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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

29303. Meininger, William F. Recollections of Thirty-Two Years in the U.S. Coast Guard, and Other Ramblings. Authorhouse. 2008.

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29303. Meininger, William F. Recollections of Thirty-Two Years in the U.S. Coast Guard, and Other Ramblings. Authorhouse. 2008.

29303. Meininger, William F. Recollections of Thirty-Two Years in the U.S. Coast Guard, and Other Ramblings. Authorhouse. 2008. 383p. Soft wraps. Mr. Meininger was born and raised in the Midwest and joined the Coast Guard in 1961. He served on several ships in both the north Atlantic and south Pacific. Returning from overseas in 1965, he was assigned to a small boat rescue station and later a patrol boat. He attended Officers Candidate School in 1970 and completed naval flight training receiving his wings in 1971. He then served as a search and rescue pilot at Cape May, NJ; Kodiak, AK; Clearwater, FL; Astoria, OR and Detroit, MI. He spent his last five years as a staff officer assigned to Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC. retiring after thirty-two years of service in 1993. The author notes that “this is a collection of humorous stories I recall from my time in the service, and shortly thereafter. It is my nature to poke fun at things I find funny, or in some cases, sad. Most, almost all, of these recollections are accurate.” Wonderful account of the author’s thirty two year career in the Coast Guard, well written, funny, a treat to read. Some moisture to bottom corner throughout but does not interfere with reading. (VG). $19.95.