Photos Coast Guard
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Showing all 283 results
33155. (Lot 6 diagrams) USCGC POLAR STAR (WAGB 10) Damage Control Diagrams c.1991.
21422J. SURFMAN PATROLLING THE SHORE. The Saturday Evening Post. December 19, 1931.
33133. (print) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Jarvis WHEC-725 c.1995. #460/5000.
33105. (photo) U.S. Revenue Cutter Snohomish Firing First Gun in Memorial Day Salute c.1910.
11270. (lot 9 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Cutters.
2721. (Set 8 negatives) U. S. Coast Guard Station No. 65, Montauk Point, New York c.1930.
28188. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Scituate, Massachusetts c.1943.
4632b. (photo) Stratford Point Light Station, Connecticut c.1945
2179f. (photo) Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Straitsmouth, Mass. c.1964.
2179g. (photo) Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Block Island, Rhode Island c.1967
2179j. (photo) Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Nahant, Mass. c.1967.
2179i. (photo) Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Scituate, Mass. c.1963
2179h. (photo) Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Gloucester, Mass. c.1967
2179n. (photo) Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod, Mass. c.1965.
2179e. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Lifeboat Station Point Allerton, Mass. c.1962
1556. (lot 9 photos) United States Coast Guard Small Boats c.1970’s – 1980’s.
17120. (photo) Breeches Buoy Demonstration, Coast Guard Base No. 17, Los Angeles c.1933.
33004. (copy photo) Coast Guardsmen Pull Surfboat and Carriage.
A-150. (photograph). U. S. Coast Guard Training Station Curtis Bay, Md. Co “E3” Platoon c.1940.
32156. (photo) Race Point Light Station, Provincetown, Mass. c.1950’s.
1975-1-10. Official U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Photos 1950’s – 1970’s.
32033. (mounted photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Nahant, Mass.
13431-4. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Eastwind. February 18-19, 1952.
13431-3. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Eastwind. February 18-19, 1952.
12413. (photo) Coast Guard Lighthouse Keeper SA Paul Wallace Cleans Lens, Thomas Point Shoal Light Station, Maryland c.1974
10353. (photos) Keeper BM1 George Woodward – Owl’s Head Light Station, Maine c.1946
14124. (copy photo) U.S. Coast Guard Beach Apparatus Crew, Nags Head, North Carolina c.1940’s view.
13433b. (copy photo) U.S. Coast Guard Surfboat Crew, Nags Head, North Carolina c.1940’s view.
13433a. (copy photo) U.S. Coast Guard Surfboat Crew Oars Up, Nags Head, North Carolina c.1940’s view.
31111. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Station, Holland, Michigan c.1920.
1975k. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Gresham W-387.
1665b. (photo) Coast Guard Chance Vought UO-4 Float Seaplane c.1926’s.
2706. (portrait photo) Seaman, U. S. Coast Guard c.1942.
26185. (photo) Raising the American Flag U. S. Coast Guard Tug Yonaguska WYT-195.
28265. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Warrant Officer displaying his catch, Niagara Station, NY. c.1925.
28116. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Galatea WPC-108.
5128. U.S. Coast Guard boat crews landing on a beach in Alaska. Labeled on back: “USS Mojave, U.S.C.G.
13374. (photo) Presentation of Coast Guard Ensign to Senator Wesley L. Jones Upon His Service of 25 years in Congress c.1924.
13325. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Chelan. Heroic Lifeboat Crew c.1929.
14102. (framed matted photo) U.S. Coast Guard Pilot in Plane c.1930’s.
15233. (photo) Coast Guard Tests Electric Controlled Device to Aid in Rescues c.1939.
1689. (photo) Coast Guard 36-Foot Motor Lifeboat Donated to Columbia River Maritime Museum c.1970.
SR-487. (framed photo) U.S. Coast Guard Helo Operations Training.
16127. (photos) United States Coast Guard Horse Patrol, 11th Naval District c.1943.
4593. (photo) Rockland Breakwater Light Station, Maine c.1948.
1381. (photo) Light House Keeping – Bear Island, Maine c.1946.
23296. World War II Coast Guard serviceman’s commemorative photograph.
26167. [cabinet photograph] c.1900. Original portrait photograph, of a U. S. Coast Guard Surfman.
28315. (copy photo) Harvey Cedars Coast Guard Station – Fishing Club after the Great Storm of 1962, Long Beach Island, NJ.
28339. (copy photo) Unloading U.S. Coast Guard Surfboats from Railroad Flatcars c.1927
28416. (photo negative) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Manitou Island c.1934
26233. (photo) Model U. S. Coast Guard 36-foot Motor Lifeboat
9354. (glass slide) U. S. Coast Guard CG-441.
28148. (photo) Damiscove Island Life-Saving Station, Maine.
26180. (photo) Raising the ensign U. S. Coast Guard Tug Yonaguska WYT-195.
26268. (photo) Hunniwells Beach Coast Guard station, Popham beach, Maine c.1920
26116. (photo) U. S. Coast Guardsman returning from the hunt c.1930
27309. (photo) Lifeboat Station Crew, Oswego Lifeboat Station, New York c.1953
27227. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter “Vinces” c.1930 – 1940.
28220. (negatives / photographs) Coast Guard Keeper Ralph Banks and Family, Marshall Point Lighthouse, Maine. December 20, 1957.
2757. [mounted photograph] Young Coast Guardsman c.1920’s.
2608. (large panoramic photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Beal CG-9 (1912-1934) c.1926.
10455. (negative) Coast Guard CG-36377 c.1960
10472. (lot 3 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Crew, CGC Mackinaw c.1981
28197. [glass slide] U.S. Coast Guards in Surfboat. #146. c.1920
2964. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Kewaunee, Wisconsin c.1926
28236. (photo negatives) U.S. Coast Guard Station, North Beach, Assategue Island, Md. c.1940’s
29172. Official U.S. Coast Guard Photographs light stations, lightships, boats, stations 1950’s – 1960’s.
29179b. (negative) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Manomet Point , Mass. c.1940
10229. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Tending to Buoy c.1956.
10236. (photo) Coast Guard Works to Rescue Group Marooned on Jetty Lighthouse, Lake Erie. c.1933
10247. (negative) Working on cutter, Coast Guard Station Chicago c.1951
10429. (photo) Coast Guard 40-foot utility boat c.1958
11237. (photo) USCGC Shackle WYTL-65609
11260. (document lot) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter COOK INLET WAVP-384.
11266. (lot 10 photos) U.S. Coast Guard 327-foot Treasury Class Cutters (WPG)
10495. (negative) Removing Snow from 36-foot MLB c.1950-1960
10493. (mounted photo) Coast Guard Trainees at Perth Amboy c.1918
11153. (lot 2 photos) Breeches Buoy Drill, Straitsmouth Coast Guard Station, Gloucester, Mass. c.1922.
11172. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard 36-foot Motor Lifeboat, East Tawas, Michigan c.1946
11253. (lot 6 photos) U.S. Coast Guard 378-foot High Endurance Cutters (WHEC).
11283. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Unalga WPG-53. c.1944
11278. (official Coast Guard photo) Christening of U. S. Coast Guard Cutters Alexander Hamilton (WPG-34) and John C. Spencer (WPG-36) c.1937.
11298. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Owasco WPG-39
11302. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Transports Elk Calves c.1962.
11297. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Band c.1983.
11296. (lot 4 photos) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter KUKUI WAK-186 c.1949.
11407. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard 52-foot Motor Lifeboat Victory Underway Through the Breakers, Oregon c.1958.
11284. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Modoc WPG-46 c.1944.
11295. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Glacier WAGB-4. 1968
2294b. (photo) USCGC Hickory WLI-219.
11429. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard 44-foot Motor Lifeboat CG-44363, attached to Coast Guard Station Quillayute River, Winter Training Session c.1982.
12195. Coast Guard Cutters Manning & Apache c.1929
1202, 1203. (photos) U.S. Coast Guard Academy Cadet c.1915-1918
11220 / 1230. (4 negatives) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter WILLOW WAGL-253 c.1939 – 1944.
12184. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Seaplane Schreck/Viking 00-1 c.1937
12203. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Blackthorn (WLB-391) c.1990
12200. [glass projection slide] U.S. Coast Guards in Surfboat, Scituate, Mass. c.1920
13180. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Testing the New CG-441 72-foot Patrol Boat c.1937
12403. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Chelan CG-45 c.1928
11484. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 52′ MLB Invincible, CG-52300 c.1935
13364. (photo) W.W. Reynolds Radio Expert U.S. Coast Guard Setting up Browning Drake Receiver for Isolated Station c.1926.
13367. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Small Boat Auction, Curtis Bay Yard c.1933
13266. (photo) Construction of 30-36 foot Picket Boats, Curtis Bay Coast Guard Station, Maryland c.1924.
13281. (lot 20 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Buoy Tender Clover WAGL-292 c.1950’s
12377. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station c.1930-40’s view.
13419. (photo) Coast Guard Prototype Gas-Turbine Surfboat c.1963
13262. (photo) Pair Lyle Bronze “C” Line Guns, Coast Guard Station Curtis Bay, Maryland c.1937
13286. (photo) Inland Coast Guard Breeches Buoy Rescue, Lowell, Mass. c.1937
14138. (glass plate negative) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mojave (WPG-47) in Drydock, Charleston Navy Yard c.1930’s.
13418. (photo) Coast Guardsman On Duty in North Pacific c.1945
14284. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Beach-Going Willys-Overland Jeep c.1944
14280, 14301a,b. (lot 3 photos) Coast Guard Drilling, 136th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Coast Guard, Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Pa. c.1926.
14190. (photo) Coast Guardsmen Practice with the Breeches Buoy c.1942
14253. (photo) Coast Guard 30-Foot Duck (DUKW) Coming Ashore.
14321. (glass plate negative) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mojave (WPG-47) c.1929
1539b. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Capsize Drill c.1940
13333. (lot photos, negatives) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Tahoma (II) WPG/WAGE-80 c.1935.
14211. (photo) Officers, U.S. Coast Guard c.1930’s
1542. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Golden Gate c.1945.
1555b. (lot 7 photos) United States Coast Guard Aircraft c.1970’s – 1980’s
1555a. (lot 8 photos) United States Coast Guard Aircraft c.1970’s – 1980’s
1554. (lot 5 photos) United States Coast Guard Bark Eagle c.1970’s
1553. (lot 2 photos) “New” United States Coast Guard Seal c.1957
1560a,b,c. (photo) United States Coast Guard Cutter Spar (WAGL-403; WLB-403)
14223. (photo) Coast Guard Motor Surfboat, Spermaceti Cove, Flood Relief at Kingston, Pa. c.1940
14281. (photo) 136th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Coast Guard Celebrated c.1926.
1562a,b,c. United States Coast Guard Cutter Bristol Bay (WTGB-102)
14274. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Carrabasset c.1935.
1551. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Sand Bagging Station, Presque Isle, Erie, Pa. c.1973.
15128. (photo) Coast Guard 30-Foot “Duck” (DUKW) Comming Ashore c.1943.
26325b. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard 36-Foot Motor Lifeboat Rescues Yacht “Bali” December 3, 1932 San Francisco
29339b. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Bear Trapped in Ice July 15, 1924.
15159. (lot 20 Coast Guard photos) U.S. Coast Guard WW II era
15158. (photo) US Coast Guard Cutter MENDOTA (later-HMS Culver, Y-87) c.1933
15157. (lot 9 photos) USCGC Northwind (WAG/WAGB-282)
15118a. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Surfboat Drill, Michigan City, In. c.1915.
1597. (set 2 photos) USCGC Northwind Tows Disabled Vessel in the Antarctic c.1947.
15104. (photo) Crew Members after Being Taken off Stricken Freighter Bjerkli near Nantucket Lightship by Coast Guard c.1937.
15225. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Station, South Haven, Michigan c.1950’s
28431b. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard, Guard of Honor, Funeral for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1945
1055b. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Station, Ludington, Michigan c.1944.
15163. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Hunniwells (Popham) Beach, Maine c.1917
11231. (photo) Crew from Coast Guard Cutter Casco rescues yachtsman from 40-foot ketch c.1955
14189d. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Lands Surfboat in Winter, Coast Guard Station Rockaway Point c.1925
1628. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Capsize Race c.1938
1627. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Harbor Beach, Michigan c.1945
1651. (photo) Coast Guard Lyle Gun and Surfboat Exhibit c.1934
1630. (photo) Coast Guard Surfman with Dog, Seattle, Washington c.1944
1665a. (photo) Coast Guard Grumman J2F Amphibian c.1940’s
16126. (photo) Breeches Buoy Demonstration, Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles c.1940’s
16134. (advertisement) Coast Guard 36-Foot Motor Lifeboat. c.1933
1638. (lot 3 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Radio Station (NMA), Richmond, Florida c.1948
16141. (photo) New US Coast Guard 38-Foot Cabin Picket Boat (CPB) CG-38784 Underway. c.1942-1943.
16136. (photograph) United States Coast Guard Station, Louisville, Kentucky. c.1928.
16173. (photo) White River Life Saving / Coast Guard Station, Whitehall, Mich. c.1917
16190. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Galatea WPC-108 c.1940
16192. (photo) Crew of Coast Guard Cutter Bear Read Newspapers on their Return from Arctic c.1925.
1711. (photo) Panel Truck, U.S. Coast Guard Communication System c.1930’s
16234. (photo) United States Coast Guard Horse Patrol, Atlantic Coast c.1943
16237. (photo) Lieutenant Commander Stephen S. Yeandle, aide to the Commandant c.1925.
16245. (photo) Crew of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter “Mojave” arrives in Philadelphia from the Arctic c.1925.
1704. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard. Inspecting New Chance Vaught Pursuit-type Plane c.1934
1771. (photo) Coast Guard 30-Foot “Duck” (DUKW) Coming Ashore Kill Devil Hill, NC. c.1943
17145. (photo) U.S. Coast Guardsman Mans One-Pounder Gun c.1925
14125b. (photo) USCGC General Greene WSC / WMEC-140 Aground at Sandwich, Cape Cod c.1960
17176. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Motor Surfboat, Flood Relief at Meadville, Pa. c.1959
17157. (photo) Coast Guard Surfman c.1920
17162. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 36-Foot Motor Lifeboat Underway
1827. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Motor Surfboat, Station Point Allerton, at Floods in Springfield c.1936
17175. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter C-126 Aground in Narragansett Bay c.1926
1852. (photo) U.S. Coast Guardsmen Perform Winter Maintenance On CG-44334 Motor Lifeboat c.1978
1828. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Communications Van c.1930
18113. (photo) Bronze Lyle Gun at Milwaukee Coast Guard Display c.1954.
1901. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Rear Admiral Harry G. Hamlet c.1936.
17193. (photo) USCGC Oleander [WAGL-264; WLR-73264];River tender Launching c.1941.
1944. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Trains on Early Landing Craft c.1943
1975L. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Northwind W-282 c.1956
1975J. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Eastwind W-279 c.1956
1892. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Wolcott After Sinking Schooner “I’m Alone” c.1929
1891. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Violet WAGL-250 c.1951
1844. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Breeches Buoy Rescue, Steamer Ohioan c.1936
1975q. (photo) Coast Guard Base / Buoy Depot Washington – Oregon, 13th District c.1956
1973. (photo) Launching Surfboat Fort Point Life-Saving / Coast Guard Station, California c.1915.
1972. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station No. 116 Ship Bottom (?) New Jersey
3003. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 36-Foor MLB Dog Rescue c.1960
3005. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station Scituate Crew c.1944
3014. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 38-Foot Cabin Picket / Patrol Boat CG-38721. c.1940
3006. (photo) Chief John J. Gibbs At Rockaway’s Lifeboat Station Explains Operation Of Station’s Self-Righting And Self-Bailing Motor Lifeboat c.1991
31071. (photo) Crew Pose on Deck U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Unalga c.1915.
26235. (photo) Life Saving / Coast Guard Station, East Tawas (Ottawa Point), Michigan c.1928
31069. (photo) U. S. Coast Guard Station and Lighthouse, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin c.1915
31119. (photo album) Rockport Mass. Coast Guard Station and Crew c.1930’s.
31121. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Plum Island [Knobbs Beach] Mass c.1917
31088. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Rowing Dory c.1926
31040. (set 3 copy photos) U.S. Life-Saving Service / Coast Guard Station, Louisville, KY
29279. (mounted photo) Erie (Presque Isle) Life Saving / Coast Guard Station, Lake Erie, Pennsylvania c.1917
3058. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 65’ Small Harbor Tugs CGC Bollard (WYTL 65614) and CGC Pendant (WYTL 65608) c.1970
3057b,c. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 40-Foot Fireboat CG-40362-F c.WWII
3057a. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Firefighting Vessel T-31 c.WWII
3023. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Surfboat Crew c.1920
11292. (copy photo) “Schooner wrecked on reefs
1070. (copy photo) RACE POINT COAST GUARD CREW, Provincetown, Massachusetts c.1940’s.
11173. (lot 6 slides) Nauset Coast Guard Station on Cape Cod c.1950’s.
1248. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Lifeboat Station, Race Point, Mass. c.1949.
13141. (lot 5 photos) Cahoons Hollow Life-Saving / Coast Guard Station, Wellfleet c.1980.
1358. (postcard view) Nauset Coast Guard Station, Eastham, Cape Cod c.1927.
13242. (photo) Race Point Coast Guard Station, Provincetown, Massachusetts c.1987.
13231a. (copy photo) Boathouse at High Head Coast Guard Station c.1940’s view.
13317. (copy photo) Peaked Hill Bars Coast Guard Station c.1940’s view.
13228. (copy photo) Highland Coast Guard Station c.1940’s view.
13347. (photo) Clyde Freighter Ozark aground off Pamet River Coast Guard Station, Truro c.1927.
14245. (glass projection slide) Launching Life Boat, Nauset Coast Guard Station, Cape Cod c.1920’s – 1930’s.
1642. (photo) Coast Guard Helo Operations Training at Osterville, Cape Cod c.1982.
1654. (photo) Cahoons Hollow Coast Guard Station c.1930’s.
16150. (photo) Orleans – Coast Guard Observes – Rowing Across the Atlantic c.1966.
13431c. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Delivered to Boston by Coast Guard Cutter Acushnet. February 1952
13431n. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Yakutat. 1952
13431g. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Delivered to Boston by Coast Guard Cutter Acushnet. February 1952
13431j. (photo) Wife of Crewman of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Looks at Photo of Ship. February 1952.
13431s. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Yakutat. February 18-19, 1952
13431u. (photo) Stern end of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Towed into Calm Waters of Narragansett Bay. February 22, 1952
13431v. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Delivered to Boston by Coast Guard Cutter Acushnet. February 1952
13431w. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Eastwind. 1952
30111. (lot 3 photos) SS San Jacinto (SS Fort Mercer) Once Again Breaks in Half After Explosion c.1964.
13431-1. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Yakutat. February 18-19, 1952
23384. [Framed Lighthouse Prints ] Minot’s Ledge Light
15164. (photo) Coast Guard 36-foot MLB from Columbia River Bar c.1980.
15169. (photo) Coast Guard 36-foot MLB from Astoria Searches for Shipwreck Victims c.1936.
16195. (photo) Restored Roosevelt Style Coast Guard Barracks, Umpqua River Station, Oregon c.1980.
4648b. (photo) New Canal Light Station, Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans, La. c.1955.
1890. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard 45-Foot Buoy Boat CG-45303 D at Menasha, Wisc. c.1961.
1888. (photo) New U.S. Coast Guard Station, Two Rivers, Wisconsin c.1941.
1404. (photo) Old Chicago Coast Guard Station #280 On Fire c. 1933.
3073. (photo) Sleeping Bear Point Coast Guard Station, Glen Haven, Michigan c.1915.
2878. (lot 6 photos) U. S. Coast Guard Station, Michigan City, Indiana c.1920-30.
12270. (photo) Assateague Island Coast Guard Lifeboat Station, Virginia c.1965.
15145. (photo) Breeches Buoy Drill, Virginia Beach Coast Guard Station c.1942.
13441. (photo) Surfboat Drill, Virginia Beach Coast Guard Station c.1942.
13385b. (photo) Breeches Buoy Demonstration, Kill Devil Hill Coast Guard Station, North Carolina c.1938
1466. (AP Wire Photo) Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet, NC c.1994.
2736. (photo) “The Only Remaining Remnant of the Ill-Fated Akron”. April 4, 1933.
1117. (press photo) CG 44333 (Atlantic City) standing by after towing several boats to safety from a general alarm fire
12378. (photo) Congressional Silver Life-Saving Medal Awarded to Keeper Thomas J. Steinheise, Keeper of Seven Foot Knoll 1930-1941, Awarded 1935.
12288. (photo) Thomas J. Steinheise Keeper of Seven Foot Knoll 1930-1941, Awarded Congressional Silver Life-Saving Medal 1935.
12395b. (photo) Coast Guard Lighthouse Keeper MK Mike Wolf Cleans Lens, Thomas Point Shoal Light Station, Maryland c.1978.
12286. (photo) Thomas J. Steinheise Keeper of Seven Foot Knoll 1930-1941, Awarded Congressional Silver Life-Saving Medal 1935
12395c,a. (photo) Coast Guard Lighthouse Keeper BM1 Frank Remaly Cleans Lens, Thomas Point Shoal Light Station, Maryland c.1986.
10371. (photo) Keeper Fanny May Salter, Turkey Point Lighthouse, Maryland c.1945.
13209. (photo) Sandy Hook Life-Saving / Coast Guard Station, Weather Bureau and Postal Telegraph, Fort Hancock, NJ c.1926
14134. (photo) Using Radio Bearing Compass, Coast Guard Station Cape May, NJ. c.1938
16231. (photo) Dedication of New Coast Guard Lifeboat Station, Hampton Bays, LI., NY. c.1941.
30114. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Pecks Beach, NJ c.1915-1920
1444. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Radio Station, Rockaway Point, NY c.1925.
15144. (photo) Coast Guard Boathouse near Newport, Rhode Island Following Collision by Peruvian Freighter c.1979.
14275. (photo) New Barracks at Coast Guard Air Station Salem, Mass. c.1937.
31030. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Hunniwells (Popham) Beach, Maine c.1950’s.
3059. (photo) Coast Guard Petty Officer Dennis Dever Chisels his Name into a Rock at Boston Light c.1989.
1764. (photo) Coast Guard Cutter Harriet Lane Rescues Seven CCC workers off Brewster, Cape Cod c.1936.
1840a,b,c,d. (lot 4 photos) Steamship Evgenia Ashore off Peaked Hill Bars, Provincetown c.1953.
3007. (lot 2 photos) Coast Guard Station Chatham Lighthouse / Watch Tower / Duck” (DUKW) c.1960.
3043. (snapshot photo) U.S. Coast Guard Race Point Lifeboat Station c.1940’s.
3071. (HABS photo lot) U.S. Coast Guard Cape Cod Canal Station, Sandwich, Massachusetts.
31028. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Provincetown c.1960’s.
16162. (lot 8 photos) U.S. Coast Guard Station & Navy Radio Station, Surfside, Nantucket c.1921-1925.
18130. (photo) Coast Guard Station Brant Point, Nantucket c.1926.
31024. (photo) Coskata Life-Saving Station With Surf Boat And Beach Apparatus Cart In Front Of The Station c.1914.
1433. (copy photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station City Point, Dorchester Bay, Boston Harbor, Mass. c.1930’s view.
17115. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Active Practices New Breeches Buoy Rescue Technique c.1927.
1715. (photo) Crew U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat Marion c.1928.
16230. (mounted photo) U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Clover WAGL-292.
17118. (photo) Coast Guard Boats for Flood Scenes c.1945.
1769. (lot 3 negatives) Coast Guard 38-Foot Picketboat c.1931.
1959. (set 2 boat signs with photo) U.S. Coast Guard Official Auxiliary Patrol c.1990’s.
1958. (photo) U.S. Coast Guardsmen Station No.317 Bandon, OR c.1920’s.
1929. (photo) RM3c Lautia, Radio Operator On Watch, CGC Bibb c.1947.
3084. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Buoy Tender Fern WAGL-304; WLR-304 c.1954.
3083. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Buoy Tender Sycamore WAGL-268 c.1942.
3081. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Buoy Tender Forsythia WAGL-63 c.1943.
30115. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Academy Museum / Display.
31031. (framed photo) U.S. Coast Guard Surfboats for Flood Relief Mississippi River c.1927.
3094. (photo) Second U.S. Life-Saving Service / Coast Guard Station, Louisville, KY. c.1926-1928.
3049. (photo) U.S. Coast Guard Firefighting Pickup Truck & Trailer c.1943.