23439. Lane. Anthony. GUIDING LIGHTS – The Design & Development of the British Lightvessel from 1732. Charleston. 2001.
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23439. Lane. Anthony. GUIDING LIGHTS – The Design & Development of the British Lightvessel from 1732. Charleston. 2001.
23439. Lane. Anthony. GUIDING LIGHTS – The Design & Development of the British Lightvessel from 1732. Charleston . 2001. 208 p. Over 200 photographs and illustrations. Soft wraps. Anthony Lane has researched the history of light vessels over a period of many years. Now he has drawn his research into a book that covers the period from 1732 until the present day. These light vessels have protected ships from the sandbanks and treacherous waters surrounding the British Isles throughout war and peace. Until 1986, they were manned by a very special breed of men who lived in arduous conditions to keep the light shining whatever the weather thrown at them. The book is full of drama and technical detail and is a must for any maritime enthusiast. The first lightship in the world was placed at the Nore Sands, at the entrance to the Thames Estuary on the east coast of England , in 1732. About seven years later a lightship was placed at the entrance to the Liffey: it remained on station until around 1782 when the Poolbeg Lighthouse was established. These, and other early lightships were operated by private entrepreneurs as commercial enterprises. The earliest lightships were converted mercantile ships, with lanterns hung from yards. But from the turn of the nineteenth century purpose-built lightships were designed. Through the nineteenth century the number of lightship stations increased. At the beginning of the twentieth century Irish Lights had twelve lightship stations, and three or maybe four spare vessels, but Trinity House had around 65 stations. Dr Lane describes in great detail the construction and arrangement of a typical nineteenth century Trinity House lightship, including the general arrangements, machinery space, crew accommodation, stores, deck machinery, and mooring systems. The first Trinity House all-steel lightship was No 81, completed in 1926. The design of steel lightships varied through the ensuing years. Dr Lane gives a detailed description of a typical steel lightship and also documents changes in the design as they developed over the years. A separate chapter is devoted to lanterns, lights, and optics and another to the various types of fog signaling equipment. Includes superb photographs and information on early burners, reflector lamps and much more. Thanks should go to the author, for there is a wealth of information here that might have been lost had not Dr Lane recorded it. Working life on board Trinity House lightships is described too, and a hard life it was. Includes rarely seen views of crew spaces, working spaces and much more. The book concludes with a chapter on light-vessel automation and records the present whereabouts and condition of the surviving British and Irish light vessels. The book has many excellent photos and drawings showing details of machinery and equipment, vessels, and lightshipmen at work and relaxing. An entire chapter consists of a photographic survey of steel lightships. It is obvious that this book has been meticulously researched and it is likely to become a standard reference book for the future. Now out of print, this book is almost impossible to find. This is surely a Must Read whether you are interested in US or British lightships, many of the photos and information pertain to both and should not be missed. (M). $76. (only 1 available)