BR- . (photos) National Archives, Coast Guard & Bruce Roberts
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BR- . (photos) National Archives, Coast Guard & Bruce Roberts
Miscellaneous photos by noted photographer Bruce Roberts, copy photos from National Archives, Coast Guard photos, etc.
Priced at $12 each:
BR-46 Hooper’s Strait, MD
BR-56 Buffalo Harbor Light
BR-49, 50 Tillamook Rock Light
BR-58 Cleveland West Pierhead Light
BR-57 Chicago Harbor Lighthouse
BR-61. Two Harbors Light, Lake Superior
BR-128 USS Texas (BB-35) WWII c.1944
BR-25 Portsmouth Lightship
Tillamook Rock LH
Destruction Island LH, Washington
St George Reef LH
Ano Nuevo LH
Point Aransas, Tx LH
Grand Marais LH
Cattle Point, Wash
Cape Disappointment LH
South Farallon Lt
Cape Flattery Lt, Wash
Piedras Blancas Lt
Cape Hinchinbrook Lt
Destruction Rock LH, Wash
Lincoln Rock, Ak
Cape Decision Lt, AK
Willapa Bay, OR
Hudson City LH
Oakland Harbor
Eatons Neck LT, Long Island
Point Hueneme LH, Cal
Point Corda LH
Scotch Cap LH, AK
West Point Lh, Wash
Port Boca Grande LH
Sand Island, AL
Pensacola LH, FL
Portland Head LH
Pemaquid Point LH
Owls head LH
New London Ledge LH
Fort Point LH
Buzzards Bay Light Tower
Cape Hatteras
Priced at $12 each. Please ask for images.