1408. (lot 2 photos) U.S. Life Saving Station Lookout / Lighthouse and Surf, Newport , Oregon c.1910.
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1408. (lot 2 photos) U.S. Life Saving Station Lookout / Lighthouse and Surf, Newport , Oregon c.1910.
1408. (lot 2 photos) U.S. Life Saving Station Lookout / Lighthouse and Surf, Newport , Oregon c.1910. Rare early set of two snapshot photos show good detail of the Life Saving Service station at the Newport , Oregon lighthouse in about 1910. The Yaquina Bay Lighthouse is located on a hill overlooking the northern side of the entrance to Yaquina Bay . In April 1871, 36 acres were purchased at the north entrance of the bay and the lighthouse was quickly built. With increased maritime traffic along the Oregon Coast , the Lighthouse Board decided the area would be better served with a coastal light at Yaquina Head, just four miles north. The completion of Yaquina Head Light in 1873 eliminated the need for the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse. On October 1, 1874, the light was extinguished and the fifth-order Fresnel lens was transferred to the Yerba Buena Light station in San Francisco Bay , where it was lit in 1875. The house remained empty for years until in 1906, the U.S. Lifesaving Service quartered a crew in the house and constructed a lookout station nearby. It was used for this purpose by the U.S. Lifesaving Service and then the U.S. Coast Guard until 1933 when it was again abandoned. Wonderful clear, close view provides good detail of the station. Photos measures 3 ¼” x 4 ¼”. Clear view, 1 spot, light wear. (G+). $24.