1335. Eldridge, George W. and M.E. ELDRIDGE’S TIDE-BOOK AND MARINE DIRECTORY, 1911. Boston. 1911.
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1335. Eldridge, George W. and M.E. ELDRIDGE’S TIDE-BOOK AND MARINE DIRECTORY, 1911. Boston. 1911.
1335e. Eldridge, George W. and M.E. ELDRIDGE’S TIDE-BOOK AND MARINE DIRECTORY, 1912. Boston. 1912. 100p plus 72p illustrated advertising section. Soft wraps. Eldridge, whose father George started him in the chart business, is probably best known as the compiler of Eldridge’s Tide and Pilot Book, still in use today. His charts were compiled from his and his father’s own surveys. Includes a wealth of information including tide tables for harbors from Nova Scotia to Long Island Sound, sun’s rising, setting, declination, moon’s changes, wage tables and more. Also includes detailed information on the Massachusetts Humane Society Life-Saving stations including complete listing, large 8 ½” x 14” fold-out map of Humane Society stations, Instructions to Seamen Concerning the Use of Breeches Buoy Apparatus, etc. Also includes 84 pages of attractive and interesting illustrated advertisements for marine businesses including wonderful 1908 illustrated add for Chelsea marine clocks, etc. Overall clean, tight, some expected wear, wraps present but detached and heavily chipped, some moisture. A desirable item, worth it for the Humane Society map alone. (VG-). $34.
1335f. (same) 1922. 100p. plus 36p advertisements. Without Humane Society. Soft wraps, chipped. (VG-). $18.