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Kenrick A.Claflin & Son

33159. (lot) Misc. items found at site of Cahoons Hollow Life-Saving Station, Wellfleet, Cape Cod.

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33159. (lot) Misc. items found at site of Cahoons Hollow Life-Saving Station, Wellfleet, Cape Cod.

33159. (lot) Misc. items found at site of Cahoons Hollow Life-Saving Station, Wellfleet, Cape Cod. Crews at life-saving stations typically had a pit in the dunes in which they deposited used, broken or unwanted items over the years. One of these pits at the Cahoons Hollow station in Wellfleet, Mass over time had eroded away many years ago spilling its contents onto the sands. In this lot are some of the pieces found years ago and saved, in better condition which give a hint into the life at the station. Included are six period glass bottles (1 not shown but similar to #4 in the photo). All bottles are in good shape, no cracks, brakes, chips, etc. The last bottle on the right (my favorite) had the bottom separated – but again no breaks, etc. Also is an early deteriorated dinner knife with bone (?) handle, an early button, and two early lead dress clothing weights. Lot 10 items $165.