12310. (document) Light House Establishment Repair Voucher, Boston Harbor Narrows (Bug) Light Station, Mass c.1860.
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12310. (document) Light House Establishment Repair Voucher, Boston Harbor Narrows (Bug) Light Station, Mass c.1860.
12310. (document) Light House Establishment Repair Voucher, Boston Harbor Narrows (Bug) Light Station, Mass c.1860. Early pre- civil war document details items purchased and delivered to Lieut. C. N. Trumbull, Light House Engineer, for painting the piles and braces of the Boston Narrows Light Station. Items listed include keg red lead, 70 lbs Brandon yellow, 10 gallons boiled (linseed) oil, 5 brushes, 2 gallons boiled oil, etc. at a cost of $23.69. Dated October 5, 1860. Document is signed by Light House Engineer Charles N. Turnbull. Built in 1856, Bug Light stood, until destroyed by fire in 1929, to warn mariners of the dreaded Harding’s Ledge, four miles to the southeast. The lighthouse constructed was a screw-pile type on iron “legs” (thus its nickname “Bug Light”), with a hexagonal wooden dwelling with galvanized metal roof and lantern perched on top. This lighthouse design was quite unusual at the time and was the first such design constructed in New England . Document is good condition, with original folds, some edge wear to top and bottom. . Measures 8 ½” x 14”. (VG). $64.