1166. United States Light House Establishment. “Price List of Standard Articles (for Lighthouse Purposes) Furnished from General Depot, Thompkinsville, New York. 1901”.
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1166. United States Light House Establishment. “Price List of Standard Articles (for Lighthouse Purposes) Furnished from General Depot, Thompkinsville, New York. 1901”.
1166. United States Light House Establishment. “Price List of Standard Articles (for Lighthouse Purposes) Furnished from General Depot, Thompkinsville, New York. 1901”. Washington. GPO. 83p. We have known of the existence of this document but until now have been unable to find it. It includes listings and descriptions of items available from the General Lighthouse Depot in Staten Island, for use by keepers at light stations, depots, for use on light vessels and tenders, and more. Included are 18 text pages, 44 full page photo plates and 21 fold-out plates of implements and equipment. Prices are included for budgeting purposes when requesting such items from the General Depot (keepers Service basket $5, First Order Revolving Lens $6,328, etc). Plates include steam whistles, automatic sirens, electric buoy lantern, engines to power fog signals, fog signal house, Daboll trumpet, bell striking apparatus, air pressure lamps, 4th, 5th, 6th order lamps, lightship and tender lamps, table lamp, locomotive headlight lantern, lens lantern, light vessel lanterns, post lantern, revolving clock mechanisms, revolving lenses, keeper’s service basket, oil carrier, dustpan, drip pan, oil feeder, oil measure, and more. A “must” for museums, collectors, writers and researchers on the subject and anyone interested in the apparatus used by the Lighthouse Service. Spiral bound, photo-reproduced copy. (M). $110.