Our November 2022 Catalogue Page.
Page posted November 22, 2022.
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In this month’s listing we are featuring some new books and items acquired this past month.
Also included this month are great selection of Antiques and more.
Recently Acquired Items:
Early Lighthouse Service items, Life Saving Service items, Coast Guard, Revenue Cutter Service items, Nantucket, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and more.
As always, active duty U.S. Military receives at least 10% off most items.
For additional items please see our many other pages as well by clicking on the subject headings at the left of the page.
This Catalogue Page Changed Monthly.
The perfect gifts:
10115. Benchley, Rob and Robert D. Felch. Keeping the Light – The Epic Move and Preservation of Nantucket’s Sankaty Head Lighthouse. 2009. Sconset Trust. 144p. DJ. A lighthouse has stood on Sankaty Head near the village of Siasconset since 1850, the third such aid built on the island. However, in recent years coastal erosion had brought the surf perilously close to the lighthouse, threatening to topple it into the sea with a future gale. Fortunately the ’Sconset Trust took on the project to oversee the light’s restoration and to raise funds to move the light tower safely away from the eroding cliffs. This epic historic preservation project was successful due to a tremendous island-wide outpouring of support. The new ’Sconset Trust book, Keeping the Light, documenting this historic move, has just been released. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of photographs, the book chronicles the formation of a plan, the move and the tower’s restoration, once again the famous “Blazing Star”. Beautifully done, this will make a superb addition to anyone’s collection. (M). $98.
23358b. Holland, F. R. Jr., THE ARANSAS PASS LIGHT STATION: A HISTORY. Corpus Christi. 1976. Numbered copy no. 110 of 600 copies, privately printed. 127 p. Stiff wraps. The book is SIGNED and inscribed by Charles Butt (owner of the light station and mentioned on the Acknowledgements page) to the previous owner on the front free endpaper. Beautifully done as you would expect with this noted author. Aransas Pass Light Station, on Harbor Island in Aransas County, was built in 1855 and first lit in 1857 by the United States government to facilitate navigation on Aransas Bay. After sustaining damage in the Civil War, restorations began in 1866, with the tower being re-lit on April 15, 1867. In 1916, the keeper’s dwelling and all outhouses were blown away in a hurricane. A new dwelling was completed in 1919. The lighthouse, 68 feet tall, is of a tapered octagonal design and constructed of red brick. It was deactivated in 1952 after a major channel shift left the station a mile from the channel entrance. It is the second oldest lighthouse on the Texas coast and the oldest surviving structure in the Aransas Pass-Corpus Christi area. This lighthouse is known by at least three different names. It was originally the Aransas Pass Lighthouse. After it was purchased by a private party, it was renovated, relit as a private aid to navigation, and renamed Lydia Ann Channel Light. It is also known to many of the locals as St. Jo Light. This detailed account traces the lighthouse history of the area, leading to a detailed history of the light station at Aransas Pass. Includes early history, the light station during the Civil War, later history, the life of the keepers, boats of the station, list of keepers and assistants, and much more. Thoroughly illustrated with vintage photographs, architectural plans, diagrams, and more. Excellent account, but extremely difficult to find. Some marks/spotting to wraps, otherwise very good. (VG+). $124.
32101. [silver flatware] US Navy Officer’s Mess Dinner Knife c.WWII era. “National Silver Co.” “Sterling” Kings Pattern 8 ½” long. Marked with Anchor and “USN”. (5 available) (VG+) $14 each.
32045. (photo) U.S. Coast Guardsmen Working on Surfboat c.1917. Nice clear image, good detail of boat and beachcart. Measures 2 ½” x 4”. (VG). $42.
32042. (cabinet photo) Cast Iron Lighthouse Portsmouth Harbor, NH c.1888. Fine close image shows the cast iron light tower as the Keepers and others look on. The old and decayed wood lighthouse was replaced in 1877 by this cast-iron tower lined with brick. The iron tower was originally painted white, as its predecessor had been, but in 1887 its daymark was changed to brown, as seen here. The tower remained brown until it was again painted white in 1902. This dates this image to 1887 – 1902. Mount measures 4 ¼” x 5 ¼”. Photo crisp, very good, light edge wear to mount. (VG+). $74.
32043. (photo) U.S. Life Saving Service Launching Surfboat Damariscove, Maine. Clear close photo shows great detail of the station crew hauling the surfboat up the boatramp. Great detail of the 8-man crew and of the surfboat. Location labeled on back. Great early detail on postcard paper. 3 ½” x 5 ½”. (VG+). $68.
32043. (photo) U.S. Life Saving Service Launching Surfboat Damariscove, Maine. Clear close photo shows great detail of the station crew hauling the surfboat up the boatramp. Great detail of the 8-man crew and of the surfboat. Location labeled on back. Great early detail on postcard paper. 3 ½” x 5 ½”. (VG+). $68.
32060. (reprint photo) Surfman Patrolling the Shore, Pea Island, North Carolina. b/w 9” x 12” Ready to frame in any standard size frame, this digital reprint from an original photo portrays a watchman of the sea- as this surf-man of the Pea Island Station patrols the beach on the lookout for a craft in distress. A bit dark. First published in 1942. (M). $24.95.
32060. (reprint photo) Surfman Patrolling the Shore, Pea Island, North Carolina. b/w 9” x 12” Ready to frame in any standard size frame, this digital reprint from an original photo portrays a watchman of the sea- as this surf-man of the Pea Island Station patrols the beach on the lookout for a craft in distress. A bit dark. First published in 1942. (M). $24.95.
32032d. (document) U. S. Coast Guard Honorable Discharge Chief Motor Machinist’s Mate c.1929. Coast Guard Form 2510 Honorable Discharge #A16334 for C.Mo.M.M. Levin James Core who served at Division 7 on Patrol Boat “Petrel” Section Base Twenty-One. Net service 12 years 6 months 27 days. Filled out and signed in hand by Lt. C.W. Thomas, Acting Commander, Section Base Twenty-One. Includes on back description of Chief Core, his service record, proficiency ratings, reason for discharge and more. Clean, crisp, perfect for framing. (VG+) $34.
2321h. (souvenir creamer) Chatham Bluffs – Old Chatham Twin Lights, Chatham, Mass. c.1900. A lovely, bright, gilt decorated commemorative creamer featuring a large, detailed, clear b/w image of the old twin Chatham lights on Cape Cod. The superb piece measures 3 1/8” high and is enhanced by a beautiful decorative gilt trim on the handle and on the rim. The unusually detailed image includes all aspects of the two early stone light towers and the 1 ½ story keeper’s dwelling. Labeled “Made in Germany for Boston Store, Chatham, Mass. 109” Very clean, no cracks or checks, light wear to gilding on rim. A very detailed, striking piece for your display. Chatham lighthouse china pieces are quite rare and in great demand. Unusually attractive piece at an unusually low price. As nice as they come. (VG+). $34.
17123b. (photo) U.S. Life Saving Station, Knobbs Beach / Plum Island, Mass. c.1910. Close photo provides a great view of the station with a surfman and Keeper Frank E. Stevens posing in front. There were two life-saving stations on Plum Island, Newburyport (Merrimack River) on the north end and Knobbs Beach (Plum Island) on the Ipswich end. During his 33-year career, Captain Stevens participated in the rescue of crews from over a hundred wrecked or stranded vessels. On the back Keeper [Capt.] Stevens writes in pen: “Compliments of Capt F. E. Stevens. This is the best and latest picture of the station and crew.” Photo itself is clear and close. Great early detail, on postcard paper. 3 ½” x 5 ½”. (VG+). $124.
32060. (reprint photo) Surfman Patrolling the Shore, Pea Island, North Carolina. b/w 9” x 12” Ready to frame in any standard size frame, this digital reprint from an original photo portrays a watchman of the sea- as this surf-man of the Pea Island Station patrols the beach on the lookout for a craft in distress. A bit dark. First published in 1942. (M). $24.95.
7185f. Bunting, W. H. PORTRAIT OF A PORT: BOSTON 1852 – 1914. Cambridge , MA . 1971. 519p. Without DJ. Two hundred and thirty-four striking photographs of the port of Boston combine with interpretive commentary to recapture the flavor and excitement of the city’s years as one of the two or three great American ports. Considered by many to be one of the three best maritime books available today, this wonderful compilation of early photography offers deep water sail and steam vessels, naval ships, light vessels and tenders, fishing boats, catboats, tugs, schooners and sloops, and the picturesque wharves to create a kaleidoscopic visual history. Includes the widest selection of photographs ever published by pioneer marine photographer Nathaniel Stebbins. A wonderful volume for hours of visual enjoyment. Includes 10 page supplement published in April 1973 which includes corrections and additional information. Clean, tight, in original green cloth wraps, without dj. Ex Harvard College library with bookplate and pocket pasted in. (VG). $26.
32037. (souvenir butter pat) Monomoy LifeSavers At Wychmere, Harwichport, Mass. c.1900. Striking bright white butter pat, featuring a close b/w image of the Monomoy life savers standing up, posing as they arrive in their surfboat. Commemorative pieces featuring Life Saving Service images from the Monomoy area of Cape Cod are extremely rare and desirable and we have been only able to find a few in our career. This is certainly one of the nicer pieces yet found. Extremely attractive piece measures 3 3/8” in diameter and is enhanced by a decorative gilded rim. Large b/w image is extremely detailed right down to the facial hair. Back marked “Made in Germany for A.N. Smalley, Harwichport, Mass.” Very nice, bright, only some wear to gilt on rim. (VG+). $58.
32031. Black, Captain William Murray. The United States Public Works. Containing A Summary Of The Methods Of Construction And Character Of Materials And Plan. Including Works Of River And Harbor Improvement, Buildings At Posts Of The United States Army, Lighthouses, Public Buildings, Life Saving Stations, And Works Of Municipal Engineering. A defective copy of a rare title: lacks pp. 91-92 & plates 15-19. Illus. by over 40 Photogravures And Working Drawings. NY: Wiley, 1895. 276pp., 36 plates, – measured drawings and some photographic, 19 illustrations through the text. 23pp. ads. 9 ½” x 12” publisher’s gilt decorated cloth. This hefty compendium of public works and civil engineering is uncommon outside the libraries of North America. As well, there is a directory of agents in charge of works, contractors, manufacturers and dealers of machinery and materials. Pages 108-135 are devoted to light-houses. They feature two full halftone plate illustrations – Galveston TX light-house & the Front Beacon at Baltimore Craighill Channel – and numerous line drawn illustrations amidst the text, which is occupied with bureaucratic matters, construction protocols, Districts, business methods, procuring materials, contracts, and technical analyses of specific sites. Some other illustrations include Fowey Rocks LH, skeleton towers, Cape Henry, Deer Island, Mosquito Inlet, Spectacle Reef, and more. Pages 164-167 are devoted to Life-Saving Service which includes organization, districts, purchase of land, and description of life-saving station construction. Material on life-saving stations gets interspersed through various other sections of the text block as well. Other chapters include General Laws and Treasury Regulations, War Department Public Works, Treasury Department Public Works, District of Columbia Public Buildings…, Forms, Public Works directories, and more. Original cloth, hinges broken but wraps and spine present, text block sound except missing pp. 91-92 & plates 15-19, clean, fine illustrations including some fold-out (U.S. Dredge “RAM”). Ex Lib. (G+). $124.
32032a. (document) U. S. Coast Guard Honorable Discharge Surfman c.1919. Coast Guard Form 2510 Honorable Discharge #20504 for Surfman Willard Howell Alfred who served at Station No. 75 Westhampton Beach, Long Island from October 1918 to September 1919 and filled out and signed in hand by District Superintendent C.A. Lippincott. Includes on back description of Surfman Alfred, his service record, proficiency ratings, reason for discharge and more. Clean, two original folds, perfect for framing. (VG+) $74.
32032b. (document) U. S. Coast Guard Honorable Discharge Surfman c.1918. Coast Guard Form 2510 Honorable Discharge #9623 for Surfman Willard Howell Alfred who served at Station No. 75 Westhampton Beach, Long Island from October 1917 to October 1918 and filled out and signed in hand by District Superintendent C.A. Lippincott. Includes on back description of Surfman Alfred, his service record, proficiency ratings, reason for discharge and more. Clean, two original folds, perfect for framing. (VG+) $74.
32032c. (document) U. S. Coast Guard War Service Certificate c.1919. Coast Guard Form 4-4599 War Service Certificate #5436 for Surfman Willard Howell Alfred who served at Station No. 75 Westhampton Beach, Long Island and station No. 87. from April 6 1917 to September 4, 1919 and filled out and signed in hand by District Superintendent C.A. Lippincott. Clean, two original folds, perfect for framing. (VG+) $62.
32034. (chart booklet) U.S. Department of Commerce and Coast And Geodetic Survey. TIDAL CURRENT CHARTS NARRAGANSETT BAY to NANTUCKET SOUND. c.1950-60’s. This is a 12 page booklet without wraps measures 18 ½” x 11”, 3-color charts showing direction and velocity of currents at various times in the tide cycle for the area indicated. Front page is hand stamped “From the Yacht WHISTLE WING Kingston, Mass. F.W. and M.R. Zwicker”, which has some renown in yachting circles. Booklet is staple bound and has one light fold down the center, but each sheet would flatten out nicely for framing. Quite nice. (VG+). $48.
32033. (mounted photo) U.S. Coast Guard Station, Nahant, Mass. Nahant Coast Guard (Life-Saving Service) station north of Boston was one of George Mendleheff’s finest designs, built in 1899. The distinctive tower was of a different shape and placement from his other designs. At the center of the balanced façade was a two-bay boatroom flanked on either side by a covered entry porch. This wonderful view measures 5 ½” x 9 ½” on a 9” x 13” beveled mount. Mount has old cardboard backing attached. Nice close view. (VG+). $88.
26313c. (burgee – pennant) Ida Lewis Yacht Club in Newport , Rhode Island c.1950’s +. Established in 1928, the Ida Lewis Yacht Club, is housed in the original Lime Rock lighthouse where Ida Lewis was to become famous. This burgee (“A small distinguishing pennant flown by a yacht, usually representing the yacht’s home club.”) has a red background and measures 14 1/2” at the hoist, and 22” on the fly. The burgee has a red background, with eighteen 1 ½” white stars (8 vertically and 10 horizontally) representing the lives saved by Ida Lewis during her career at Lime Rock Light. In between is a representation of a lighthouse measuring 7 ½” tall. The pennant is made by Annin and is labeled NYLANIN 75% nylon 25% wool bunting. Pennant is double sided, with the stars and lighthouse stitched on. The hoist has 2 grommets, lightly corroded by salt water. Pennant has been lightly used with only light edge wear. No holes. A wonderful historical piece and excellent for display. (VG+). $74.
32035. Chelsea Mariner 4 1/2″ Presentation Clock with Chimes to Capt. George E. Eaton, Superintendent 2nd Lighthouse District c.1940. Low serial number #253. Please inquire.
25306d. U. S. Lighthouse Service. INSTRUCTIONS TO EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED STATES LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE 1927. Wash. GPO. 1927. 124 p. Extremely rare original Instructions to Employees includes general instructions to all employees, instructions for light keepers and depot keepers, instructions relating to fog signals, for all light vessels, lightships, lighthouse tenders, engineering instructions for lighthouse vessels, and more. Includes all aspects of station and apparatus maintenance including approved painting color scheme, paint mixing specifications, equipment marking, furniture approved, leaves and vacations, food supplied, bedding, maintenance of equipment and much more. In original government paper wraps, only light expected wear, contents clean and tight, wraps toned and light soil from age, unusually good condition for this title. A very complete and important book with invaluable information. Also laid in original Letter of Transmittal to Keeper G Alexius, Cape Spencer Lighthouse, Oregon. (VG+). $335.
29201. Butler, Karen. Nantucket Lights: An Illustrated History of the Island’s Legendary Beacons. Nantucket. 1996. (151 pp. / 148 illus.) DJ. Lavishly illustrated, Nantucket Lights tells the story of the island’s lighthouses and lightships and the men and women who faithfully kept them. This is one of the most comprehensive and attractive books ever done on the lighthouses of Nantucket. Dazzling images including fascinating historic illustrations as well as recent photographs and paintings, and a carefully researched text illuminate an important aspect of Nantucket’s maritime past. Nantucket’s three lighthouses all have fascinating history — little Brant Point Light, which has been rebuilt more than any other American lighthouse; remote Great Point Light, completely destroyed in a storm in 1984 but rebuilt only two years later; and Sankaty Head Light, the famous “Blazing Star.” There’s also an excellent chapter on the Nantucket Lightship. Even if you’ve never been to the “Far Away Island,” this book is a must. (M). $24.95. SALE PRICE $18.95.
32027. (cabinet photograph) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment Principal Keeper, Wisconsin c.1890. J Braun Photographer, Two Rivers, Wisc. This rare posed original portrait photograph shows the clean-cut rather handsome young Principal Keeper proudly posing in his double-breasted uniform coat. Clearly visible on his collars are the “K” insignia, indicating his position as Principal Keeper. Also visible are the early “U.S.L.H.E.” buttons on his coat. Clearly visible too is the typical hat with nice view of the embroidered insignia and cord chin strap. The image measures about 3 ¾” x 5 ½” on a 4 ¼” x 6 ½” original mount. Mount stamped “J Braun [Photographer], Two Rivers, Wisc. “ Photo is clear and crisp, but the background is heavily foxed. It is rare to find images of the Keepers in any format. (VG). $445.
32023. (photo) Chatham Twin Lighthouses c.1900. This rare early photo features a fairly close image including all aspects of the two twin iron light towers and the clipped-gable keeper’s dwelling from the front (land side). Beyond can be seen some homes and the Mack Memorial commemorating the attempted rescue of the crew of the barge Wadena and the loss of the Life-Savers lost off Monomoy Island on 17 March 1902. Measurements 3 ½” x 5 ½” on postcard paper. Clear, only light soiling. Rare early view. (VG+). $24.
6674e. (stereoview) U.S. Light-House Establishment. Block Island Southeast Lighthouse, RI c.1880’s. Circa 1880’s albumen stereoview on mount of the Southeast Lighthouse on Block Island (New Shoreham), Rhode Island by unknown photographer. The Southeast Light cost about $80,000 — $10,000 for the huge first-order Fresnel lens alone. The lighthouse was designated a primary seacoast aid to navigation, which meant it was equipped with the most powerful lighting apparatus available. The fixed white light, illuminated by lard oil, was first exhibited on February 1, 1875.The large brick keeper’s house, attached to the tower, was a 2 1/2 story duplex residence with twin 1 1/2 story kitchen wings to the rear. Great early photo also includes the fog signal building with steam powered Daball fog trumpets. Very good, clear, light wear and bending to corners. Written in pencil on back “Palatine Light and Fog Horn House Block Island 1880 R.J.” Good view. (VG). $88.
32026. (mounted photo) U.S. Navy or Revenue Cutter Service Seaman Rhode Island c.1905. Good size professionally mounted photo shows proud young sailor posing in his blue uniform for the photographer. Hat tally reads “….g STATION”, may be Training Station for this new recruit. Unable to see outside of right arm to determine if Navy or Revenue Cutter Service. Image 3 ¾” x 5 ½” on 6” x 9” embossed mount. Blindstamped Sands & Brady, Providence. In about 1903 photographer Sands returned to Providence, his prior company “Rose & Sands” dissolved, now teamed with William A. Brady to organize “Sands & Brady” studio in Providence. This partnership would also prove short lived. By 1908 Sands was a freelancer working at a small studio at 333 Westminster, dating this image to 1903-1908. One mark to photo, otherwise clean and crisp. Mount has moderate edge and surface wear. (VG-). $46.
32024. (lot 16 glass slides) United States Signal Service Station Glass Slides c.1898. Slides. Excellent lot of 16 b/w glass projection slides in two original Carbutt’s Gelatino-Albumen glass plates boxes were published by William T Gregg of New York and provide rare views at Coast Signal Stations on the northern Atlantic Coast. Slides measure 3 ¼” x 4” overall. All are identified and include: Vilal Haven, Me, Bakers Island, Maine (2), Appledore Island, NH, Rockport, Mass, Highland Light, Cape Cod, Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard, Block Island, RI (3), Montauk Point, LI, Fire Island, LI, Barnegat, NJ, Cape Henlopen (3). The Signal Service was organized to open and maintain communications, to note the development and progress of storms, to predict probable future atmospheric conditions and to report on the conditions of the sea and navigable rivers. In the later 1870’s, some forty odd observation stations were established in the principal cities of the country. The organization was sufficiently complete so that on the 1st of January, 1871, regular reports of weather observations taken synchronously were telegraphically reported to the Washington office. Signal Service Stations were established in connection with lighthouses and life-saving stations, connected by telegraph and offered communications to ships at sea by light or flag (and later by radio). They also summoned assistance to vessels in distress from the nearest life-saving stations or ports. After the turn of the century this organization would become the U.S. Weather Bureau. These views are exceptionally rare and provide unprecedented details of these remote outposts including the buildings, roof signal tower with men signaling, and more. The glass slides measures large 3 ¼” x 4” and would provide a large clear view. Three have visible cracks, one has a corner crack not visible in the image. The rest are crack free.Fine, crystal clear images, close, quite detailed, rare. Dated on boxes 1898. (VG+). Lot 16 slides in original boxes $495.
32022. (lot 24 color photos) U.S. Life Saving Service Equipment / Museum Displays. Nice lot of 4” x 6” color photographs by a life-saving historian provides a great look at Life-Saving Service and lighthouse equipment and artifacts in museum displays. Great for research and documentation. Briefly, included are: Sand Anchor & Beach Cart, old USCG/USLSS Station, Virginia Beach; Beach Cart, Chicamacomico, NC; Beach Cart, Glen Haven MI; Beach Cart, Ocean City MD; Beach Cart, Gurnet MA; Beach Cart, Spermaceti Cove NJ; Beach Cart, USCG, (modern), Point Aux Barques USLSS Station Huron City MI ; Faking Box and Lyle Gun, Glen Haven MI ; Life Car, Cockpit Open, Glen Haven MI; Life Car, Glen Haven MI; Life Car with Life Lines Engaged, Fairport OH Lighthouse; Life Car with Life Lines, Huron City MI ; Fresnel Lens Clock Works, Fairport OH ; Oil Can, Dossin Museum, Detroit MI; Flair Gun and Flairs, Glen Haven, MI ; Lyle Gun Dunkirk, NY Lighthouse; Faking Box, Mortar and Lyle Gun, USLSS Del Station; Mortars, Fairport OH; Dewatering two-man Pump Glen Haven, MI; Block and Tackle for use with Beach Cart and Life Car, Glen Haven, MI; Breeches Buoy and Life Car, Ocean City, MD USLSS Station; Breeches Buoy, Huron City MI; Mass. Humane Society Life Boat, Hull LS Museum, Mass; surfmen await USCG Rotory Wing Aircraft from the 2000’s. practicing a Sar Case USCG Traverse City MI. (F). Lot 24 photos $68.
32017b,c. (copy photo) Mezzotint “To the Merchants of Boston this View of the LightHouse is most humbly presented By their Humble Serv’ Wm. Burgis” c.1729 view. The first Boston Light stood as a beacon in Boston Harbor for 60 years until the British blew it up in 1776. Built in 1716, it was the first lighthouse in the United States. In 1719 it was asked “That a great Gun may be placed on Said Island to answer Ships in a Fogg” and one was supplied that year on which the date 1700 was engraved. The gun is shown on this mezzotint engraving of Boston Light made by Burgess in 1729 (to the right of the base of the light tower). Called the first maritime print made in America, the original mezzotint that this photo represents, of Boston Light, is remarkable in several ways. First, as has often been said, it is the only print known bearing Burgis’ name as both artist and engraver. But in point of fact it is the only print bearing Burgis’ name as engraver. Then, too, it is a very early example of mezzotinting in America, second only to Peter Pelham’s portrait of Cotton Mather of 1727. Photo measures 8” x 10” clear close view. $18.
32017a. (photo) Boston Light Station c.1960’s – 1980’s. Large 8” x 10” press photo provide unusually close, clear view of the light station on Boston’s Little Brewster Island. View includes the tall light tower, fog signal building and oil house, keeper’s house and more. Taken from the air with Cape Cod on the horizon. Good view, clear and clean. (VG+). $14.
32019a. (photo) Eastern Point Light Station, Gloucester, Mass. c.1900. Old and rare original view of Eastern Point Lighthouse in Gloucester, Massachusetts showing two fog bells on top of the fog signal station. Good close view of the configuration of buildings near the light tower at this well known light station on Massachusetts’ Cape Ann. Measures 4 ½” x 6 ½” overall. Image clean, clear. Back soiled, stamped “Brown Brothers, Sterling, PA…” from a number of eras. (VG+) $28.
1934a,b,c. (copy photo) U.S. Lighthouse Service Truck 2nd District c.1919. Nice clear, close copy photo digitally printed shows good detail of a Lighthouse Service truck in the Second Lighthouse District. Rare view. 8 ½” x 11”. (F-). $24.
28269. (lot 10 photos) Cape Cod – Highland Lighthouse and Area c.1926-1938. Rare lot of eleven snapshot photos show Cape Cod / Highland Lighthouse and area in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Includes six views of the light station and clay cliffs, two of the old mill in Eastham, one of Salt Pond and one of a period sedan automobile. Measure from 2 ½” x 4” to 3 ½” x 5 ½”. Some on black album page. All clear, good views. (VG). $66.
31093. (newspaper article) At A Life-Saving Station – A Day With Men Who Risk Their Lives to Save Life. Providence Journal, RI., January 15, 1876. Rare lengthy account of a visit to the Bridgehampton USLSS station and the lives and work of the men who work there. The interview with Superintendent Capt. Henry L. Hunting reveals that during these early years of the Service, the surfmen live on their farms in fine weather and only one man is on duty in the daytime. Valuable account and well worth the time to read and preserve it. About 55 column inches. Includes numerous additional interesting articles and advertisements of the day. Intact, some wear. (VG). $85.
31091. (CDV) [Carte De Visite format] U.S. Revenue Cutter Hugh M. McCulloch c.1865. Image by “A.A. Turner Photographer, New Orleans”. Interesting pre-printed backmark in purple ink for the Turner Gallery. Popular during the Civil War when images of heroes and loved ones were widely collected, a CDV consists of an albumen photograph mounted on a 2 ½” x 4” card. Rare, clear image of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Hugh M. McCulloch was possibly produced to commemorate the vessel’s commissioning on December 1, 1865. She was first stationed at New Orleans and made the passage to Cuba in 1867 to convoy the Harriet Lane to the United States. She was then stationed at Savannah, GA, in 1869 and then transferred to Portland, Maine. In 1876 she was decommissioned and sold, to become the merchant vessel John H. Starin. Good detail includes ensign and commissioning pennant of the Revenue Cutter Service flying. Such images are extremely rare and collectible, particularly of Revenue Cutters, etc. Clean, edges good, light moisture or foxing to back. (VG+). $155.
16241c. (photo) U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Lookout Post, St. Marys River, Soo, Michigan c.1915-1925. Rare early view shows the Coast Guard lookout station on the St. Mary’s River. Note the post lantern hanging and the Light-House Establishment Cast iron oil house beside. Rare view. Snapshot photo trimmed to 2” x 4”. (VG+). $48.
31097. (postcard) Buffalo Life-Saving Crew in Surfboat Under Sail c.1910. Rare lithograph view of a Life-Saving Service surfboat under sail. Great detail. Postcard measures 3 ½” x 5 ½” and is unused, clean and crisp. Published by the Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. (F-). $26.
2826. (lot mounted photo & glass slide) Keeper Mills & Grace Gunderson, Ipswich Range Lights, Massachusetts c.1909. Extremely rare views shows the keeper’s house at the Ipswich Range Lights, with Keeper Mills Gunderson and his wife Grace standing at the porch stairs. In 1837, two lighthouses were built on the stretch of sand now known as Crane Beach, east of the mouth of the Ipswich River. These two lights served as a range for mariners coming through the main channel toward the mouth of the Ipswich River. For just over a century, a succession of keepers and their families kept watch at this light station. Keeper Gunderson immigrated from Norway in 1890 and married Grace Stanley in 1894. He was appointed keeper at Duxbury Pier Lighthouse and served from 1897 to 1902. He then transferred to this station in Ipswich from 1903 to 1911, and then to Boston Light from 1911-1916. He then transferred to Stage Harbor Light on Cape Cod at a reduction in salary of $200, where he received a commendation in 1918 for the excellent condition of his station. In 1918, after setting the light for the night, Keeper Gunderson committed suicide by hanging himself in a shed while his wife was in town. Reportedly, he was distraught by the illness of his son. Rare view, one of the few in existence showing Mills with his wife Grace, and one of the few providing a close view of the keeper’s residence in Ipswich. In addition is a period glass projection slide showing the light tower and elevated walkway. Photo measures 3 ½” x 4 ½” on 5” x 6” mount. Marked in pen on back “This is the house we live in. Mrs. Grace Gunderson, Ipswich Light St., Ipswich, Mass. Box 680”. Image clean, light wear/soil to mount. Slide measures 3 ½” x 4” overall and is extremely clear. (VG). Set $74.
20283-12. (button) U.S. Life-Saving Service, early style FD 20A c.1870’s. Life-boat with crossed oar and boat-hook below the initials “U.S.L.S.S.” above, on a lined field. Two piece with rope border, soldered loop on back. Reversible type with black composition back, threaded shank. Rare to find this style without the threaded shank. This is the first style used by the Life-Saving Service for only a few years and style is almost impossible to find. (FD 20A.) 15mm (9/16”) cuff size. (VG+). $145.
31087. (reproduction) U.S. Coast Guard Lighthouse Keeper’s Hat Band Embroidered. Reproduction of the insignia and mohair band worn by Coast Guard Lighthouse Keepers after 1939 (as opposed to civilian keepers after 1939) . Consists of silver embroidered lighthouse surrounded by a gold embroidered wreath, under which are the letters “U.S.C.G.”. Embroidery is on an original period Coast Guard mohair band 1 ½”. Perfect for your reproduction Coast Guard Keeper’s uniform. This insignia was in use into the 1950’s or so. (M). $58.
31098. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Brass Insignia 4”. This insignia is high quality metal, may be copper or brass, measures 3 7/8” in diameter with enamel lettering background. We are not sure where it was mounted, may have been on a boat, or storage chest of some kind, etc. Nice piece, collectible, old patina. (VG+). $48.
13431-3. (photo) Crewmen of the Tanker S.S Fort Mercer Rescued by Men of CGC Eastwind. February 18-19, 1952. Clear, close, original 7” x 9” press photo shows excellent detail as crewmen of CGC Eastwind, fighting against time and the clutches of the rough seas, struggle to remove survivors from the fast sinking stern section of the tanker SS Fort Mercer by means of rubber liferafts attached to life lines. 18 crewmen were rescued from the broken tanker Fort Mercer off Chatham in this fierce northeast storm. Photo is b/w and includes date and description. Clear, close view, great detail. (VG+). $42.
32008. (souvenir creamer) U. S. Life Saving Station, Ottowa Point, East Tawas, Michigan c.1900. An unusual, bold, bright rose pink commemorative creamer featuring a beautiful full color image of the “U. S. Life Saving Station, Ottowa Point, East Tawas, Michigan”. This bold piece has a large 2 ¾” full color image of the “magically decorated” 1875-Type station on Lake Huron. The station was different from other 1875-Types in that it did not have clipped gables and was “decorated” with an exterior winding stairway to the roof lookout. The detailed image shows the entire station including the boat ramp and kitchen/Keeper’s quarters on the left. This item is quite attractive and unusual, with bright rose pink color and decorations and gilded trim. Creamer measures 3 ¼” high and is clean, only light wear to gilding. Marked “Made in Germany”. A very detailed, striking piece for your display. (VG+). $88.
31109b. (photo) Life Saving Crew in Surfboat, Tawas, Michigan c.1905. Photo No. 7 by Bradshaw of Oscoda, Mich. Rare early very close photo shows great detail of Life-Saving Surfboat as the crew rows. The Keeper is seen standing in the stern operating the steering oar. Quite clear, good detail. Photo measures 3 ½” x 5 ½” on postcard paper. Postmarked March 1907. Rare view. (VG+). $74.
31092. (photo) Ambrose Lightship WLV-613 at Caddell Dry Dock & Repair c.1953. Clear, close, original 7” x 9” press photo shows excellent detail of the Ambrose Lightship, probably WLV-613, at Caddell Dry Dock & Repair Co in West Brighton. It may be at this time in 1953 that the large cylindrical lantern housing was installed on a tripod foremast with a British duplex revolving high intensity light. Nice view from the stern. Photo is b/w and is not dated. Clear, close, nice detailed view. (VG+). $48.
8152m. U. S. Life Saving Service Powder Flask c.1880. Early style Life Saving Service powder flask used by the station crews for priming the Lyle Gun. Flask is of brass and copper construction and measures 10 ½” in length, with four brass loop hangers. On each side of the body of the flask are stamped the initials “U.S.L.S.S.”. This original powder flask has only one expected dent and is in wonderful condition and should polish up well, or looks quite nice with its early patina as is. The spring in the charger nozzle is still intact and operable, with original screw on spout. Also marked “Walton Bros., NY.” [distributor] and “Am Flask & Cap Co.” [manufacturer]. Overall a most presentable rare example of this early Life Saving Service powder flask, one of the nicest that I have had. (VG+). $2895.
31103. Small Yacht Block (pulleys), deadeyes, etc. $25-$40 each. Please inquire.
31084. (photo) Visitors Enjoy Life-Saving Service Surfboat on Beach. Rare early photo shows Victorian visitors posing in and on a Life-Saving Service surfboat on its carriage as a surfman poses with the steering oar. Photo measures 3 ½” x 6”. Overall close, detailed view, only very light soiling. Rare view. (VG+). $22.
6320q. Floherty, John J. SENTRIES OF THE SEA. Philadelphia . 1942. 220pp. DJ. Well illustrated with over 85 U.S. Coast Guard photos. Vivid presentation of the men of the Lighthouse Service and their battles with the elements of nature. The author tells the story of who the men are that man these lonely sentries, what they were like and what their work consisted of. Numerous vintage photographs show details of the stations, lanterns, lens apparatus, tenders, and more. Very nicely done. Clean, tight, light wear to covers. DJ chiped with area on spine missing. A desirable title. (VG). $48.
20238q. (dish) United States Revenue Cutter Service “U.S.R.C.S.” Dinnerware Dish c.1886-1910. Scarce, original United States Revenue Cutter Service medium dish in the rust, blue/gray and pink “U.S.R.C.S.” flower pattern. Dish is quite attractive, with little if any expected light wear and is entirely intact. Plate is back-marked “W” and imprinted with ” Greenwood China , Trenton N.J. ” dating it to 1886-1910. There are no other markings visible. In wonderful condition, oval, and measures 8 ½” by 5 1/8”. Larger than we have found in the past, in wonderful condition. (VG+). $385.
31066. (mounted photo) U.S. Revenue Cutter Rush Crew at Worship Service c.1904. Silver gelatin matte finish original print 6″ x 8″ on 9-7/8″ x 7-7/8″ studio bevelled edge cut mount with studio stamp on the back (Seattle Photographic Co, 9 Sullivan Block Seattle). Written description on the back dates this as 1904: “After song service on U.S. Revenue Cutter Rush 1904. Chaplain West with Gilbert in foreground Mable West standing with sailors on boom left hand side.” Little if any wear, near fine condition view provides wonderful look at crew and friends in uniform at worship service. (VG+). $124.
31057. (photo) Robbins (Ruffins) Reef Lighthouse, New Jersey c.1955. Clear, close, original 7” x 9” press photo shows excellent detail of the cast iron “sparkplug-style” lighthouse in very good condition. Robbins Reef Lighthouse was located on the west side of the main channel in upper New York Bay. Established in 1839, this “sparkplug type” tower was erected in 1883. Note the fog bell visible near the top level. Photo is b/w and is dated July 1955. Clear, close, nice detailed view. (VG+). $28.
31058. (photo) Fayerweather Island (Black Rock Harbor) Lighthouse Repaired c.1984. Clear, close, original 7” x 9” press photo shows excellent detail of the weathered Fayerweather Island Lighthouse built in 1823 to replace an earlier light, to mark the entrance into Bridgeport, Connecticut’s harbor. The photo was taken in 1984 as the U.S. Army Reserve and others work to restore the deteriorating structure. Photo is b/w and is dated June 1984. Includes the photo as a newspaper image. Clear, close, nice detailed view. Light soiling. (VG+). $36.
Available Once Again:
25355. Replica U. S. Lighthouse Service Helmet Insignia. Perfect for your cap or lapel. Replica of keeper’s insignia from the 1880’s depicts a granite lighthouse tower on crossed spar and whistling buoys. Although this insignia was intended for the helmet of the watchmen at lighthouse depots, many of the keeper’s of the day wore it as well With clutch back, perfect to use on your cap, lapel or on your uniform. 1 ¼”. (M). $9.95
25356. Enamel U. S. Lighthouse Service Flag Lapel Pin. Perfect for your cap or lapel. Enamel lapel pin includes the triangular Lighthouse Service flag on a white rectangular background. With the words “U. S. Lighthouse Service Flag. With clutch back, perfect to use on your cap, lapel or on your uniform. ” ¾” x 7/8”. (M). $4.95
Available Once Again:
15228. Richmond, Arthur P. Lighthouses and Lightships of Rhode Island. Schiffer. 2015. 144p. DJ. This pictorial guide provides a photographic tour of the last 400 years of Rhode Island lighthouse history. More than thirty lighthouse stations are described, from Watch Hill, near the Connecticut border in the south, to the inner harbor of Providence. The lighthouse station locations are identified using navigational charts and their characteristics, including date established, tower structure, optics, and fog signals. Also included are the dozen or so lighthouses that no longer exist. Probably not as well known, images and characteristics of these aids are similarly discussed. Over 300 images, some more than 130 years old, show the original towers and stations, accompanied by present-day photographs that compare the development and evolution of these lighthouses. Many of the images found on these pages have been collected from historical resources and are being published for the first time. This book is a must-have for the lighthouse enthusiast, maritime buff, and anyone who is interested in Rhode Island history. (M). $34.99. Our Price $31.50
15218. Richmond, Arthur P. Massachusetts Lighthouses and Lightships. Schiffer. 2013. 256p. DJ. A must-have book for the lighthouse enthusiast, maritime buff, and anyone who is interested in Massachusetts history. Massachusetts Lighthouses and Lightships includes more than 850 images, many never before published. Also include historic plans that describe the details of these aids to navigation, and archival and contemporary photos that trace through their history. The book covers all the lighthouses and lightships that marked the shores (exclusive of Cape Cod and the Islands) and guided mariners through the challenging waters surrounding Massachusetts. This volume also explores the interiors of towers, shows the lantern rooms of rarely-visited lighthouses and gives fascinating facts about these beacons over their 200-year history. More than 876 images in color and b/w, some more than 130 years old, show the original towers and stations. (M). $44.99. Our price $41.95.
31053. (copy photo) Life-Saving Service Horse Pulling Beach Apparatus Cart c.1900 view. Good clear view shows the early life-saving crew pushing beach apparatus cart through the sand as the station horse struggles to pull at the front. Note two faking boxes on top of canvas-covered cart. View is fairly clear and close, great for framing or research. From National Archives photo by Leib Archives (York, Pa.). Measures 8” x 10”. Protected in plastic, label will come off with protective covering. (M). $32.
892. Canney, Donald L. , U. S. COAST GUARD AND REVENUE CUTTERS 1790-1935. Naval Institute Press. 1995. 128P. DJ. From 250-foot Lake -class cruising cutters to 36-foot picket boats, more than 1000 vessels are included in this first complete and systematic listing of U. S. Revenue Service and Coast Guard vessels through 1935. Includes specifications for each, as well as a service history. An interesting and important reference, difficult to find now. (M). Pub. at $49.95. Our Price $32.95.
6275h-2. Ralph Shanks, Wick York, Lisa Woo Shanks, editor. THE U. S. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE – HEROES, RESCUES AND ARCHITECTURE OF THE EARLY COAST GUARD. 1996. Petaluma , CA. 262p. DJ. Gilt embossed hard cover library edition with dust wrap (only 300 were produced for libraries and advanced collectors.) Winner of the first Foundation for Coast Guard History Award for Best Book on Coast Guard History, this long heralded work by Ralph Shanks and Wick York is once again available in this scarce, last remaining copy obtained from the author. Filling a longtime void in the chronicles of the Life-Saving Service, this book is the result of two decades of research by these highly respected maritime historians. In 272 large format pages, the authors present unforgettable stories of the surfmen and their unsurpassed bravery. Unique to this work is the authors coverage of the architecture of each of the stations across the country. Using over 400 rare photos from the Library of Congress and other historic sources, the authors provide a station by station look at the architectural features that make them such a unique and unforgettable piece of our history. Considered the best reference on the U.S. Life Saving Service on the market. Book is new old stock and as such has not been opened but does have a previous owner’s bookplate in front. Clean and crisp. (F). $129.95.Sold.
A few lightly used softcover are available as well for $34.95 while they last.
12435b. (photo) U.S. Life Saving Service Crew, Big Sandy Life-Saving Station, Lake Ontario c.1913. Great image shows a close, clear view of the keeper and his 6-man crew drilling with the breeches buoy apparatus. To the right can be seen the 1875-Type station sheltered in the trees. Rare, clean and clear, nice view of apparatus especially the beach cart, etc. The life saving station at the mouth of Sandy creek was established in 1876. Before the station went into operation, more than 80 boats and vessels were driven into the Mexico bay region, and of this number one-half were total wrecks, while the fatalities aggregated 80 lives lost. Great early detail, on postcard paper. Only very light wear, clear and close. (VG+). $110.
Original New York State “Wreck Master” Appointment Certificates, County of Suffolk. Signed in hand by the Governor of New York State. c.1861 – 1869. Certificates measure 10 ½” x 16 ½” and include applied seal of New York State. Signed in hand by the Governor and by the Secretary of State.
“…Wreck Masters, appointed by the New York State Governor from 1787 on, were required to help victims and protect property belonging to wrecked ships, rescue service on Long Island relied on volunteers until the founding of the Life-Saving Service, a federal agency, in 1871”.
The appointment certificate for March 24, 1810 describes the duties of the Wreck Masters as follows: “…to aid and assist all such ships and vessels as may happen to be stranded on the coasts of said county of Suffolk with full power and authority to them…. to give all possible aid and assistance to all such ships and vessels and to the people on board of the same and to use their utmost endeavors to save the same and to save preserve and … for the purposes aforesaid the cargoes of all such ships and vessels and all goods and chattels whatsoever which may at any time be cast by the sea upon the shore and to employ such and so many men for the purpose as they may think proper. To have and to hold exercise and enjoy the said office together with the fees profits perquisites privileges and advantages to the same by law belonging or appertaining unto them…. “
Certificates list the individual being appointed and his town of residence, and the person whom he is replacing.
Long Island towns represented include Amagansett, Babylon, Baiting Hollow, Belport, Brookhaven, Centre Moriches, East Hampton, Fire Place, Fresh Pond, Mattituck, Miller’s Place, Northport, Orient, Patchogue, Penataquit, Quogue, Riverhead, Sayvile, Smithtown, Southampton, South Haven, Southold, West Hampton.
Pricing in the $200 – $40 range depending on condition and content, with discounts on multiple items available. Please inquire for towns and reduced pricing.
3102. Gendell, David. Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse: A Chesapeake Bay Icon. History Press. 2020. 206p. Soft wraps. Well illustrated with vintage photographs. For centuries, the hard-packed shoal at Thomas Point menaced Chesapeake Bay mariners. Even after two separate stone towers were built on the shoreline, sailors continued to request a light at the end of the mile-long shoal. When a new lighthouse was finally approved in 1873, experts deemed its novel design too fragile for the location—but it was built anyway. Long overdue and of an inappropriate design, the iconic Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse was lit in November 1875 and continues to serve mariners. Thomas Point is the last Chesapeake Bay screwpile-style lighthouse in its original location and one of only twelve American lighthouses designated as a National Historic Landmark. Join Annapolis sailor David Gendell as he explores Thomas Point. This compact volume features numerous early photographs, drawn from the author’s and other private collections, most never before published. (M). $21.99.
20238p. United States Revenue Cutter Service “U.S.R.C.S.” Dinnerware saucer. Scarce, original United States Revenue Cutter Service saucer in the rare later intertwined green “U.S.R.C.S.” pattern. This is a scarce original china dinnerware piece from the United States Revenue Cutter Service manufactured of heavy white institutional type china, in the early years of the Twentieth Century for use in ships’ wardrooms. This pattern is the later pattern used just before the service was combined with the Life Saving Service to form the Coast Guard. The pattern is done in rust and brown, and consists of one green stripe around the perimeter bordered by two thin rust stripes. Beneath, in a green shield, are the letters “USRCS” in an intertwining pattern. This pattern would be continued into the early Coast Guard with only the letters changed to “USCG”. Saucer is back-marked “M China L”. There are no other markings visible. Saucer is near fine and quite clean and presentable. Saucer measures 4 11/16” in diameter. A great example of this extremely rare pattern. (F-). $274.
3076. (photo) Life Savers Drill in Surfboat Near Ocean Park, Wash. c.1910. Superb clear, close photo shows excellent detail as the crew of the Willapa Bay or Klipsan Beach Life-Saving station land in the surf as they drill in the station surfboat. Labeled as “…near Ocean Park, Wash.” Photo is clear, great detail, on postcard paper. 3 ½” x 5 ½”. (F-). $54.
3061. Henry, Ellen J. The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse: An Illustrated History. 2019. Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Preservation Association. 317p. DJ. THE PONCE INLET LIGHTHOUSE: An Illustrated History tells the story of the Ponce (originally Mosquito) Inlet Light Station and the local Florida region from prehistoric times through the present day. Published by the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Preservation Association, this extraordinary hardcover coffee table book is the definitive history of the Ponce Inlet Light Station and represents more than 15 years of research conducted by author and museum curator Ms. Ellen Henry. The book features more than 400 images to bring it all to life and is filled with fascinating stories of human perseverance, lighthouse innovation, Native American uprisings, civil war battles, desperate shipwrecks, lighthouse builders defying the elements, heroic sea rescues, and the lives of the light station’s historic keepers and their families. Well done. (M). $49.95 (x)
We have just acquired a collection of these rare Annual Reports of the Life-Saving Service and, in an effort to stem the rise of prices over the last few years on these reports, have endeavored to offer them at as low a price as possible. This is the perfect opportunity to begin your collection or to fill those missing years in your present collection. Reports are printed by the Government Printing Office [GPO] and range from 180 to 600 pages. Includes extensive details of operations and of rescues throughout the year. Also details personnel, construction and repairs of stations and equipment, evaluation of new equipment and much more. In addition, many include appended reports such as the new Beebe-McLellan Life-Boat, Dobbins’s surf life-boat, launching wagon, improved breeches buoy traveler block, McLellan’s Tally-Boards, and lengthy report on tests performed on Hunt and Lyle guns on Nantucket Island in 1887, reports on surfboats and more. Quite detailed, becoming exceptionally difficult to find. Typical cloth government binding, contents overall clean, expected uniform very light browning on some copies, hinges tight and intact, covers may have some wear. Some inscribed “Compliments of Capt. F.R. Baby [President, Board on Life-Saving Appliances]. $74 net each.
2383d. Reproduction U. S. Life-Saving Service right arm insignia patch. Insignia shows “ U.S. ” over life ring with crossed pike and oar, over “L.S.S.” Reproduction patch is embroidered in white on blue, measures 3 ½”w x 4”h and would be perfect for display or for mounting on your uniform. (M). $29.
3061. Henry, Ellen J. The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse: An Illustrated History. 2019. Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Preservation Association. 317p. DJ. THE PONCE INLET LIGHTHOUSE: An Illustrated History tells the story of the Ponce (originally Mosquito) Inlet Light Station and the local Florida region from prehistoric times through the present day. Published by the Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse Preservation Association, this extraordinary hardcover coffee table book is the definitive history of the Ponce Inlet Light Station and represents more than 15 years of research conducted by author and museum curator Ms. Ellen Henry. The book features more than 400 images to bring it all to life and is filled with fascinating stories of human perseverance, lighthouse innovation, Native American uprisings, civil war battles, desperate shipwrecks, lighthouse builders defying the elements, heroic sea rescues, and the lives of the light station’s historic keepers and their families. Well done. (M). $49.95 (x)
2825b. Bowditch, Nathaniel. (U. S. Navy) AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR – An Epitome of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. GPO. Washington. 1943. 777p. The American Practical Navigator , written by Nathaniel Bowditch, is an encyclopedia of navigation, a valuable handbook on oceanography and meterology, and contains useful tables and a maritime glossary. In 1866 the copyright and plates were bought by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy. The most popular navigational text of the late 18th century was The New Practical Navigator by John Hamilton Moore. Edmund M. Blunt, a Newburyport, Massachusetts publisher, decided to issue a revised copy of this work for American navigators and convinced Nathaniel Bowditch, a locally famous mariner and mathematician, to revise and update it with the help of several others. Blunt’s The New Practical Navigator was published in 1799, followed by a second edition in 1800. By 1802, when Blunt was ready to publish a third edition, Nathaniel Bowditch and others had corrected so many errors in Hamilton’s work that Blunt decided to publish it as the first edition of a new work, The New American Practical Navigator. The current edition of the American Practical Navigator traces its pedigree to that 1802 edition. Edmund M. Blunt continued to published the book until 1833; upon his retirement, his sons, Edmund and George, assumed publication. The elder Blunt died in 1862; his son Edmund followed in 1866. The next year, 1867, George Blunt sold the copyright to the government for $25,000. The government has published Bowditch ever since. The U.S. government has published some 52 editions since acquiring the copyright to the book that has come to be known simply by its original author’s name, “Bowditch”. Since the government began production, the book has been known by its year of publishing, instead of by the edition number. Hard Cover, very good, beige cloth wraps. Book tight, completely intact, some expected soiling and wear to cloth wraps. (VG). $24. Sale 50% off ! $12.
2383d. Reproduction U. S. Life-Saving Service right arm insignia patch. Insignia shows “ U.S. ” over life ring with crossed pike and oar, over “L.S.S.” Reproduction patch is embroidered in white on blue, measures 3 ½”w x 4”h and would be perfect for display or for mounting on your uniform. (M). $29.
Reproduction of the Original United States Life Saving Service Pennant.
Treat your family to this replica of the official sewn U. S. Life Saving Service flag. Flag is professionally made of high quality 400 denier nylon flag material, using an applique (cut and sewn) construction. The header is woven polypropylene webbing (not lightweight canvas) with #3 brass grommets for attaching to halyard. The flags are double sided. Professionally made in the United States and will last longer than most others that you may find. Our pennants are flown at stations across the country as well on vessels of the U. S. Coast Guard and have received the highest praise.
27463L. [reproduction] U. S. Life Saving Service Station Flag – large. This triangular station flag measures 48” long by 25” and is typical of the flags once flown at Life Saving Service stations to identify them as such to vessels at sea. The flag is of the standard design instituted by General Superintendent Sumner I Kimball, with blue, white and red fields and one white star. Heavy duty for moderate weather conditions. Made in America. (design as shown above) $84.95.
28121a. Revenue Cutter Service Mug (3 available) $38.95 each.
1602. Webber, Bernie. Into a Raging Sea : My Life and the Pendleton Rescue. 2016. On Cape Publications. 172p. Soft wraps. Into A Raging Sea features the riveting, firsthand account of what is widely regarded as the greatest small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history, told by BM1 Bernie Webber. Webber and his crew were awarded the prestigious Gold Lifesaving medal for the miraculous rescue of thirty-two men off the stern of the SS Pendleton with a thirty-six-foot motor lifeboat, in nighttime blizzard conditions, with seas surpassing sixty feet. Made more famous in the recently released book and movie The Finest Hours, the rescue of 32 sailors from the sinking ship caught in a ferocious winter storm is a dramatic tale, but what made this mission so special is that the boat Webber skippered that terrible night was a mere 36 feet in length and the waves were almost twice that size! In Into A Raging Sea, Bernie tells that story, but the book is so much more than that. In these pages you’ll read about rescue attempts that did not turn out well, stories of fishermen from a time long past, rescues done with the by-gone technique of the “breeches buoy,” humorous anecdotes, and what Cape Cod and its people meant to Bernie. Into a Raging Sea is a story of sacrifice, bravery, disappointment, and challenges. And in the background of Bernie’s journey is one constant, the sea. Forward by Michael J. Tougias. (M). $15.95. SALE $10.95.
D&D Lines – United States Lighthouse Service Logo Reproduction Dinnerware. Long ago discontinued, this wonderful quality china is much sought after. We find a few pieces now and then.
2566-70. Lighthouse Service Sugar Bowl $84.
2566-69. Lighthouse Service Sugar Creamer $84.
Set Creamer & Sugar $148.
Sale Price $14.95 plus $4.50 media mail. (x)
1601. Dolin, Eric Jay. Brilliant Beacons – A History of the American Lighthouse. 2016. 1st. 448p. Stiff wraps. DJ. An extraordinary work of historical detection and originality, Brilliant Beacons vividly reframes America’s history through the development of its lighthouses. In a work rich in maritime lore and brimming with original historical detail, Eric Jay Dolin, the best-selling author of Leviathan, presents the most comprehensive history of American lighthouses ever written, telling the story of America through the prism of its beloved coastal sentinels. Set against the backdrop of an expanding nation, Brilliant Beacons traces the evolution of America’s lighthouse system, highlighting the political, military, and technological battles fought to illuminate the nation’s hardscrabble coastlines. In rollicking detail, Dolin treats readers to a memorable cast of characters including the penny-pinching Treasury official Stephen Pleasonton, who hamstrung the country’s efforts to adopt the revolutionary “Fresnel Lens,” and presents tales both humorous and harrowing of soldiers, saboteurs, ruthless egg collectors, and most importantly, the light-keepers themselves. Richly supplemented with over 100 photographs and illustrations throughout, Brilliant Beacons is the most original history of American lighthouses in many decades. 112 illustrations; 8 pages of color. (M). Published at $29.95. Sale Price $14.95 plus $4.50 media mail.
Treat your family to these replicas of the official sewn U. S. Lighthouse Service flags. Flag is professionally made in the United States of high quality two-ply spun woven polyester flag material, double sewn, with appliquéd (hand sewn) pattern, reverse back and finished with brass grommets for attaching to halyard. Professionally made to withstand rugged use.
10281. [reproduction] U. S. Lighthouse Service Station Flag. This triangular station flag measures 48” long by 25” and is typical of the flags once flown on Lighthouse Service vessels and at the light stations for over one hundred years. The flag is of the standard design, with red border on a field of white, with a large blue lighthouse silhouette. Heavy duty for moderate weather conditions. Made in America. $98.95.
Our flag shown flying at the headquarters of the U. S. Lighthouse Society at Point No Point Lighthouse, Washington.
2566-1,9,10. Lighthouse Service Mug (7 available) $54.95 each.
2566-3,5. Lighthouse Service Dinner Plate (2 available) $54.95 each.
2566-4,6,-17,47,48. Lighthouse Service Cereal Bowl (6 available) $54.95 each.
2566-15. Lighthouse Service Soup Bowl (8 available) $54.95 each.
2566-29,-31. Lighthouse Service Sugar Bowl (1 available) $84 each.
28121b. Revenue Cutter Service Mug (1 available) $42.95 each.
Limited number available – Signed by the Author:
6697. Thompson, Frederic L., THE LIGHTSHIPS OF CAPE COD. 1996. 2nd printing. 112 pp. Soft wraps. Signed by the author. Illustrated with over 93 beautifully detailed photographs. Much sought after, this scarce volume chronicles the history of the lightships in this vital area. Wonderfully detailed b/w photographs enhance the author’s vivid description of the history and life aboard these vessels. One of the only volumes ever written exclusively on this subject, this fine work will make a fine addition to any library (M). $14.95. (Wholesale discounts available)
Sale – Special Price $9 including postage.
6721. A LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY by Harold B. Jennings. Read a wonderful narration of boyhood memories while growing up at Lovell’s Island Lighthouse in Boston Harbor . Lovell’s Island Range Lights were erected in 1902 for the accommodation o f mariners coming up the South Channel of Broad Sound, Boston Harbor . A wonderful story of adventures, shipwrecks, storms, living without electricity and learning how to run a lighthouse combine to provide entertainment and a learning adventure. Now long out of print, we have finally found a stock of unused copies.
Published at $15. Now $9 including postage ($5.95 plus $3.05 Media Mail).
118pages with dust jacket.
15228. Richmond, Arthur P. Lighthouses and Lightships of Rhode Island. Schiffer. 2015. 144p. DJ. This pictorial guide provides a photographic tour of the last 400 years of Rhode Island lighthouse history. More than thirty lighthouse stations are described, from Watch Hill, near the Connecticut border in the south, to the inner harbor of Providence. The lighthouse station locations are identified using navigational charts and their characteristics, including date established, tower structure, optics, and fog signals. Also included are the dozen or so lighthouses that no longer exist. Probably not as well known, images and characteristics of these aids are similarly discussed. Over 300 images, some more than 130 years old, show the original towers and stations, accompanied by present-day photographs that compare the development and evolution of these lighthouses. Many of the images found on these pages have been collected from historical resources and are being published for the first time. This book is a must-have for the lighthouse enthusiast, maritime buff, and anyone who is interested in Rhode Island history. (M). $34.99. (x)
20209. Webber, Bernard C., CHATHAM “The Lifeboatmen”. Orleans , Mass. 1985. 1st. 128p. Illustrated with numerous photographs. Late in February 1952, a northeaster swept New England with bitter cold, snow and gale force winds. East of Chatham 70-knot winds and 60-foot seas battered merchant vessels as the tankers SS Fort Mercer and SS Pendleton met the full force of the storm. They both broke in two on the morning of February 19th with 84 half-frozen men marooned on the battered hulks. The story of how these men were rescued is retold even today. In the days following the ordeal, twenty-one Coast Guardsmen would be decorated. The men who ventured into 60-foot seas in the little 36-foot CG36500 motor lifeboat to rescue the tanker crews showed what heroism really is. How this all came about, and the story of life at Cape Cod small boat stations in the 1950’s, is a tale well worth reading and a tribute to Coast Guardsmen everywhere. Wonderful reading. (M). $44.95.
Special numbered edition with actual wood piece from MLB CG-36500. $59.95.
Limited number available – Signed by the Author:
6697. Thompson, Frederic L., THE LIGHTSHIPS OF CAPE COD. 1996. 2nd printing. 112 pp. Soft wraps. Signed by the author. Illustrated with over 93 beautifully detailed photographs. Much sought after, this scarce volume chronicles the history of the lightships in this vital area. Wonderfully detailed b/w photographs enhance the author’s vivid description of the history and life aboard these vessels. One of the only volumes ever written exclusively on this subject, this fine work will make a fine addition to any library (M). $14.95. (Wholesale discounts available)
23290f. Demeter, Andrew and David. CHELSEA CLOCK COMPANY: The First Hundred Years. 2nd edition. 2014. For over a hundred years the Chelsea Clock Company has manufactured a distinguished line of high quality clocks. Regarded as one of America ’s highest quality products, Chelsea Clocks have been presented to heads of state throughout the world. Photographs taken in the White House throughout this century show Chelsea Clocks in settings of distinction. Collectors have long prized them for their quality, beauty, unique design and historic significance. Now in this updated and lengthened second edition, the history of the Chelsea Clock Company has been written and it reads like a contemporary enterprise including mysteries, disasters, near failure and a fascinating collection of characters. Historical photographs, vintage advertisements, as well as illustrations and photographs from old catalogues are included. This updated and expanded second edition also includes: Ten more vintage models added to the Identification Guide to help collectors in identifying seldom seen designs, with color photographs from the finest collections in America, an Alphabetical Index on every movement model developed by the company by date and designated purpose, individual indices that list every clock made for the U.S. Lighthouse Establishment & Service, U.S. Life-Saving Service, and U.S. Revenue Cutter Service by serial number, type, and date of issuance, a new Boston Clock Co. Index of this subsidiary’s manufacture of clocks from 1909 to 1931. With eighty-five more pages of material to assist the collector in identifying factory issued models and their origins, this work will surely be a “must have” for collectors and professionals alike. Andrew and David Demeter have created a remarkable volume complete with lists of serial numbers to aid you in authenticating your piece, and photographs of Chelsea Clock Company’s current staff. In Chelsea Clock Company: The First Hundred Years, the Demeters have once again provided a valuable and sought after resource for collectors and those who appreciate American craftsmanship at its finest. Only 1000 of this second edition have been printed and they will be in great demand! (M). $162. (no discounts apply)
~ Early American Lighthouse Illumination ~
Thomas Tag has long been probably the only authority on lamps, lens apparatus and illumination for lighthouses, with his articles on the subject appearing in our catalogue, as well as the U. S. Lighthouse Society’s Keeper’s Log, Lighthouse Digest and other publications. Now Tom has put together much of this information in seven publications which detail the entire subject, from lamps and fuels, to burners, lens apparatus, manufacturing processes and more. This is a superb collection that answers the questions that many of us have been asking for some time, and will serve as a reference on the subject for years to come. Each of the booklets includes a complete set of footnotes defining the sources of the data for those interested in further research.
Normally priced at $26 each – now on sale for $18 each while they last. Click here to see our Tom Tag page.
957-21. [lightship model] Nantucket [Relief] Lightship No. 112. WAL 534. Again we have found this sought after model of the Nantucket Lightship No. 112, by Pyro Plastics Corp. c.1967. This replica is one of only a few ever designed of a U. S. light vessel and has been sought after for many years since going out of production in the 1970’s. This is a 1/95th scale model kit and is complete as-new condition and is a perfect way to spend the cold days remaining of winter. This early version is an exceptional find for you lightship enthusiasts as very few were produced and still fewer have survived. (VG+). $78.
I recently picked up this c.1920-1930 photo of this unidentified U.S. lighthouse. Note the tall flag mast to the left. There is also a U.S. Life-Saving station nearby as evidenced by the surfboat crew launching for the daily drill. There is also another double-ended boat sitting on the dune top. Photo measures 3 1/2″ x 5 1/2″.
The first person to identify this location and I can confirm it, this original photo is yours free.
12119b. (reproduction mug) United States Life-Saving Service Mug. 10 oz. $8.95 each.
Ultra-Pro Top Loader All Clear Card, Postcard or Photo Holders. Keeps cards, photos and more safe and clean. Ultra-clear. UV protected, acid free for archival protection. Numerous sizes from 3” x 5” up to 32” x 43”. Pricing from $.35 each and up. Other supplies available including poly bags, etc. Please inquire for pricing.