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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

9942. U. S. Revenue Cutter Gresham pillow cover / keepsake c.1900.

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9942. U. S. Revenue Cutter Gresham pillow cover / keepsake c.1900.

  1. U. S. Revenue Cutter Gresham pillow cover / keepsake. c.1900. This bright cover surely adorned some Revenue Cutter Service mother’s home and is in fine condition. Probably used as a head-pad or as a pouch in which to keep letters or photos, this beautiful bright green satin stuffed pillow-like piece bears a mounted postcard image of the US Revenue Cutter Gresham, surrounded by rope borders and anchor decoration. The reverse incorporates a pouch beneath a 48-star American Flag, above which is a decorated portion framing a mother’s poem. Above and beside are the eagle and seals of the Revenue Cutter Service. Cover is bordered by a embroidered edging and would make a most attractive addition to any retired Coast Guardsman’s or collector’s living room. 11 ½” x 14 ½”. Clean save one rust-like spot on edge. A most rare and unusual piece. (VG). $68.