14222. Woodman, Richard and Andrew Adams. ‘Light Upon the Waters’ – The History of Trinity House. London. 2013.
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14222. Woodman, Richard and Andrew Adams. ‘Light Upon the Waters’ – The History of Trinity House. London. 2013.
14222. Woodman, Richard and Andrew Adams. ‘Light Upon the Waters’ – The History of Trinity House. The Corporation of Trinity House. London. 2013. 320p. DJ. Hardback, large format and lavishly illustrated with 450 colour photos and illustrations, plans and charts. As part of their quincentenary celebrations, Trinity House has produced the definitive history book of the Corporation, ‘Light Upon The Waters’. Trinity House is a private corporation governed under a Royal Charter. It has three core functions: it is the official General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel Islands and Gibraltar, responsible for the provision and maintenance of navigational aids, such as lighthouses, lightvessels, buoys, and maritime radio/satellite communication systems. Trinity House is also an official deep sea pilotage authority, providing expert navigators for ships trading in Northern European waters. The story of the corporation from incorporation to the current day, a span of 500 years, has been thoroughly researched and written up and illustrated with many beautiful and striking images from the corporation’s extensive archives and collections. The book contains a wealth of information and is particularly good on nineteenth century lighthouse construction. This book will serve as the official definitive history, from the days of Henry VIII to the technological developments and changes faced in the new millennia. At the end of five centuries, the corporation remains; striving to serve the mariner with undiminished energy and inventiveness. This hardback, large format book delivers a fine illustrated history of Trinity House and calls upon the strengths of two experts in their respective fields: Captain Richard Woodman and Captain Andrew Adams. Captain Adams was a boy seaman when he joined Trinity House in 1963. During his over 40 year career he gained a wide experience afloat, becoming Chief Pilot in the Port of Harwich, and an RNR Captain and Nautical Adviser. His contribution to this book derives from his interest in a knowledge of the history of pilotage. He is a Younger Brother of Trinity House. Captain Woodman went to sea aged 16 and served in cargo-liners and Ocean Weather Ships before spending more than 30 years with Trinity House, several in command afloat and ashore. He was elected an Elder Brother in 2006. He is a keen yachtsman and an award-winning author with over 50 published works to his credit. A splendid book that deserves to be alongside anyone’s maritime collection and a must for anyone even remotely interested in lighthouse history, British maritime history and the lighthouses of the British Isles. Difficult to find. Weight 5 lbs. (M). $145. (x)