29109. Ostrom, Thomas P. The United States Coast Guard on the Great Lakes – A History. Elderberry Press. 2007.
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29109. Ostrom, Thomas P. The United States Coast Guard on the Great Lakes – A History. Elderberry Press. 2007.
29109. Ostrom, Thomas P. The United States Coast Guard on the Great Lakes – A History. Elderberry Press. 2007. Soft wraps. 223p. The United States Coast Guard traces its origins to 1790, but was not officially named until 1915. At last there is one definitive volume, though a bit crude, describing its history on The Great Lakes from inception to the present. The author, Thomas P. Ostrom, served in the U.S.C.G.R. from 1961-69, and had basic and advanced training at the U.S.C.G. Base, Alameda, California. He served subsequently in the Port Security Reserve Unit in Duluth, Minnesota, and participated in monthly and active duty assignments each summer, earning petty officer rank. Chapters include: A Brief Coast Guard History (1790 to 2006), Predecessors on the Great Lakes (1790-1915), The Coast Guard Emerges (1915-1939), World War II to the Present (1945 to 2006), Station Duluth (1866 to 2006), The U.S.C.G. Reserve and Auxiliary, Aids to Navigation, Great Lakes Light Stations, Great Lakes Ice Breakers, Buoy Tenders on the Lakes, Life Saving, Environmental Protection, Law Enforcement, Port Security, National Defense, and Commerce, An Overview of the Ninth Coast Guard District, Coast Guard Command Leadership, and more. (M). $19.95.