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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

33138. (lot 9 glass slides) United States Lighthouse Service Related Glass Projection Lantern Slides c.1910.

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33138. (lot 9 glass slides) United States Lighthouse Service Related Glass Projection Lantern Slides c.1910.

  1. (lot 9 glass slides) United States Lighthouse Service Related Glass Projection Lantern Slides c.1910. Wonderful lot of 9 b/w glass projection slides published by American Lantern Slide Company, New York. provide rare views of Lighthouse Service ships and facilities. Slides measure 3 ¼” x 4” overall. All are identified and include: Ambrose Channel Light Vessel; LH Tender Marigold, Lake Superior; Nantucket Shoal Relief Light Vessel; 8×20 Gas Buoy in Ice; New Castle Front Light (DE); New Castle Rear Light (DE); Liston Rear Light (DE); Delaware Breakwater Light; Navassa Island Light, Caribbean Sea. These views are exceptionally rare and provide unprecedented details of these remote outposts including the buildings and equipment. The glass slides measures large 3 ¼” x 4” and would provide a large clear view. Two have visible cracks, with some glass loss but interior glass with image is undamaged. The remaining are crack free. Fine, crystal clear images, close, quite detailed, rare. One image dated 1916. (VG+). Lot 9 slides. $180.