11104. (DVD set) On the Road with Charles Kuralt: Set 1.
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11104. (DVD set) On the Road with Charles Kuralt: Set 1.
11104. (DVD set) On the Road with Charles Kuralt: Set 1. The beloved Emmy winning series that began on the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. For 20 years beginning in 1967, Charles Kuralt wandered America’s byways in search of the unusual and the overlooked. He and his small crew logged more than a million miles and wore out six motor homes. For his homespun vignettes of everyday life, Kuralt won an Emmy® and became a household name. He traveled through all 50 states, talking with horse traders, worm hunters, singing mailmen, and sharecroppers who put nine children through college. He reported on an elderly man who fixed bicycles for local children, and a woman who talked to Canadian geese. No topic was too small, no person too insignificant. Kuralt once said, “There are sights in this country and people in this country to banish any gloom you ever may feel and to fill you instead with wonder.” By noticing the ordinary and celebrating originality, he exalted us all. 18 episodes. Approximately 378 minutes. Wonderful viewing. (M). $16.