Reminiscences of Nauset Life Boat Station by Michael J. Maynard:
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Reminiscences of Nauset Life Boat Station by Michael J. Maynard:
Posted on March 26, 2012
Reminiscences of Nauset Life Boat Station by Michael J. Maynard:
“….In the summer of 1935 the station was paid a visit by a very distinguished gentleman. It was during a thunderstorm that Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and a group of friends rushed to the station for shelter. Captain George Nickerson, keeper of the station, (not knowing who they were) offered them a tour of the station. Secretary Morgenthau took Nickerson aside and made his identity known. Mr. Morgenthau thanked the Keeper for his gracious hospitality and asked if there was anything he could do for him. Captain Nickerson, with his quiet manner and dry humor, told his guest of the inconveniences his boys were subjected to by the lack of modern accommodations. The Secretary told him he’d see what he could do and when they left the Captain figured that would be the last they’d hear from him. However, two weeks later the district engineers came down and started to survey the land. On January 9, 1937, the new station was opened. Talk about cutting red tape!….”
For more of this wonderful account of early life at one of Cape Cod’s Coast Guard stations, be sure to visit the web site of the Coast Guard Heritage Museum is located in Barnstable Village on Cape Cod, MA. The museum is open from May through October and houses one of the best collections on Coast Guard history in the country – well worth a visit if you are in the area.