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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

6634-1. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ISLANDS OF BOSTON HARBOR . Their History and Romance 1626-1935. Andover 1936.

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6634-1. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ISLANDS OF BOSTON HARBOR . Their History and Romance 1626-1935. Andover 1936.

6634-1. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ISLANDS OF BOSTON HARBOR. Their History and Romance 1626-1935. Andover. July 1936. 2nd. ed. 367p. DJ. Illustrated with photos and drawings. Second edition of one of Mr. Snow’s first volumes, this title is much sought after by collectors and historians alike. In what became his usual entertaining style, Mr. Snow tells of the countless lighthouses, islands and forts of the area. Facts and unusual stories of the Boston Bay area fill this interesting account of each and every island and ledge in this historic bay. Included are Fort Warren, with its dungeons, its reverberating tunnel under the harbor and its mysterious Lady in Black. Boston Light, a story that begins in 1701 with the suggestion that a lighthouse would be “of great benefit to Mariners coming to these Coasts.” Castle island, visited by over 70,000 people in spite of its curse on all who dare. Nix’s Mate and Bird Islands, which have long stood for tragedy and terror. And a wealth of other islands and lighthouses with marvelous names, each of which has made its contribution to our history: Governor’s Apple and Snake Islands; Rainsford’s, Gallop’s and Lovell’s; Noddles and Hog; Bumpkin, Grape, Sheep, Slate and Raccoon; and many more. Big and small, here they all are, the islands of Boston Harbor. Clean, tight, nice copy in sunned dust wrap. (VG+). $185.