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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

23517. Bennett, Robert F. LIFE-SAVING ALONG THE COAST, 1848-1871: Its New Jersey Beginnings And How It Expanded. Toms River. 2003. 288 p.

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23517. Bennett, Robert F. LIFE-SAVING ALONG THE COAST, 1848-1871: Its New Jersey Beginnings And How It Expanded. Toms River. 2003. 288 p.

17106. Bennett, Robert F. LIFE-SAVING ALONG THE COAST, 1848-1871: Its New Jersey Beginnings And How It Expanded. Toms River. 2003. 288 p. Stiff wraps. Captain Bennett is an historical expert on the United States Life-Saving Service. He has authored two books, Surfboats, Rockets and Carronades, and The Sandpounders (both published by the USCG); and has revised the Coast Guardsman’s Manual (Seventh Edition). Captain Bennett has written numerous pamphlets and articles on the Life-Saving Service, and is frequently cited in materials written about it. This new presentation includes a reprint of Surfboats, Rockets and Carronades, originally published in 1976. Written before the resurgence of interest in the origins of the Life-Saving Service, Surfboats, Rockets, And Carronades traces the little known origins, successes and failures of the earliest federal efforts in lifesaving along the coasts. During the years from 1848 through 1870 volunteer efforts of private citizens saved countless thousands of lives from shipwreck. To help them, they had only native experience, abundant courage, and some token federal assistance in the form of … SURFBOATS, ROCKETS, AND CARRONADES. This is the story of these first rescue stations and of the later establishment of the Life-Saving Service. Also includes is an extensively researched chronological presentation of official correspondence and documents relating to the funding and creation of the early life-saving stations. This chronology discloses the tools and equipment provided for the federal government, the early station-keepers and other important officials which gradually allowed the development of a nationwide organization admired throughout the world. A “must” for the Life-Saving Service historian and good reading for all. (M). $125.