22428. NOTICE TO MARINERS. COAST OF MISSISSIPPI. Light-House on Merrill Shell Bank, instead of the Light-Vessel. “…
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22428. NOTICE TO MARINERS. COAST OF MISSISSIPPI. Light-House on Merrill Shell Bank, instead of the Light-Vessel. “…
22428. NOTICE TO MARINERS. COAST OF MISSISSIPPI. Light-House on Merrill Shell Bank, instead of the Light-Vessel. “….a light-house on a screw-pile foundation has been erected on the shoal to mark the position heretofore occupied by the light-vessel at Merrill’s Shell Bank. The foundation is square in plan, and is composed of iron screw piles; is surmounted by a wooden superstructure, with lantern above its centre. The height at the focal plane is about 45 feet above mean sea level. The illuminating apparatus is a lens of the fourth order of the system of Fresnel, showing a fixed light of the natural color, which in ordinary states of the weather should be visible from the deck of a vessel (ten feet above the water) about eleven nautical miles. The light-house will be lighted up for the first time at sun-down on the 10th of August next, and will be kept burning during that and every night thereafter until further orders. On the same day (August 10) the Merrill Shall Bank light-vessel will be removed from her station and will not be replaced. By order of the Light-house Board: Wm. F. Smith, Engineer Secretary, Office of the Light-House Board, Washington, July 9, 1860.” Clean, crisp save three coffee-like spots, with original light folds. 8″ x 13 ½”. (VG) $148 net.