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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

28202. Raffield, John C. BIRTH PLACES OF U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTERS, SMALL BOATS, AND STATIONS – PANAMA CITY, FL. – A Seventy Four Year History 1933-2007.Jacksonville. 2007

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28202. Raffield, John C. BIRTH PLACES OF U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTERS, SMALL BOATS, AND STATIONS – PANAMA CITY, FL. – A Seventy Four Year History 1933-2007.Jacksonville. 2007

28202. Raffield, John C. BIRTH PLACES OF U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTERS, SMALL BOATS, AND STATIONS – PANAMA CITY, FL. – A Seventy Four Year History 1933-2007. Jacksonville. 2007. 292p. Soft wraps. Birth Places Of U.S. Coast Guard Cutters evolved as an additional detailed Coast Guard history – a companion to the author’s earlier work United States Coast Guard Station ~ Panama City. In this work he includes additional CG Cutters, bringing the total U.S. Coast Guard Cutters to eleven being homeported in Panama City. Through the years, there have been four different Station locations, and the eleven cutters, four small boats, and four aids to navigation boats making their berths in seven different locations in St. Andrews Bay. The author felt the need to complete a more in depth look into the cutters and boats. The author felt that the new historical information and photos needed to be documented before all the existing personal historical resources “Cross The Bar,” resulting in their accounts of local Coast Guard history being lost to Station-Panama City, Panama City, and Bay County. Growing up in Panama City, the author had both direct and indirect relationship with the Coast Guard crews, CG Auxiliary personnel, and retirees. Over the years, Coast Guard retirees have made Panama City their new home, and made boating at one level or another, their business. The author has always had a fondness for the beaches, water, boats, and has felt a friendship with the Coast Guard as his dad had throughout WW II as a member of the CG Auxiliary, and having lived in the old Coast Guard Headquarters ~ barracks as a child. In this privately published work, the author presents a detailed history of the vessels of U.S. Coast Guard Station – Panama City. Thoroughly illustrated with photographs. (M). $68.