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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

1343. Workman, Capt. Robert B. Jr. USCG (Ret.), Float Planes And Flying Boats – The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation. Naval Institute Press. 2012

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1343. Workman, Capt. Robert B. Jr. USCG (Ret.), Float Planes And Flying Boats – The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation. Naval Institute Press. 2012

1343. Workman, Capt. Robert B. Jr. USCG (Ret.), Float Planes And Flying Boats – The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation. Naval Institute Press. 2012. 322p. DJ. With nearly 300 vintage photographs and over 300 pages of text, U.S. Coast Guard aviator Capt. Robert Workman presents a complete picture of naval aviation’s rapid development between 1911 and 1938. Frustrated by the lack of information about the Coast Guard’s aviation heritage, the author undertook research of his own. The result is this balanced look at early naval aviation that, for the first time, gives full credit to the important contributions made by Coast Guardsmen. He shows that it was thanks to their creativity, skill, and determination, along with efforts by the other sea services, that such great strides were possible. Several chapters are devoted to the inventions of the float plane and flying boat and why the flying boat was considered more seaworthy and reliable. Workman has done a magnificent job chronicling the lives of pioneers and visionaries whose accomplishments led to Coast Guard aviation as we know it today. Well Done! (M). $41.95.