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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

10394. Thoms, Captain William. A New Treatise On The Practice Of Navigation At Sea Containing All The Details Necessary To Enable The Mariner To Become A Good Practical Navigator. New York: Privately Printed for the Author and Sold by Robert L. Shaw. 1871. 11th.

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10394. Thoms, Captain William. A New Treatise On The Practice Of Navigation At Sea Containing All The Details Necessary To Enable The Mariner To Become A Good Practical Navigator. New York: Privately Printed for the Author and Sold by Robert L. Shaw. 1871. 11th.

10394. Thoms, Captain William. A New Treatise On The Practice Of Navigation At Sea Containing All The Details Necessary To Enable The Mariner To Become A Good Practical Navigator. New York: Privately Printed for the Author and Sold by Robert L. Shaw. 1871. Eleventh edition. 257p. b/w plates. Good example of a navigational text published by one of Bowditch’s competitors. Eleventh edition, the first having been published in 1854. As America’s merchant marine expanded, need for this kind of information grew apace. Capt. Thoms was founder of the New York Nautical School, of which ‘Mrs. Captain Wm. Thoms’ was Principal. In addition to the usual methods of finding position at sea, he introduces his own new method of finding longitude by measuring the moon’s declination in relation to a star. Of interest in this text are the list of captains (and their vessels) promoting this work. Illustrations printed white on black, in the manner that had a brief vogue during this period. Includes pasted in label “Property of the Light House Establishment” which may not be authentic. Bound in original full calf. All signatures tight, hinges a bit loose, some tape repair. Covers heavily rubbed and chipped along lower back edge of spine. $95.