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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

SR-578 579. President of the United States’ Flag & Banner of the 1916 Design

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SR-578 579. President of the United States’ Flag & Banner of the 1916 Design

President of the United States’ Flag & Banner  of the 1916 Design

..The Executive Flags of the United States are official flags designated to represent particular offices in the executive branch, most notably, the President of the United States…. As early as 1818 a flag to represent the Chief Executive of the United States was considered but it was not until 1882 that a design was officially adopted, during the administration of President Chester Arthur…. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson noted the two military Presidential flags being carried in a parade. With input from Secretary of the Navy Byron McCandless and Assistant Secretary of the Navy (and future President) Franklin Roosevelt, President Wilson decided to combine aspects of the Navy and Army flag into a single flag. The four white corner stars of the Army flag were retained, and added to the Navy flag’s design. The 13 stars surrounded by a ring of rays was replaced by white cloud puffs in an arc above an arc of 13 stars…. The 1916 President’s Flag remained official through World War I and World War II, until 1946 when President Truman adjusted the flag due to some criticism that the eagle’s head on the 1916 flag faced toward the clutched arrows (to many, signifying war) and toward the left (known in heraldry as the sinister side)….” [from WWW.rareflags.com]. The design in use today includes the eagle turned to the right toward the olive branches and the four corner stars are replaced by a ring of 48 stars, etc.

It is unknown the date of these two pieces and whether they are original from the period 1916-1946, or are more recently manufactured for some reason. One expert on period flags commented” “While the banner does look like it is the style of the President’s flag with the Great Seal and four corner stars, it somehow looks very “new” to me, as if they were made recently but with an older design….” These two pieces were found inside an old Coast Guard station being renovated some years ago.

SR-578. President of the United States’ Banner 1916 Design. Banner 20” x 32” 1-sided. $175

SR-579. President of the United States’ Flag 1916 Design. 34” x 48” 2-sided double thickness (2 pieces) of material. $275