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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

23577c. [print uniforms] United States Revenue Cutter Service, 1834-36

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23577c. [print uniforms] United States Revenue Cutter Service, 1834-36

23577c. [print uniforms] United States Revenue Cutter Service, 1834-36. The Company of Military Historians. 1967. Full color, oversize print measures , 9 ¾” x 11 ¾” and details the various uniforms used by the United States Revenue Cutter Service including Petty Officer, Captain Dress, 1st Lieutenant Dress Summer, Ordinary Seaman Dress Summer, 2nd Lieutenant Undress. Includes views of their uniforms as posed on deck, including swords, belts, telescope and more. The Company of Military Historians has published a continuing series of military prints, Military Uniforms in America , for many years. These full-color prints are executed by different member artists to illustrate military dress relating to the American scene. As far as possible, the plates show items of material culture never illustrated before or not accurately depicted in the past. They are a unique form of reference and are suitable for display. With over 800 plates completed to date, this continuing series represents the single most comprehensive documentation available on the subject. Includes complete written description of each uniform on obverse. Superb print for framing for your station or den. (VG+). $38.