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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

10424. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1886 – 1908..

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10424. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1886 – 1908..

10424a. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1886. Postmark Feb. 6 1886. Albina, Oregon. Addressed to Chas F. Powell, Captain of Engineers, 13th Dist. 3rd. Floor, Ainsworth Block, Corner 3rd. and Oak St., Portland, Oregon. Message: “Capt. Powell, Sir, The light on the upper beacon (Albina, Or.) was placed in position to night. I think I will be able to manage it all right hereafter and I will get the carpenter to finish fixing the piles as soon as the water falls a little more. Respectfully, Edward F. Murphy, Beacon Light Tender.” Some light staining left side of card. Very nice early lighthouse communication. (VG). $18.

10424c. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1897. Postmark Dec. 13, 1897. Addressed to Com. John P. Merrell, U.S. Lighthouse Inspector, City (Portland, Oregon) This is a notice of the Chamber of Commerce meeting to be held on Tues. Dec. 14, 1897. Card is date stamped for time of arrival. Interestingly it was postmarked at 4pm on Dec. 13, the meeting was at 3:30 pm on Dec. 14, the card was office date stamped Dec. 20, 6 days after the meeting. Light stain. Very nice early lighthouse communication. (VG). $14.

10424e. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1903. Postmark Chicago, ILL. Aug 25, 1903. Addressed to Light House Establishment, Office of Inspector, 13th District. Card is an advisement of shipment dated Chicago, 8/19/1903 from Alfred H. Post & Co., Grand Central Station. Very nice early lighthouse communication. (VG). $12.

10424f. (post card) U.S. Lighthouse Establishment, 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon c.1908. Postmark Feb. 19, 1908. Addressed to Inspector of Lights, Portland, Oregon, 13th District. Date stamped on back Feb. 20, 1908. Message: “Have met with slight accident and sprained left ankle badly. Dr. says I will be laid up about two weeks. Very respectfully, A. R. Harris.” Light edge damage. Very nice early lighthouse communication. (VG). $14.