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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

12248a. (document) U.S. Life-Saving Service, Second District, Highland Station, Cape Cod c.1895.

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12248a. (document) U.S. Life-Saving Service, Second District, Highland Station, Cape Cod c.1895.

12248a. (document) U.S. Life-Saving Service, Second District, Highland Station, Cape Cod c.1895. E.P. Worthen, Keeper. Original hand-written letter on official stationery from Keeper Edwin P. Worthen to Captain C.A. Abbey, U.S. Revenue Marine, Inspector of U.S. Life-Saving Stations, New York City, regarding supplies that have not yet arrived. The letter reads: “Sir. I have to report articles of supplies which have not arrived, named in your list. Vis., 1. Brush dust; 3 Brush paint – flat 4 ½ inch; 1 Tarpaulin 10×10 feet; 1 Oil Polish, Berlman’s, in 1 gt cans. Very respectfully, E.P. Worthen, Keeper.” The letter was read by Captain Abbey and returned to Keeper Worthen with this notation: “As stated in notice of shipment, the articles … referred to, will be forwarded when received in stock. The list should not be returned, nor the receipt signed until all articles are delivered. C.A. Abbey [stamp] Captain, U.S.R.C.S., Inspector.” 8” x 10” on official Life-Saving Service, Second District stationery. Dated February 5, 1894. Rare Second District life-saving document in overall clean, crisp condition. (VG+). $115.