Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard
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Showing all 299 results
33138. (lot 9 glass slides) United States Lighthouse Service Related Glass Projection Lantern Slides c.1910.
33107. (lot 16 photos/cards) Lighthouse, Life-Saving Crews, Coast Guard c.1930-1950.
12393c. (photo) Station Crew, U.S. Coast Guard, Coskata Station, Nantucket c.1920.
33094. Railton, Arthur R. Gay Head Light Gets The Wondrous Fresnel. The Dukes County Intelligencer. May 1982.
26327. Bunting, W. H. THE CAMERA’S COAST – Historic Images of Ship and Shore in New England. Historic New England. 2006
33085. Lancaster, Clay. Nantucket in the Nineteenth Century – 180 Photographs and Illustrations. Dover. 1979
23530. na. NANTUCKET A LANDMARK LOST – GREAT POINT LIGHTHOUSE by Edouard A. Stackpole. pp. 10-24. Historic Nantucket. July 1984.
33070. Surfside Life Saving Station / Star of the Sea Hostel, Nantucket, Mass. – Historic Structure Report. 2006.
21310. Ludlum, David M. The Nantucket Weather Book. Historic Nantucket Press. 1986.
5335e. Farnham, Joseph E. C. Brief Historical Data And Memories Of My Boyhood Days In Nantucket. Providence. 1923. 2nd. [1915]. Stated Second Edition.
33064. Macy, Obed. The History of Nantucket – Being a Compendious Account of the First Settlement of the Island by the English Together With the Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery. 1885. 2nd
33061. Douglas-Lithgow, R. A., NANTUCKET – A HISTORY. New York. 1914. 1st
33050. Simons, Ben (Ed) et al. Sconset: A History. Nantucket Historical Association. 2008
33046. Mooney, Robert F. Nantucket Only Yesterday – An Island View of the Twentieth Century. Wesco. 2000
969. Scoville, Dorothy R., SHIPWRECKS ON MARTHA’S VINEYARD. Gay Head. 1972
33044. Abbott, Katharine Stanley-Brown. Nantucket Summers – The Story of a Family and a Very Special Cottage Called Sunnycliffe. Pinniped Press. 1996
33043. Newhouse, Nancy Anne. We Are Nantucket – Oral Histories of Life on Nantucket Island. Wellington Press. 2002
6686. Morris, Paul C., MARITIME NANTUCKET. A Pictorial History of the “Little Grey Lady of the Sea”. 1996. 264p. DJ. Autographed by the author.
33039. Lamb, Jane. Wauwinet – As it was… is now… and ever shall be! Jane Lamb. 1990
2524. (photo print) Gay Head Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1887 view by Baldwin Coolidge
2844. (press photograph) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1976.
10450b. (cabinet photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket, Mass. c.1887
1321. (copy photo) Muskeget Life Saving Crew, Nantucket c.1910
10293. (photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1974.
22529b. (print) Telescopic View of Cape Poge Lt. S.W. ¼ W. (Compass). 1855 U.S. Coast Survey Illustration
24403b. (chart) Preliminary Sketch [Chart] Showing the Positions of the New South Shoal & Other Dangers Recently Discovered by the Coast Survey c.1851.
10110c. (cabinet photo) Pump Square in Siasconset by Henry S. Wyer c.1890’s.
13314. (glass plate negative) Nantucket Life-Saving Service Keeper Thomas F. Sandsbury c.1870-1890’s.
7197qq. [newspaper] New Life-Saving Stations…New England. The Portland Daily Press, Portland, Maine. October 6, 1873
33021. (paperweight) East Chop Light House, Cottage City, Martha’s Vineyard. c.1900.
33018. [pennant] Nantucket Sankaty Head Lighthouse. c.1930 – 1960.
20504. Maxwell, Perriton. WATCH-DOG’S OF THE SEA – The Light-Ships of Nantucket Sound and Those Who Man Them. Harper’s Weekly. May 7, 1910.
24156. (illustration) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. National Geographic Magazine c.1944
23520. (article) For Great Safety at Sea. Nantucket Lightship No. 112. Scientific American. July 1935.
7383. (adhesive decal) Nantucket Lightship
32180. (newspaper) Nantucket Journal. August 4, 1881.
23168. Drake, Samuel Adams. A BOOK OF NEW ENGLAND LEGENDS AND FOLK LORE. Boston. 1906.
755. Stackpole, Edouard A., YOU FIGHT FOR TREASURE. New York. 1932
2920. Salisbury, Geraldine Gardiner. H. Marshall Gardiner’s Nantucket Post Cards 1910-1940. 1995.
1232. (photo) Great Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1986.
2973b. (mounted photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket, Mass. c.1890
32127. (souvenir teapot) Old Mill at Nantucket, Built 1746”. c.1900
32094. (document) [Nantucket Light House – Great Point, etc] Statement of Contracts Made Relative to Oil, Light Houses, Stakeages, &c…. Revenue Office. January 22nd, 1817. 1p. 12” x 16”.
2727d. (cabinet photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1880’s.
6264c. Stackpole, Edouard A., LIFE SAVING NANTUCKET . Nantucket . 1972. 295pp. Hard cover, DJ.
32142. Goudie, Doug ‘VB’. ACK in Ashes Nantucket s Great Fire of 1846. 2016. 310p. Soft Wraps.
32097. (free franked envelope) Henry A Dearborn Esq., Superintendent of Light Houses in the State of Massachusetts from David Coffin at Nantucket.
32024. (lot 16 glass slides) United States Signal Service Station Glass Slides c.1898.
31100. (photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1940.
32001. (mounted photo) U.S. Life Saving Station, Surfside, Nantucket c.1890.
20272a,b,c. Gleason, Sarah C., KINDLY LIGHTS – A History of the Lighthouses of Southern New England . Boston . 1991.
26249. Clark, Admont. LIGHTHOUSES OF CAPE COD, MARTHA’S VINEYARD, NANTUCKET – Their History and Lore. Beverly. 2006.
6744aa, ff,ii. [Topographic Plate]. COAST LINES: PART OF NANTUCKET MASS. US Geological Survey. c.1908.
17147. Mooney, Robert F. and Andre R. Sigourney. THE Nantucket Way. Doubleday. 1980.
12160c. (mounted view) The Old Mill, Nantucket c.1890’s possibly by Harry Platt.
21429. (souvenir saucer) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1900.
2038. [view book] FIFTY GLIMPSES OF NANTUCKET ISLAND FROM RECENT PHOTOGRAPHS. John F. Murphy, Boston. 1897. 47p.
5593. (newspaper) Fear Lightship off Nantucket May Have Sunk…Last Wireless Message to Shore Said that She Was Leaking Badly and in Helpless Condition….
5547. (newspaper) Lightship Crews Lead Very Monotonous Lives….Narrow Escape of Men on Nantucket Shoals Vessel not First in History of Service – Diamond Shoals Ship Once Remained Out Five Months Without Relief….
7276. [An Act for Granting to the United States of America, the Light-house at the entrance of the harbour of Nantucket] ACTS AND LAWS, PASSED BY THE GENERAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS: BEGUN AND HELD AT BOSTON, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ON WEDNESDAY THE TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI, 1795.
2719. Page, Victor W. MOTOR BOATS AND BOAT MOTORS – Design, Construction, Operation and Repair. New York. 1920.
3164. Kobbe’, Gustav. “LIFE ON THE ( Nantucket ) SOUTH SHOAL LIGHT-SHIP”.
2726-13. (stereoview) Wreck of the Brig Poinsett on Nantucket September 3, 1870. by J. Freeman.
1057. (mounted photo) Ladies on the Bluffs at Sankaty Head Light Station, Nantucket by Baldwin Coolidge, Photographer c.1890 – 1900.
27465g. (stereoview) Oak Bluffs, Ex Governor Claflin’s House, Martha’s Vineyard c.1870’s by Charles H. Shute & Son, Edgartown.
23194. Claflin, James W. HISTORIC NANTUCKET LIGHTHOUSES: BRANT POINT . Worcester. 2003.
23525. Claflin, James W. HISTORIC NANTUCKET LIGHTHOUSES: Sankaty Head. Worcester. 2003.
27465. (stereoview) View Highlands Baptist Tabernacle, Martha’s Vineyard by Joseph W. Warren.
6744qq-2. (topographic map) Tuckernuck Island Quadrangle. Nantucket. 1940.
2401. [Topographic Map]. NANTUCKET QUADRANGLE. U.S. Geological Survey. Nantucket Sheet.
2726aa. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1870.
Commemorative Coast Guard, Lighthouse and Lightship Covers
9294. na. NANTUCKET LIFE-SAVING MUSEUM . pp. 23-25 Historic Nantucket . July 1972.
22316. Anthony, Richard H., NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP – This Offshore Guardian of Our Coast Is the World’s Most Exposed Light vessel.
23221. Crosby, Everett U. NANTUCKET IN PRINT. Nantucket . 1946.
25260b. Dodge, Henry Irving. HEROES OF THE LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. Woman’s Home Companion. August 1903.
22233. McCalley, John W. NANTUCKET THEN AND NOW. New York. 1981.
2745, 2718. Crofton, M. THE UNITED STATES LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE. Once A Week [Newspaper]. April 12 & 19, 1892 Part I & Part II
6171a. Perry, E. G., A TRIP AROUND CAPE COD, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, South Shore, and Historical Plymouth. Boston. 1898. 3rd.
25303. (stereoview) Broadway, Siasconset, Nantucket . c.1879. By J. Freeman.
24412a. (stereoview) “Hermit of Quidnet”, Nantucket. c.1880. By J. Freeman.
2656b. (hand-colored photo, smaller version) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard by David Davidson c.1910-1920.
2656. (hand-colored photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard by David Davidson c.1910-1920.
2696. (painting) John W. Hutchinson Jr. (1940-). HANDKERCHIEF SHOAL LIGHTSHIP NO. 4. c.1987.
26100. (framed photograph) Succonnessett Light Ship No. 6.
26190b. (stereoview) Nantucket, Massachusetts. View looking up Orange Street . c.1870’s.
22546. (souvenir mug) c.1900. Martha’s Vineyard. “Gay Head Lighthouse, West Chop Lighthouse, National Bank.”
2777. (souvenir vase) c.1900. “East Chop Light [house], Oak Bluffs, Mass.”.
2729. (stereoview) Fisherman’s Cottage, Seasconset, Nantucket . c.1880. By Kilburn Brothers.
2725. (souvenir photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket, Mass. c.1890.
27130. (commemorative plate) “Gay Head Lights and Cliffs, Cottage City”, Martha’s Vineyard. c. 1900.
27241. (souvenir dish) Gay Head Lighthouse and Cliffs, Cottage City, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1900.
9128f. na. WINTER ON THE ATLANTIC COAST. Life Magazine. January 27, 1947.
J-53. [water color] Original w/c painting Great Round Shoal Light Vessel No. 86 [1913]
2780a. (cabinet photo) Schooner Newburgh Ashore in Vineyard Haven, Martha’s Vineyard November 27, 1898.
2726g. (stereoview) Nantucket, Massachusetts. View from South Tower Looking North . c.1870’s.
20230. Farson, Robert H., TWELVE MEN DOWN – Massachusetts Sea Rescues. Yarmouth Port. 2000.
25344. Claflin, James W. HISTORIC NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIPS: NEW SOUTH SHOAL 1854-1896 – A History of Nantucket ’s Lightships on New South Shoal. Worcester. 2005.
2726m. (stereoview) Oldest House, Built 1686, Nantucket . c.1883. By J. Freeman.
21429f. (souvenir cup/saucer/mug) c.1900. Sankaty Head Lighthouse and the Old Windmill, Nantucket on a large mug and cup/saucer combination.
27465. (stereoview) Martha’s Vineyard, Oak Bluffs Beach and Arcades c.1880.
27460b. (photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1940’s by Edwin T. Schwarz.
2727b. (cabinet photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1884, probably by Chamberlain, Cottage City.
2726p. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1880.
2726r. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1880.
2815. (stereoview) Lighthouse and Cliffs, Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass c.1880 by R. G. Shute, Edgartown, Mass.
28112. (photo) Metropolitan liner Herman Winter after collision with Steamer Ardandhu off Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard. Jan 23, 1900.
27474. (souvenir dish) Harbor Lighthouse, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1900.
6744nn,oo. [Topographic Map]. NANTUCKET SIASCONSET QUADRANGLE. U.S. Geological Survey.
5203h. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880 by R. G. Shute Photographer, Edgartown, Mass.
25377. (lithographed print) The Nantucket Lightship by noted Nantucket artist Marshall DuBock. c.1977
21158. [Limited edition print] First Light [ NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP] by Art Pressman.
2726x. (stereoview) Oldest House, Built 1686, Nantucket . c.1883.
2656c. (hand-colored photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard by David Davidson c.1910-1920.
28102. (souvenir dish) c.1900. “Sankoty Light, Nantucket”
28242c. (cabinet photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1893.
28312. (document) [Nantucket Light House – Great Point] Statement of Contracts Made Relative to Oil, Light Houses, Stakeages, &c…. Revenue Office. January 22nd, 1817.
2726gg. (stereoview) Nantucket , Massachusetts . School of Blackfish on the beach. c.1870’s. By J. Freeman.
2726bb. (stereoview) Nantucket, Massachusetts. View of Orange Street and South Church Tower. c.1870’s.
2815f. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880 by S. F. Adams Shute Photographer, New Bedford, Mass.
7335. (souvenir dish) “Brant Point Light [house], Nantucket, Mass. Established 1746” c.1900.
2918. Furbish, Lynn. (Nantucket) Personal Island. Travel Magazine. June 1938.
2903. (early postcard collection) Nantucket Scenes by H. Marshall Gardiner. c.1900.
2815h. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880 by Brownell & Graham Photographers.
The back of this early Shute mount from my collection shows some of the views that were available.
2815g. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880 by R.G. Shute
726b. Coffin, Edward Wayman. NANTUCKET ’S FORGOTTEN ISLAND – MUSKEGET. (self) 1996.
2953. (chart) PRELIMINARY CHART (A NO. 13. MUSKEGET CHANNEL, MASSACHUSETTS 1854. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
25167. Robinson, J. H., GUIDE TO NANTUCKET . Nantucket . 1910, 1948
2973. (mounted photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket, Mass. c.1900.
6394. (letterpress copy) Appointment of Light Keeper, Gay Head Light-House, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. December 8, 1849.
29138. Maver, William Jr. Wireless Telegraphy: Its Past and Present Status and Its Prospects. 1902
2726yy. (stereoview) Street View, Nantucket. c.1880.
2726uu. (stereoview) Street View, Nantucket. c.1880. By J. Freeman.
2726xx. (stereoview) Fisherman at Siasconset, Nantucket. c.1880. By J. Freeman.
2726vv. (stereoview) Steamer Martha’s Vineyard. c.1880. By J. Freeman.
29189a. (mounted view) Bathers at ‘Sconset, Nantucket by Harry Platt, Photographer c.1880’s.
29188. (mounted view) Beach Scene at Surfside, Nantucket by Harry Platt, Photographer c.1880’s.
29161. Torrey, Josephine Harvey. Reminiscences of My Early Days in ‘Sconset From 1907 On. nd. 15p. Soft wraps.
2726-5. (stereoview) View in Siasconset, Nantucket. c.1880. By Kilburn Brothers.
27292. Uncatena (Nantucket-Martha’s Vineyard steamship lines)
2450. Claflin, James W. HISTORIC NANTUCKET LIGHTHOUSES: Great Point. Worcester. 2004
5203i. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880.
27465h. (stereoview) Oak Bluffs Cottage on Martha’s Vineyard c.1870’s by Charles H. Shute & Son, Edgartown.
27465i. [stereoview] Brig Minmaneuth Ashore at Surfside, July 30, 1873.
29314. (mounted view) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket by Harry Platt, Photographer c.1884.
2726-6. (stereoview) Pacific National Bank, Head of Main Street, Nantucket. c.1870-1880.
2726-8. (stereoview) First Congregational Church, Nantucket. c.1880.
2726-9. (stereoview) “India Row” West End of Pearl Street (now India Street), Nantucket. c.1881.
29391b. [chart]. Eldridge, George W. HARBOR CHART #46 NANTUCKET. 1901.
29391a. [chart]. Eldridge, George W. HARBOR CHART #45 EDGARTOWN, MARTHA’S VINEYARD. 1901.
2815i. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880
1073. (mounted view) Stone Alley off Orange Street , Nantucket by Harry Platt, Photographer c.1880’s.
27268. Claflin, James W. HISTORIC NANTUCKET: SURFSIDE LIFE-SAVING STATION – A History of Nantucket ’s Life-Saving Stations. Volume I. Worcester. 2007.
1051. (mounted photo) Road Crew in front of Vineyard Lighting Company, Martha’s Vineyard c.1900.
1064. (mounted view) Second Congregational (Unitarian Universalist) Church on Orange Street , Nantucket by Baldwin Coolidge, Photographer c.1890 – 1900.
1050. (mounted view) Attleboro Cottage, 11 Lake Avenue, Cottage City, Martha’s Vineyard by Baldwin Coolidge, Photographer c.1890 – 1900.
1061. (mounted photo) Sankaty Head Light Station, Nantucket by Baldwin Coolidge, Photographer c.1890 – 1900.
29312d. (mounted view) Shady Street View, Nantucket by Harry Platt, Photographer c.1880’s.
2810. [photo] Wreck of the Brig Poinsett, South Shore Nantucket, Sept. 1st., 1870.
2726-12. (stereoview) Wreck of the Brig Poinsett on Nantucket September 3, 1870.
2726-11. (stereoview) Bluffs at Sankaty Head, Nantucket. c.1870-1880.
2815J. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880.
29293. (glass negative) Cuttyhunk Lighthouse, Elizabeth Islands, Mass. c.1900.
10301. (photo) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1936.
10233. Farnham, Joseph E. C. Brief Historical Data And Memories Of My Boyhood Days In Nantucket. Providence. 1923
10380. (photo) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1976.
6289d. (stereoview) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1880 by R.G. Shute Photographer, Edgartown, Mass.
10416. (mounted photo) West Chop Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1870 – 1882.
10473. [view book] 65 VIEWS [GLIMPSES] OF NANTUCKET – Reproduced from Recent Photographs.
10441. (lot 5 cabinet photos / CDV’s) Nantucket Sea Captain John L. Brooks and his family c.1860-1880’s.
2726-17. (stereoview) Muddy Street in Siasconset, Nantucket. c.1880.
6744uu. [Topographic Map]. MARTHA’S VINEYARD MASS.
1129. [souvenir tile] Nantucket by H.S. Wyer c.1900.
4601. (photo) Sankaty Head Light Station, Nantucket c.1948.
2815k. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1871 by S. F. Adams
2726-19. (stereoview) Main Street. Looking West up Main Street from Corner of Orange Street, Nantucket. c.1880.
2726-20. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1870’s.
2726-25. (stereoview) Nantucket , Massachusetts . View from South Tower Looking South c.1870’s.
2726-26. (stereoview) Fishermen of Siasconset, Nantucket . c.1870’s.
8384. (mounted photo) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1890.
11181. [commemorative pin dish] A petite, bright commemorative pin dish featuring a beautiful clear, b/w image of the East Chop Light [House], Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c. 1900.
11428. (photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1910 by Moss Photo Service. .
2726-34. (stereoview) Nantucket , Massachusetts . View of Thomas Macy House, Top of Main Street c.1870’s.
5592. (newspaper) Lightship’s Fate a Mystery to Those on Shore. Wireless Message Appealing for Help from Anywhere…. 1905
2726-31. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1870.
11491. (document) Light House Establishment Repairs, Gay Head Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1860.
1226. (photo) Cape Poge (Pogue) Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1986.
11499. CDV [Carte De Visite format] Franklin Nickerson House, 31 Orange Street, Nantucket / Main Street, Siasconset, c.1860’s.
1231. (photo) Surfside Life Saving Station, Nantucket c.1880 view.
2726-36. (stereoview) Shady Street View, Centre Street, Nantucket . c.1870’s.
2726-35. (stereoview) Sherburne House, Nantucket, Massachusetts c.1870’s.
2727c. (cabinet photo) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1880’s,
12134. Dresser, Thomas. Disaster off Martha’s Vineyard. Charleston. 2012.
2726-49. (stereoview) Main Street. Looking West up Main Street from Corner of Orange Street, Nantucket. c.1870’s.
2726-45. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1873 by J. Freeman.
2726-48. (stereoview) Shady Street View, Centre Street, Nantucket c.1870’s by J. Freeman.
12182b. (mounted view) The Old Mill, Nantucket c.1890’s
12123. (photo) “Whale Boats at the west end of Muskeget Island, (Nantucket) Mass. looking east.”
2726-44. (stereoview) Street View, Centre Street “Petticoat Row”, .Nantucket by J. Freeman c.1870’s.
2726-38. (stereoview) Winter Scene Main Street, Nantucket by J. Freeman c.1870’s.
12180. Grieder, James Everett and Georgen Charnes. Nantucket. Arcadia. 2012
12222. (promotional brochure) Wyer’s Art Store, Federal Street, Nantucket c.1898.
12341. (copy photo) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1895 view.
12330. (copy photo) Muskeget Life Saving Station Nantucket c.1900 view.
12314. (mounted photo) “Shanunga” Home at #10 Broadway, Siasconset, Nantucket c.1904.
12263. (brochure) Wyer’s Art Store and Annex, Federal Street, Nantucket c.1910.
12264. (lot 6 glass plate negatives) Nantucket scenes c.1895.
2726-56. (stereoview) Nantucket view looking toward Second Congregational (Unitarian Universalist) Church on Orange Street c.1870’s by J. Freeman.
12290. Northrup, A. Judd. ‘Sconset Cottage Life: A Summer on Nantucket Island. New York. 1881 1901
3113. Gardner, Arthur H., WRECKS AROUND NANTUCKET . New Bedford . 1943
2726-57. (stereoview) Wreck of the Brig Poinsett on Nantucket September 3, 1870.
12346. Wyer, James I. Jr. (Compiled by). The Nantucket Wyers.1911
12386. (mounted photo) View from North Tower Looking East, Nantucket c.1890.
12384. (mounted photo) Homes in Town (Siasconset?), Nantucket c.1890.
12393a. (photo) Surfboat Crew, U.S. Coast Guard, Coskata Station, Nantucket c.1920.
12355. (Kodachrome slide) Sankaty Head Light Station, Nantucket c.1949.
12391. (glass negative) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1900.
2815L. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1871 by S. F. Adams
12498a. Massachusetts 100 Years Ago – The Southeast – Cape Cod, Nantucket and the Vineyard.
12456. (photo) New Lantern for Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1970.
1323. Hough, Henry Beetle. Martha’s Vineyard – Summer Resort 1835-1935. Tuttle. 1936.
1320. (16 photo lot) Nantucket Scenes c.1908.
1372. (cabinet photo) Looking North on Broadway, Siasconset, Nantucket c.1879.
1377. (photo) Festive Parade – Coast Guard Marching on Nantucket Main Street c.1930.
2726-59. (stereoview) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1880.
1361. (photo) Gay Head Life Saving Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1915.
2815m. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880
12393d. (photo) Station Crew, U.S. Coast Guard, Coskata Station, Nantucket c.1920.
1379. (souvenir footed dish) Steamship Nantucket at Cottage City, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1900.
13211. [Victorian commemorative Mauchlineware diary book] Sankaty Lighthouse, Nantucket, Mass. c.1900.
6744r,v. [Topographic Plate]. COAST LINES: PART OF MARTHA’S VINEYARD MASS. c.1908
13318. (glass plate negative) Paddock House, Tuckernuck, Nantucket c.1880-1890’s.
13280. (glass plate negative) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1891.
13298a,b. (glass plate negative) Surfside Life-Saving Station, Nantucket c.1870’s.
14120. Dresser, Thomas, Herb Foster & Jay Schofield. Martha’s Vineyard in World War II. Charleston. 2014.
2726-68. (stereoview) Nantucket view Lower Main Between Union and Orange Streets c.1870’s by J. Freeman.
15104. (photo) Crew Members after Being Taken off Stricken Freighter Bjerkli near Nantucket Lightship by Coast Guard c.1937.
27290. (stereoview) Massachusetts Humane Society Boathouse, Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1870’s
3019. (testimonial) Massachusetts Humane Society. Monitor Life Raft. Nantucket. c.1884
29203. Philbrick, Nathaniel. Away Off Shore: Nantucket Island and Its People, 1602-1890. Nantucket. 1993
29202. Hubbard, Sharon, with photography by Dan Driscoll. Quarterboards: A Unique Art Form. Nantucket. 2008.
10115. Benchley, Rob and Robert D. Felch. Keeping the Light – The Epic Move and Preservation of Nantucket’s Sankaty Head Lighthouse. Sconset Trust. 2009.
12112. Dresser, Thomas. The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha’s Vineyard – COLONIZATION TO RECOGNITION. History Press. 2011.
12193. Shaw, Allison. To The Harbor Light – Lighthouses of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket & Cape Cod. Vineyard Stories. 2012
12197. Dunlop, Tom. The Chappy Ferry Book. Back and Forth Between Two Worlds ~ 527 Feet Apart. Vineyard Stories. 2012.
13183. D’Entremont, Jeremy. Everyday Heroes: The True Story of a Lighthouse Family. Coastlore Media. 2013
1188. Robinson, William F. Coastal New England- Its Life and Past. Wellfleet Press. 1989
7179zzz. [newspaper] Light-Houses at Brant Point , Tarpaulin Cove, West Chop and Petit Manan and Point Gammon Finished and Lighted….
2726-66. (stereoview) Nantucket view Corner Main and Pleasant Streets c.1870’s by J. Freeman.
2726-67. (stereoview) Nantucket view looking toward Second Congregational (Unitarian Universalist) Church on Orange Street c.1870’s by J. Freeman.
2726-65. (stereoview) Wreck of the Brig Poinsett on Nantucket September 3, 1870 by J. Freeman.
1430a,b. (lot 2 photos) Sinking of the Steamer S.S. Seaconnet With Loss of Seven Men in Vineyard Sound, April 29, 1923.
1442. (copy photo) U.S. Life Saving Crew, Surfboat Drill, Nantucket c.1900 view.
2630b. (souvenir cup) “Brant Point Light-House” Nantucket c.1900.
7162b. (souvenir plate) Edgartown Harbor Light, Martha’s Vineyard c.1900.
14118. Waterway, William. Gay Head Lighthouse – The First Light on Martha’s Vineyard. History Press. 2014
2726-73. (stereoview) Fair Street, Nantucket. c.1870’s by J. Freeman photographer.
14201. (document) U.S. Light-House Establishment Repair Voucher, Repairs at Gay Head Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1860.
14198. (document) U.S. Light-House Establishment. Moving Beacons at Holmes Hole, Martha’s Vineyard c.1860.
1505b. (glass plate negative) West Chop Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1900.
1505a. (glass plate negative) East Chop Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1900.
2726-75. (stereoview) Wreck of the Brig Poinsett, South Shore Nantucket, Sept. 1st., 1870 by J. Freeman.
2726-79. [stereoview] Brig Minmaneuth Ashore at Surfside, July 30, 1873 by J. Freeman.
27474b. (souvenir dish) Edgartown Harbor Light, Martha’s Vineyard c.1900.
15124. (photo) Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Nantucket c.1930’s.
15140. (photo) Brant Point Lighthouse and Coast Guard Station, Nantucket c.1940’s.
2726. (stereoview) Keeper Capt. Joseph Winslow, Surfside Life Saving Station, Nantucket by J. Freeman. c.1878.
12190b. (view book) na. Souvenir of Gay Head – Indelible Photographs. J.N. Chamberlain, Woonsocket, R.I. 1889.
1635. (souvenir toothpick) c.1900. “Harbor Lighthouse, Edgartown, Mass.” c.1900.
1113b. (photo) Madaket Millie’s one-room house from which she keeps her vigil, Nantucket c.1981.
1578. Ewen, William H. Jr. and Tom Dunlop. Steamboats to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Arcadia. 2015
15217. (photo) Harbor Lighthouse, Edgartown, Mass.” c.1930.
2815n. (stereoview) Gay Head Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. c.1880 by Kilburn Brothers.
2726-82. (stereoview) Brant Point Lighthouse, Nantucket. c.1880 by J. Freeman.
1710. (photo) Nantucket Cliff Range Lights – Gilbreth Family c.pre 1924.
1688. (document) U.S. Light-House Establishment Repair Voucher, Repairs at Gay Head Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1860.
16162. (lot 8 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Station & Navy Radio Station, Surfside, Nantucket c.1921-1925.
22573e. Gay Head Lighthouse Sand Jar c.1910.
17142. (cabinet photo) Great Point Light Station, Nantucket by E.B. Robinson c.1880.
17146.Whipple, A.B.C. Vintage Nantucket. Globe Pequot. 1978. 270p.
2630c. (souvenir cup) “Brant Point Lighthouse” Nantucket c.1900.
18130. (photo) Coast Guard Station Brant Point, Nantucket c.1926.
4705c. (stereo view) West Chop Lighthouse, Martha’s Vineyard c.1876.
1941. lot 2 mounted photos) Gay Head Light Station, Martha’s Vineyard c.1890’s.
1745. (cabinet photos) Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard by Henry S. Wyer & J.N. Chamberlain. Large 5 1/4″ x 8 1/2″.
3069. (photo) Sankaty Head Light Station, Nantucket c.1940.
30106. (copy photo) Muskeget Life Saving Station Crew Launching Surfboat, Nantucket c.1900 view.
3104. (tile) English Wedgewood Nantucket Sankoty Head Lighthouse Souvenir Tile c.1890-1910.
3111. (aerial photo) Sankaty Head, Nantucket, Massachusetts looking north from the Lighthouse c.1972.
23313. (engraving) Sankaty Head Light-House c.1870’s.
31024. (photo) Coskata Life-Saving Station With Surf Boat And Beach Apparatus Cart In Front Of The Station c.1914.
12390. (photo) Nantucket Lightship WLV-612 c.1970’s.
C95111. United States Life Saving Service. SECOND LIFE SAVING DISTRICT. COAST OF MASSACHUSETTS. 1876.
9320. na. TALES OF THE NEW ENGLAND COAST. Seacaucus. 1985.
29201. Butler, Karen. Nantucket Lights: An Illustrated History of the Island’s Legendary Beacons.