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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

13213. Potts, Annie. Last Lights – The Hand-Wound Lighthouses of the Bahama Islands. Fish House Press. 2011.

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13213. Potts, Annie. Last Lights – The Hand-Wound Lighthouses of the Bahama Islands. Fish House Press. 2011.

13213. Potts, Annie. Last Lights – The Hand-Wound Lighthouses of the Bahama Islands. Fish House Press, 2011. 136p. Soft wraps. Between 1836 and 1887, the British Imperial Lighthouse Service commissioned eleven manned light stations to be built as remote outposts in The Bahama Islands. Designed during the golden age of lighthouse construction, these works of art in architecture still stand, continuing to warn vessels off the shallow and dangerous waters of the Bahama banks. Of the original eleven manned lights, only three of these remain hand operated today. They are among the last hand wound, kerosene lit lighthouses in the world. Through photographs of keepers at work and short histories of all the original light stations, this book inspires the continued conservation of these last lights. Through photographs and text, the author brings us into the lives of the builders, suppliers, and the lighthouse keepers of these little known lighthouses. A stunning book, wonderfully illustrated, beautifully composed. (M). $29.95. (x)