2679. Shanks, Ralph and Lisa Woo Shanks, Editor. INDIAN BASKETS OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA – ART, CULTURE, AND HISTORY. Native American Basketry From San Francisco Bay And Monterey Bay North To Mendocino And East To The Sierras. Novato. 2006.
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2679. Shanks, Ralph and Lisa Woo Shanks, Editor. INDIAN BASKETS OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA – ART, CULTURE, AND HISTORY. Native American Basketry From San Francisco Bay And Monterey Bay North To Mendocino And East To The Sierras. Novato. 2006.
2679. Shanks, Ralph and Lisa Woo Shanks, Editor. INDIAN BASKETS OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA – ART, CULTURE, AND HISTORY. Native American Basketry From San Francisco Bay And Monterey Bay North To Mendocino And East To The Sierras. Novato. 2006. 176 p. 200 photographs. DJ. This unique book provides a complete study of the exquisite Native American basketry from the San Francisco Bay Area and the Monterey Bay region north to Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino and eastward across the Sacramento Valley to the crest of the Sierras. Baskets of the Pomo, Ohlone (Costanoan), Coast Miwok, Esselen, Huchnom, Lake Miwok, Maidu, Wappo, and Yuki people are lavishly illustrated and knowledgably and sensitively described. Color photographs and drawings illustrate the rare, fine California Indian baskets from museum and private collections in the United States and Europe. The vast majority of these baskets are illustrated for the first time. Ralph Shanks is vice president of the Miwok Archaeological Preserve of Marin. Lisa Woo Shanks is editor of the Basketry of California and Oregon Series. They are the authors of The North American Indian Travel Guide, The U.S. Life Saving Service, Lighthouses of San Francisco Bay, and more, with other works on the horizon. (M). $44.95.