26107i. [cabinet photograph] Life-Saving Service Surfman, Narragansett Pier Life Saving Station, Narragansett, Rhode Island c.1906.
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26107i. [cabinet photograph] Life-Saving Service Surfman, Narragansett Pier Life Saving Station, Narragansett, Rhode Island c.1906.
26107i. [cabinet photograph] Life-Saving Service Surfman, Narragansett Pier Life Saving Station, Narragansett, Rhode Island c.1906. This rare posed original portrait photograph shows the clean-cut surfman proudly posing in his 4-button single-breasted uniform coat. Clearly visible on his right sleeve is the life ring with crossed oar and pike and the letters “US” “LSS”. The image measures 4” x 5 ½” on a 6” x 8 ½” original mat. Mat stamped W, H, Mowrey (photographer), Newport, RI. Photo is clear, and crisp, one of the better images we have had in some time. On back is labeled in light pencil “From Mr. Charles L. Sa____s To Mr. Wargesett Jackson [?] Feb 1906”. It is exceptionally rare to see such photos of surfmen in any format. (VG+). $245.