21472D. (DVD) Alone in The Night : Lighthouses of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island, and the North Channel.
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21472D. (DVD) Alone in The Night : Lighthouses of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island, and the North Channel.
21472D. (DVD) Alone in The Night : Lighthouses of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island, and the North Channel. By Andrea Gutsche, Barbara Chisholm & Russell Floren. Traces the evolution of 130 years of light keeping by revealing the heroic and the scandalous, the gritty and routine aspects of this remarkable chapter of marine history. The film offers an adventure, where the audience visits different lighthouses with former light keepers. Archival photographs, breathtaking shots of the lights, underwater photography and character voices add to the riveting portrait of over 135 years of light keeping on Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island , and the North Channel . 72 min. $ 29.95.
See also companion book:
21472. Gutsche, Andrea, Barbara Chisholm and Russell Floren. ALONE IN THE NIGHT – Lighthouses of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island and the North Channel. Toronto. 1996. 292p. Soft wraps. Alone in the Night is a compelling journey to the lighthouses that operated on the shores of Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island and the North Channel. This most interesting account peels back the layers of history, revealing the heroic and routine aspects of the keeper’s lives in this remote area. This book features over 50 light stations and traces the evolution of lightkeeping in the area. Includes over 400 archival photographs and illustrations. Most interesting is the attention given to the lifestyles of the families and their daily duties. Includes some great chapters on the equipment and illuminating apparatus and the early years. Even if you are not particularly interested in Canadian lighthouses, the background and lifestyle information is well worth the price. (M). Published at $29.95. Our price $28.45.