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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

1589. Jesson, Jim. Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman. 2013

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1589. Jesson, Jim. Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman. 2013

1589. Jesson, Jim. Recollections of a World War II Coast Guardsman. 2013. 33p. Soft wraps. A series of short stories recollected by Jim Jesson who served in the US Coast Guard in World War II. These are actual events in Coast Guard history with the dates, places, and statistics recalled to the best of Jim’s memory. War II raged across the world, few Americans were aware just how close to our shores the mighty German Navy operated. Later a Boston Detective, Jim Jesson take you back to that time, sharing his insights and experiences in a way that only a WW II veteran can. As German U-boats approached the Atlantic shore of the U.S., they set their sights on civilian and naval vessels alike. As a young man like so many others, Jim Jesson set out to do his part for America. From his first confrontation with a German U-boat as a teenage civilian working on a Boston-based tugboat to a later military service encounter with Germans on Nantucket Island, Jesson carries the reader back to a fearful time in history. Readers will be amazed at the little known heroics of a team of specially trained Police Officers who came face to face with a squad of German SS troops protecting a German communications outpost. Jesson further brings to words the experience of a mere teenager aboard a Mystery Q-ship out in the fierce North Atlantic. The Q-ship was heavily armed with concealed weaponry, acting as a decoy to the merciless enemy. These and other short stories in the book add new insights to the War in New England. (M). $24.