and Andrew Adams. ‘Light Upon the Waters’ – The History of Trinity House. London. 2013.
15276. Wilkinson, D. and M. Boyle. Lighthouses: Photographic Memories. Frith Book Co. 2004.
1647. Clarke, Liam. Light in the Darkness: A History of Lightships and the People Who Served on Them. Amberley. 2016.
1829. Collin, David R. Life and Death on Little Ross: The Story of an Island, a Lighthouse and its Keepers. Whittles. 2017
3011. Conway, Brendan Patrick Eoin. The Boy Who Built Lighthouses: Memoirs of a Travelling Lighthouse Keeper. 2017
3025. Larson, Erik. The Splendid and the Vile – A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz. Crown Pub. 2020.
21472. Gutsche, Andrea, Barbara Chisholm and Russell Floren. ALONE IN THE NIGHT – Lighthouses of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island and the North Channel. Toronto. 1996
25124. Trethewey, Ken. NORTH ATLANTIC LIGHTHOUSES. Paris. 2002
26148. Mills, Chris. LIGHTHOUSE LEGACIES – Stories of Nova Scotia’s Lightkeeping Families. Halifax. 2006.
26236. Baird, David. LIGHTHOUSES OF ATLANTIC CANADA. Calgary. 2003
1007. Maginley, Charles D. and Bernard Collin. The Ships of Canada’s Marine Services. Vanwell. 2001.
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1753. Seguin, Marc. For Want of a Lighthouse: Building the Lighthouses of Eastern Lake Ontario 1828–1914. Trafford. 2015.
1493. Chubbs, Harold and Wade Kearley. Facing the Sea: Lightkeepers and Their Families. Flanker. 2013.
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1194. Juge, Dick. The Historic Northwest Passage and the C.G.C. Storis – The Story of a Young Man Growing up in the Coast Guard in the 1950s. AuthorHouse. 2007.
1854. Heglin, Suzan K., Paula The Lighthouse Years. 2005.
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17173. Groth, Karen Nelson. Westport’s Masterpiece: Building the Grays Harbor Lighthouse, 1897-1898. Nicholson Press. 2010.
2908. Hanable, William S. Lighthouses and Lifesaving on Washington’s Outer Coast. Arcadia. 2008.
21468. Twohy, John and George Mattson. CALIFORNIA’S LIGHT STATIONS AND OTHER AIDS TO NAVIGATION c.1950. Jenner. 2001.
2644. Belyk, Robert C. GREAT SHIPWRECKS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. New York. 2001.
2679. Shanks, Ralph and Lisa Woo Shanks, Editor. INDIAN BASKETS OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA – ART, CULTURE, AND HISTORY. Native American Basketry From San Francisco Bay And Monterey Bay North To Mendocino And East To The Sierras. Novato. 2006.
27302. Powers, Dennis M. SENTINEL OF THE SEAS – Life and Death at the Most Dangerous Lighthouse Ever Built. Citadel Press. 2007.
28367. Semones, JoAnn. Shipwrecks, Scalawags, And Scavengers – The Storied Waters Of Pigeon Point. Glencannon Press. 2007.
28359. Rogerson, Bruce et al. Point Cabrillo Light Station. Arcadia. 2008.
29324. Weymouth, Kent. Lighthouses of the Golden State – California’s Shining Beacons. Sacramento. 2008.
10488. Marc, Jacques F. Pacific Coast Steamship China. UBC Press. 2009.
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12115. Semones, JoAnn. Sea of Troubles: The Lost Ships of Point Sur. Glencannon Press. 2012
20301. Wheeler, Wayne [United States Lighthouse Society. CALIFORNIA LIGHTHOUSE LIFE IN THE 1920’S AND 1930’S. Arcadia. 2000.
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1482. Mosley, Henrietta E. Point Fermin Lighthouse Families 1874-1927. Pacific Heritage Books. 2013.
15253. Towers, Guy. St. George Reef Lighthouse. Arcadia. 2015
13434. McDougal, Steph. Lighthouses of Texas. Arcadia. 2014.
21265. Karges, Steven. KEEPERS OF THE LIGHTS – Lighthouse Keepers & Their Families Door County, Wisconsin 1837-1939. Ellison Bay. 2000.
21292. Bosman, Peter. LIGHTHOUSES & RANGE LIGHTS OF DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Ellison Bay. 2000.
1186.Henry, Karen Anderson. Papa Was a Lighthouse Keeper. Author House. 2004.
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11338. Wardius, Ken, Barb Wardius, NPLH Friends. North Point Milwaukee Lighthouse. Arcadia. 2011
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29109. Ostrom, Thomas P. The United States Coast Guard on the Great Lakes – A History. Elderberry Press. 2007.
10343. Roberts, Mike. The Last Keeper at Split Rock. St. Cloud. 2010.
28452. Terras, Donald J. Lighthouses of Chicago Harbor – Their History, Architecture and Lore. Evanston. 2006
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26208. Wardius, Barb and Ken. CANA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE. Arcadia. 2006.
2338b. Grant, John. STAYING AT A LIGHTHOUSE – America’s Most Romantic Lighthouse Inns. Guilford. 2005
27303. Wardius, Barb and Ken. WIND POINT LIGHTHOUSE. Arcadia. 2007
26299. Hoyt, Susan Roark. LIGHTHOUSES OF NORTHWEST MICHIGAN. Chicago. 2004.
29205. Hawley, Jonathan P. Point Betsie – Lightkeeping and Lifesaving on Northeastern Lake Michigan. Ann Arbor. 2008
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10166. Harrison, Timothy and Walter C. Plohocky, BMCS, USCG Ret., Thunder Bay Island Lighthouse and Life Saving Station. Foghorn. 2010
10425. Majher, Patricia. Ladies of the Lights: Michigan Women in the U.S. Lighthouse Service. Univ. of Michigan Press. 2010.
23450. Hoyt, Susan Roark. LIGHTHOUSES OF SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN. Arcadia. 2003.
1291. Stonehouse, Frederick. Steel On The Bottom – Great Lakes Shipwrecks. Avery. 2012.
12366. Truman, Stephen, Grace & Joel. STORMS AND SAND – A Story of Shipwrecks and the Big Sable Point Coast Guard Station. Pine Woods Press. 2012
14178. Oleszewski, Wes. The Best of Wes Oleszewski – Favorite Great Lakes Shipwreck Stories. Avery. 2014
14157. Kotzian, John. Sky Pilot of the Great Lakes. Avery. 2008.
13156. O’Connell, Wil and Pat. Lighthouses of Eastern Michigan. Arcadia. 2013.
3061. Henry, Ellen J. The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse: An Illustrated History. Ponce Inlet. 2019.
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