27440. (monkey wrench). B & O Railroad 10” monkey wrench
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27440. (monkey wrench). B & O Railroad 10” monkey wrench
27440. (monkey wrench). B & O Railroad 10” monkey wrench manufactured by Coes Wrench Company, Worcester, Mass. c.1885-1928. At the height of railroading’s golden age, the B&O was one of several trunk lines uniting the northeast quadrant of the United States into an industrial zone. It marked the southern border and corresponded to the New York Central’s marking of the northern border. The Coes Wrench Co. working dates are from 1885 or 1881 to 1928 in Worcester, Massachusetts. It was originally A.G. Coes & Co. and made both knives and wrenches. The company merged back into the L. Coes & Co. in 1888, but both names continued to be used as marks. Head of wrench is nicely stamped “B & O RR CO” in 3/16th inch letters. Head is marked by the manufacturer “Coes Wrench Co. Worcester Mass. Steel.” Clean, works well. A scarce addition for the Railroader’s toolbox. (VG). $75.