1677. (lot) Captain of the Port Organization, San Francisco WWII. c.1945.
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1677. (lot) Captain of the Port Organization, San Francisco WWII. c.1945.
1677. (lot) Captain of the Port Organization, San Francisco WWII. Interesting lot contains: (1) Original typed manuscript / report consisting of 44 pages (page 1 missing) on the history and organization of the Captain of the Port of the San Francisco area from 1941 through the end of the War. This Coast Guard organization had a wide range of responsibilities including security, vessel control, civilian control, patrol, cargo control and much more. Possibly intended as an official history of the unit. (2) na. Ammunition Handling NAVPERS 16194. GPO. 1945. 256p. Cloth wraps. Marked on front endpaper “Lt. Comdr C.G. Verne Pott, Capt. Of the Port, San Francisco”. Detailed reference includes explosives, Navy gun ammunition, Small Arms, Bomb-type ammunition, Pyrotechnics, Rockets, records and reports, maintainance and salvage, safety, and more. Interesting lot. (VG). $24.