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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

ERS-26. Submarine Nautilus preparing for Arctic trip c.1930.

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ERS-26. Submarine Nautilus preparing for Arctic trip c.1930.

ERS-26. Submarine Nautilus preparing for Arctic trip c.1930. Close 8” x 10” press photo shows the reconditioned and renamed submarine Nautilus tied up at the Brooklin Nevy Yard in preparation for a proposed trip to the Arctic. In 1930 Sir Hubert Wilkins made plans for a trans-Atlantic trip via the North Pole using a submarine for the purpose of gathering meterological data in the pole area. Wilkins leased a submarine and renamed her Nautilus. The ship was 175 feet in length and weighed in at 560 tons. It was capable of diving to a depth of 200 feet and could support a crew of twenty men for five days. The expedition suffered losses before they even left New York Harbor. Willard Grimmer the quartermaster was knocked overboard and drowned in the harbor. Wilkins was undaunted and drove on with preparations for a series of test cruises and dives before they were to undertake their trans-Atlantic voyage. However difficulties continued to plague the mission until Wilkins was forced to end the first expedition to the poles in a submarine and head for England. Even this was not to be, as he was forced to take refuge in the port of Bergen Norway because of a fierce storm that they encountered en route. The Nautilus suffered serious damage that made further use of the vessel unfeasible. Wilkins received permission from the United States Navy to sink the vessel off shore in a Norwegian fjord on November 20, 1931.Photo has some wear, one coener missing, a few creases, chips. With credit line and description on back. (G+) $28.