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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

5349. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ROMANCE OF CASCO BAY. New York. 1975.

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5349. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ROMANCE OF CASCO BAY. New York. 1975.

5349n. Snow, Edward Rowe. THE ROMANCE OF CASCO BAY. New York. 1975. 278 pp. Signed by the author. Facts and unusual stories of Casco Bay gathered by the author in his forty-one years traveling the area, its islands, its lighthouses and the coastline itself including tales of pirates, shipwrecks and sea battles, and much more. Includes Portland Head Light; Cape Elizabeth Light; Halfway Rock Light; Fort Scammell; Falmouth and the Revolution; the Portland Fire of 1866; Loss of the Bohemian; the Oakey L. Alexander; Smuglers and Privateers of Jewel Island; Cliff Island and Long Island; Steamers Around Casco Bay; Little Diamond Island; Peak’s Island, and more.  Clean, crisp, very nice copy. (F-)  $26.